This is code to get PctAg and PctUrb using NLCD 2006 for US Counties. First we’ll import some libraries.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import geopandas as gp
Bring in US Counties using US Census counties shapefile
counties = gp.GeoDataFrame.from_file('L:/Priv/CORFiles/Geospatial_Library/Data/RESOURCE/POLITICAL/BOUNDARIES/NATIONAL/Counties_Census_2010.shp')
counties = counties[(counties.STATE_NAME != 'Hawaii') & (counties.STATE_NAME != 'Alaska')]
counties = counties[['FIPS','NAME','geometry']]
FIPS | NAME | geometry | |
0 | 27077 | Lake of the Woods | POLYGON ((-95.34283127277658 48.546679319076, ... |
1 | 53019 | Ferry | POLYGON ((-118.8516288013387 47.94956368481996... |
2 | 53065 | Stevens | POLYGON ((-117.438831576286 48.04411548512263,... |
3 | 53047 | Okanogan | POLYGON ((-118.972093862835 47.93915200536639,... |
4 | 53051 | Pend Oreille | POLYGON ((-117.4385804303028 48.99991850672649... |
{'init': u'epsg:4326'}
import rasterio
test =
{'count': 1,
'crs': CRS({'init': u'epsg:5070'}),
'driver': u'GTiff',
'dtype': 'uint8',
'height': 114503,
'nodata': 255.0,
'transform': Affine(30.0, 0.0, -2470965.0,
0.0, -30.0, 3621375.0),
'width': 163008}
Put counties in same projection as nlcd raster
counties = counties.to_crs(epsg=5070)
from rasterstats import raster_stats
nlcd = 'L:/Priv/CORFiles/Geospatial_Library/Data/Project/StreamCat/LandscapeRasters/QAComplete/nlcd2006.tif'
county_stats = zonal_stats(counties, nlcd, stats="count majority minority unique", geojson_out=True,
nodata_value=0, categorical=True)
Check some results
{11: 1362310L,
21: 42144L,
22: 5143L,
23: 731L,
24: 250L,
31: 1483L,
41: 76356L,
42: 38248L,
43: 109L,
52: 20046L,
71: 67010L,
81: 132403L,
82: 183559L,
90: 2166970L,
95: 988350L,
u'FIPS': u'27077',
u'NAME': u'Lake of the Woods',
'count': 5085112,
'majority': 90.0,
'minority': 43.0,
'unique': 15}
[x['properties'] for x in county_stats if x['properties']['NAME'] == "Multnomah"]
[{11: 55949L,
21: 61237L,
22: 161213L,
23: 165285L,
24: 80374L,
31: 12215L,
41: 30543L,
42: 465915L,
43: 90782L,
52: 65540L,
71: 22643L,
81: 41366L,
82: 78362L,
90: 31820L,
95: 22234L,
u'FIPS': u'41051',
u'NAME': u'Multnomah',
'count': 1385478,
'majority': 42.0,
'minority': 31.0,
'unique': 15}]
Now we need to pull out %Ag an %Urb for each county - pull out into lists and then stack into a pandas data frame to write out
FIPS = [x['properties']['FIPS'] for x in county_stats]
Hay = [x['properties'][81] if x['properties'].has_key(81) else 0 for x in county_stats]
Crops = [x['properties'][82] if x['properties'].has_key(82) else 0 for x in county_stats]
DevO = [x['properties'][21] if x['properties'].has_key(21) else 0 for x in county_stats]
DevL = [x['properties'][22] if x['properties'].has_key(22) else 0 for x in county_stats]
DevM = [x['properties'][23] if x['properties'].has_key(23) else 0 for x in county_stats]
DevH = [x['properties'][24] if x['properties'].has_key(24) else 0 for x in county_stats]
Total = [x['properties']['count'] for x in county_stats]
from operator import truediv
Ag = [sum(x) for x in zip(Hay, Crops)]
PctAg = map(truediv, Ag, Total)
PctAg = [x * 100 for x in PctAg]
Urb = [sum(x) for x in zip(DevO, DevL, DevM, DevH)]
PctUrb = map(truediv, Urb, Total)
PctUrb = [x * 100 for x in PctUrb]
Results = pd.DataFrame(np.column_stack([FIPS, PctAg, PctUrb]),
columns=['FIPS', 'PctAg', 'PctUrb'])
Results.to_csv('H:/WorkingData/CountyPctAgPctUrb.csv', sep = ',', index=False)
geo_interface is what we’re making use of in zonal_stats ‘geojson_out’ parameter just for clarity
{'bbox': (-95.34283127277658,
'geometry': {'coordinates': (((-95.34283127277658, 48.546679319076),
(-95.34105289190684, 48.71517195733587),
(-95.09435905148669, 48.71735751795556),
(-95.09491035007436, 48.91176243313237),
(-95.13382124476209, 48.89448474990026),
(-95.21957848050616, 48.87944650348885),
(-95.29026017093044, 48.902949581747855),
(-95.31417172404038, 48.93207199957641),
(-95.30375729897271, 48.94593890485217),
(-95.32091645456259, 48.96097699585145),
(-95.32323587682019, 48.97895631299366),
(-95.31012059635258, 48.993395445689),
(-95.27665710362751, 48.99999118779381),
(-95.15774989320504, 48.9999959019614),
(-95.15186733731112, 49.371730136640736),
(-94.83203924782775, 49.33080592976444),
(-94.68124996659202, 48.87716132370133),
(-94.69443202246646, 48.777615510389126),
(-94.57031275583246, 48.71367627110933),
(-94.43063445677862, 48.71078529488466),
(-94.43169006769017, 48.368212434671534),
(-95.21178803364391, 48.36900472565064),
(-95.21983978008106, 48.54435777285279),
(-95.34283127277658, 48.546679319076)),),
'type': 'Polygon'},
'id': '0',
'properties': {u'FIPS': u'27077', u'NAME': u'Lake of the Woods'},
'type': 'Feature'}