02 - R Spatial Workshop Schedule

18 April 2017

R - Fundamentals of Spatial Data

In this workshop we will focus on some basics of using the R language, reading and writing spatial data in R, dealing with map projections, and the structure of spatial data in R. We’ll explore ways to work with raster data in R – reading, creating and manipulating raster data – and then we’ll look at some examples of both vector and raster analysis in R such as subsetting, extracting information, and overlaying data using R packages such as sp, sfr, rgdal, raster, and rgeos. This is an introductory workshop – some familiarity with R is ideal but not required.

8:30 am:

Introductions and Workshop Logistics:

  • Brief Introductions
  • Discuss Logistitcs

8:45 am - 9:45 am:

Lesson 01 - Spatial Objects and Libraries in R:

  • R primary spatial packages
  • How spatial data is read into and structured in R
  • Some introductory exploratory spatial data analysis examples using vector data

9:45 am - 10:30 am:

Lesson 02 - A Gentle Introduction to the New Simple Features for R package:

  • What are simple features?
  • What is advantage of learning this package compared to using the sp package and object structure?
  • Some examples of reading data in with sf, working with projections, simple analyses

10:45 am - 11:00 am:


11:00 am - 12:00 pm:

Lesson 03 - Exploring raster data in R:

  • Raster data packages and working with rasters in R
  • Example raster data analyses in R

Extra Credit - Other things to try:

  • Other packages and techniques to play with if time allows

12:00 pm - 1:30 pm:


1:30 pm - 4:30 pm:

Advanced Visualization Techniques in R With Spatial Data

This workshop will dive into mapping and visualization with R packages such as ggplot and Leaflet, and we will also cover creating interactive visualizations with Shiny. Familiarity with R or completion of the morning workshop is helpful preparation for this workshop.

Interactive Mapping in R

Food Carts Data