package and combining with vector
dataLet’s return to the Durham Open Data we grabbed in the previous section - the parks and trails layers in particular. A typical spatial question we might ask of the data is ‘what trails go through parks in town?’ You should already have loaded but code below loads again, and shows the simplest of all methods to perform this spatial subset using sf
trails <- read_sf("https://opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/ef3715bf76b54acead5c566bcf34db78_6.geojson")
parks <- read_sf("https://opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/0cbc4dced5a944458f634619dad8356f_8.geojson")
plot(trails$geometry, col='green', axes=T)
plot(parks$geometry, col='blue', add=T)
trails_in_parks <- trails[parks,]
plot(trails_in_parks$geometry, col='red', lwd = 2, add=T)
title(main='Parks and Trails in Durham')
Notice the warning we got about planar coordinates - should we be concerned about that?
in geos
package working with sp
points and polygons - we’ll try to implement something similar in sf
Let’s grab a geojson of bike parking locations from Open Data Durham, and then let’s try to find and map all the bike parking that is within a half-mile of a park:
bike_parking <- read_sf("https://opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/5353852efa6e4b4cb7177f9060b46168_0.geojson")
bike_parking <- st_transform(bike_parking, crs=26917)
parks <- st_transform(parks, crs=26917)
sel <- st_is_within_distance(bike_parking, parks, dist = 804) # conversion of miles to meters - why am I using meters here?
summary(lengths(sel) > 0)
## logical 38 222
bike_parking_near_parks <- bike_parking[parks, ,op = st_is_within_distance, dist = 804]
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data=parks, fill = "green", color="green") +
geom_sf(data=bike_parking_near_parks, fill = "red", color="red") +
labs(title="Bike Parking Near \nParks in Durham") +
and dplyr
togetherNow say we’re concerned it might rain. I want to know where the covered bike parking is that is near parks and along trails. Given what we know so far, see if you can figure out how to:
If you’re comfortalbe with dplyr
, try doing this with dplyr
. Don’t look at the code below unless or until you get stuck. Then after you figure it out, see how similar your results are to what is below - and look at how coord_sf is being used to control x and y axes based on sf
coordinates. How could we zoom in more?
trails <- st_transform(trails, crs=st_crs(parks))
bike_parking_near_parks_and_trails <- bike_parking_near_parks[trails, ,op = st_is_within_distance, dist = 804]
# dplyr chained operation
covered_bike_parking_near_parks_and_trails <- bike_parking_near_parks_and_trails %>%
dplyr::filter(Covered == 'yes')
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data=covered_bike_parking_near_parks_and_trails, fill = "red", show.legend = F, color="red") +
geom_sf(data=trails, color="blue") +
geom_sf(data=parks, fill = "green", color="green") +
labs(title="Covered Bike Parking \nNear Parks \nAlong Trails in Durham") +
coord_sf(xlim = st_bbox(parks)[c(1,3)],
ylim = st_bbox(parks)[c(2,4)])+
# Jumping ahead to visualization, we could take a quick look at a leaflet map using the package mapview to see where our covered bike parking is clustering around - my guess is campus:
mapview(covered_bike_parking_near_parks_and_trails, col.regions = "red",
map.types = "OpenStreetMap") +
mapview(trails, col.regions = "blue") +
mapview(parks, col.regions = "green")
Let’s grab a couple more sample data sets from Open Data Durham. We’ll use tidycensus census tracts as we did in previous module, and we’ll join this to survey data by block group from Open Data Durham to evaluate survey point data at the block group level by census tract.
options(tigris_use_cache = TRUE)
durham_tracts <- get_acs(state = "NC", county = "Durham", geography = "block group",
variables = "B19013_001", geometry = TRUE)
durham_survey <- read_sf("https://opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/b38dd29e5a774dcba28d30c93141bce9_0.geojson")
# project both datasets:
durham_tracts <- st_transform(durham_tracts, 26917)
durham_survey <- st_transform(durham_survey, 26917)
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data=durham_survey, aes(col=Q3f_Quality_of_your_neighborhood)) +
geom_sf(data=durham_tracts , fill = NA, show.legend = F, color="black") +
labs(title="Durham Survey Results - \n Neighborhood Satisfaction \n by Census Block Group") +
# Let's restrict survey data, which has numerous fields, to just field of interest - note how dplyr retains geometry without us explicitly having to select it. Also we can rename as part of our dplyr select statement.
