Adding WMS basemap in R with mapview

Recently I wanted to be able to add a custom basemap of NHDPlus features to mapview leaflet maps. It’s not straitforward out of the box in mapview, but I found the helpful tips to do it here and here.

Below I add the WMS service from EPA Waters along with USGS StreamGage stations in Benton County, OR using the dataRetrieval package.

Stations <- readNWISdata(stateCd="Oregon", countyCd="Benton")
# DataRetrival returns objects as 'attributes' - things like the url used, site metadata, site info, etc - just use attributes(Durham_Stations) to examine
siteInfo <- attr(Stations , "siteInfo")
stations_sf = st_as_sf(siteInfo, coords = c("dec_lon_va", "dec_lat_va"), crs = 4269,agr = "constant")

m <- mapview(stations_sf)
m@map = m@map %>% addWMSTiles(group = 'NHDPlus',
                              layers  = 4,
                              options = WMSTileOptions(format = "image/png", transparent = TRUE),
                              attribution = "") %>% mapview:::mapViewLayersControl(names = c("NHDPlus"))
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