So, to begin, what is R and why should we use R for spatial analysis? Let’s break that into two questions - first, what is R and why should we use it?
History of R
Second, why use R for spatial, or GIS, workflows?
Some drawbacks to using R for GIS work
An ideal solution for many tasks is using R in conjunction with traditional GIS software.
R runs on contributed packages - it has core functionality, but all the spatial work we would do in R is contained in user-contributed packages. Primary ones you’ll want to familiarize yourself with are sf
, rgdal
, sp
, rgeos
, raster
- there are many, many more. A good source to learn about available R spatial packages is:
First we need to install several R packages. Note the use of the terms package
and library
in R - you encounter both, and if you want to delve into semantics of which to use see this post on R-bloggers. R operates on user-contributed packages, and we’ll be jumping into use of several of these spatial packages in this workshop. Several packages we’ll be making use of are sp
, rgdal
, rgeos
, raster
, and the new sf
simple features package by Edzer Pebesma. You should be able to use the packages tab in RStudio (see below) to install packages in a straightforward way. Mac and Linux users may have certain pre-requisites to fill, I’ll assume you can navigate these on your own or can assist as needed.
RStudio Console
Install all of the following packages in R: note that for both UPDATE: You can simply use the current CRAN release of sf
and tidyverse
- and specificallly ggplot2
in tidyverse
, I’ve indicated the alternative install from GitHub rather than CRAN. This is optional, as is installing devtools, and you will be fine with the CRAN version of packages, except that you will not be able to reproduce one of the example plots in the sf
section that uses sf_geom
funtion from the development version of ggplot2
without using the devtools install of github
- you’ll just want to ensure you are using ggplot2 >= 3.0.0 by running library(ggplot2) and sessionInfo() at your R console - within info returned you should see ‘ggplot2_3.0.0’ or higher. Note that tidyverse
is a ‘meta-package’ that includes several specific packages such as ggplot2
, dplyr
, and tidyr
install.packages("devtools") # optional but needed for using install_github
# From CRAN:
# From GitHub:
# library(devtools)
# devtools::install_github("r-spatial/sf")
# if you are running 3.5.1 on windows and have trouble with devtools install, try:
# assignInNamespace("version_info", c(devtools:::version_info, list("3.5" = list(version_min = "3.3.0", version_max = "99.99.99", path = "bin"))), "devtools")
# From GitHub
# install.github("ropensci/plotly")
# From GitHub
# devtools::install_github("r-spatial/mapview@develop")
If EPA folks have any trouble with installing the CRAN version of mapview
with the agency current version of R you can try using devtools
to install the prior CRAN binary package of mapview
described here.
Installing rgdal
will install the foundation spatial package, sp
, as a dependency, and installing tidyverse
will install both ggplot2
and dplyr
For Linux users, to install simple features for R (sf
), you need GDAL >= 2.0.0, GEOS >= 3.3.0, and Proj.4 >= 4.8.0. Edzer Pebesma’s Simple Features for R GitHub repo has a good explanation:
You basically want to add ubuntugis-unstable to the package repositories and then get those three dependencies:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntugis/ubuntugis-unstable
sudo apt-get install libgdal-dev libgeos-dev libproj-dev
The Simple features for R package , sf
, also needs udunits and udunits2 which may need coercing in linux:
Units Issues in sf GitHub repo
The following should resolve:
Working directory in R is the location on your computer R is working from. To determine your working directory, in console type:
## [1] "C:/Users/mweber/GitProjects/R-User-Group-Spatial-Workshop-2018"
Which should return something like:
To see what is in the directory:
## [1] "_site.yml"
## [2] "data"
## [3] "GADM_2.8_USA_adm2.rds"
## [4] "header.html"
## [5] "img"
## [6] "index.html"
## [7] "index.Rmd"
## [8] "Mapping.html"
## [9] "Mapping.Rmd"
## [10] "Mapping_files"
## [11] "Preliminaries.html"
## [12] "Preliminaries.Rmd"
## [13] "R-User-Group-Spatial-Workshop-2018.Rproj"
## [14] "RAW"
## [15] "README.html"
## [16] ""
## [17] "readme.txt"
## [18] "Resources.html"
## [19] "Resources.Rmd"
## [20] "site_libs"
## [21] "SpatialObjects.html"
## [22] "SpatialObjects.Rmd"
## [23] "SpatialObjects_files"
## [24] "SpatialOperations1.html"
## [25] "SpatialOperations1.Rmd"
## [26] "SpatialOperations1_files"
## [27] "SpatialOperations2.html"
## [28] "SpatialOperations2.Rmd"
## [29] "SpatialOperations2_files"
## [30] "srtm_12_04.hdr"
## [31] "srtm_12_04.tfw"
## [32] "srtm_12_04.tif"
## [33] "state_county_boundary.gdb"
## [34] ""
## [35] "style.css"
To establish a different directory:
R is an interpreted language (access through a command-line interpreter) with a number of data structures (vectors, matrices, arrays, data frames, lists) and extensible objects (regression models, time-series, geospatial coordinates) and supports procedural programming with functions.