survey <- durham_survey %>%
dplyr::select(ID, Year, Neighb_Qual = Q3f_Quality_of_your_neighborhood)
# Spatial Join
survey_blkgrps <- st_join(durham_tracts, survey) # st_intersects is the default
# Aggregation
survey_blkgrps %>%
group_by(GEOID) %>%
dplyr::summarize(NQual = names(which.max(table(Neighb_Qual, exclude=NULL)))) %>%
ggplot() + geom_sf(aes(fill=(NQual))) +
ggtitle("Neighborhood Quality Perception \nby Census Block Groups") +
We can take a quick look at using a spatial dissolve and then re-aggregate our result to see if there is a difference at another spatial level by dissolving to the tract level - we do this dissolve simply by using dplyr
and summarize
functions with an sf
object! Note that we could pull down tidycensus
at tract level, but instead we want to look at running a dissolve to get from block group to tract level
survey_blkgrps %>%
mutate(Tract = substr(GEOID, 1,9)) %>%
group_by(Tract) %>%
dplyr::summarize(NQual = names(which.max(table(Neighb_Qual, exclude=NULL)))) %>%
ggplot() + geom_sf(aes(fill=(NQual))) +
ggtitle("Neighborhood Quality Perception \nby Census Tracts") +
Exercise Try exploring another data set from Open Data Durham, or use existing data, to put together another spatial subset, join, or aggregation - try aggregating with different data, use a different aggregation method, or perhaps try other types of joins (st_intersects is the default, but check ?st_join for other options.
Now let’s look at an example of some raster processing. First, we’ll load the Third Fork watershed shapefile I have in our course GitHub repository:
## Reading layer `Third_Fork' from data source `F:\GitProjects\R-User-Group-Spatial-Workshop-2018\data\Third_Fork.shp' using driver `ESRI Shapefile'
## Simple feature collection with 1 feature and 21 fields
## geometry type: POLYGON
## dimension: XY
## bbox: xmin: -78.96945 ymin: 35.90316 xmax: -78.86583 ymax: 35.99798
## epsg (SRID): 4269
## proj4string: +proj=longlat +datum=NAD83 +no_defs
FedData still uses sp rather than sf
objects, so we could have loaded our shapefile template in with readOGR
from rgdal
, but we’ll just convert from sf
to sp
to demonstrate:
ThirdFork_sp <- as(ThirdFork,'Spatial')
# We can pull in elevation data for this template watershed with FedData
NED <- get_ned(template = ThirdFork_sp,
label = "ThirdFork")
plot(ThirdFork_sp, add=T)
The get_ned
function from FedData
grabs a corresponding online tile of NED (National Elevation Data) from Amazon - you can simply type get_ned at console to examine the function and see how it works.
We saw the getData
function in the raster
package in the SpatialObjects section. Is get_ned
from FedData
any differet? We can mask to the watershed as we did earlier - notice we don’t need to use crop
then mask
NED <- mask(NED, ThirdFork_sp)
plot(ThirdFork_sp, main="Elevation (m) in Third Fork Watershed", axes=T)
plot(NED, add=TRUE)
The RasterViz
package has some neat additional visualization methods for rasters:
p <- levelplot(NED, layers=1, margin = list(FUN = median))
p + layer(sp.polygons(ThirdFork_sp, lwd=2, col='black'))
We can easily do some terrain analysis with raster
as well:
wat_terrain <- terrain(NED, opt = c("slope","aspect", "tri",
Quick Exercise What kind of object did terrain
return? How would you get the projection for our ‘NED’ raster? The min, max, standard deviation of NED, mean as single values? Same for our ‘wat_terrain’? Play with on your own and look at code if you need to