To learn about objects, become friends with the built-in class
and str
functions. Let’s explore the built-in iris data set to start:
## [1] "data.frame"
## 'data.frame': 150 obs. of 5 variables:
## $ Sepal.Length: num 5.1 4.9 4.7 4.6 5 5.4 4.6 5 4.4 4.9 ...
## $ Sepal.Width : num 3.5 3 3.2 3.1 3.6 3.9 3.4 3.4 2.9 3.1 ...
## $ Petal.Length: num 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.5 1.4 1.7 1.4 1.5 1.4 1.5 ...
## $ Petal.Width : num 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 ...
## $ Species : Factor w/ 3 levels "setosa","versicolor",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
As we can see, iris
is a data frame and is used extensively for beginning tutorials on learning R. Data frames consist of rows of observations on columns of values for variables of interest - they are one of the fundamental and most important data structures in R.
But as we see in the result of str(iris) above, following the information that iris is a data frame with 150 observations of 5 variables, we get information on each of the variables, in this case that 4 are numeric and one is a factor with three levels.
First off, R has several main data types:
We can ask what data type something is using typeof
We see a couple interesting things here - iris
, which we just said is a data frame, is a data type of list
. Sepal.Length
is data type double
, and in str(iris)
we saw it was numeric - that makes sense - but we see that Species
is data type integer
, and in str(iris)
we were told this variable was a factor with three levels. What’s going on here?
First off, class
refers to the abstract type of an object in R, whereas typeof
or mode
refer to how an object is stored in memory. So iris is an object of class data.frame
, but it is stored in memory as a list (i.e. each column is an item in a list). Note that this allows data frames to have columns of different classes, whereas a matrix needs to be all of the same mode.
For our Species
column, We see it’s mode
is numeric, it’s typeof
is integer
, and it’s class is factor
. Nominal variables in R are treated as a vector of integers 1:k, where k is the number of unique values of that nominal variable and a mapping of the character strings to these integer values.
This allows us to quickly see see all the unique values of a particular nominal variable or quickly re-asign a level of a nominal variable to a new value - remember, everything in R is in memory, so don’t worry about tweaking the data!
See if you can explain how that re-asignment we just did worked.
To access particular columns in a data frame, as we saw above, we use the $
operator - we can see the value for Species
for each observation in `iris by doing:
To access particular columns or rows of a data frame, we use indexing:
A handy function is names
, which you can use to get or to set data frame variable names:
Explain what this last line did
: gives the class typetypeof()
: information on how the object is storedstr()
: how the object is structuredprint()
All the material for this workshop is in a GitHub repository.
There are two simple ways to get all the material for the course on your local machine:
For the workshop, the way things will run is:
, take a few minutes to explore RMarkdown or look over the nice overview put together by Ryan Hill and Marcus Beck for their recent R Spatial SFS Workshop.RMarkdown
document will run just the same as code in an R script. I do all my work in .Rmd files rather than .r files in order to easily share work, create attractive output and reports weaving together code, images, figures and documentation, and follow a reproducible workflow.Dr. Wei-Lun Tsai has graciously offered to assist in the workshop, and will help with quesitons that arise, and Dr. Michael McManus will be helping remote participants with any quesitons and monitoring the chat in Skype. If we run into technical difficulties with remote participants, Mike McManus can be reached at his office line (513-569-7994) to help individuals with connection problems, and if we have major problems with Skype, we can use this call-information: 866.299.3188 Conf. Code 541.754.4469.