Working with Geospatial Hydrologic Data for Watershed Analyses in R and Python Using Web Services


June 5, 2023


  • Housekeeping
  • Introductions
  • Agenda:
    1. Key Building blocks in R and Python
    2. Examples of fundamental Tools in R
    3. Examples of fundamental Tools in Python
    4. Use Cases and Worked Examples
    5. Demonstration of Watershed Analysis with Leafmap and WhiteboxTools by Dr. Qiusheng Wu:



  • Framework:

This document and all of the workshop material are available at this GitHub repository:


To Follow Along with the Code

  • This document is built in RStudio with Quarto and rendered to html - all code sections can be run in RStudio in the code blocks in Quarto, or copied and pasted into a new R script document
  • If you are familiar with using git and GitHub, you can fork and clone the repository and run locally - if not, you can simply copy and paste code to follow along with examples
  • Python code examples are in jupyter notebooks
    • if you have successfully set up an environment on your local machine you can run notebooks there
    • alternatively, you can use the binder link we have set up to run jupyter notebooks in a binder environment

The views expressed in this presentation are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views or policies of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency or the U.S.G.S.

This land is ancestral and unceded land of the Chepenafa (Mary’s River) Band of the Kalapuya (pronounce “cal-uh-poo-yuh”), who have stewarded this beautiful area for generations. The descendants of the Kalapuya People are now part of the federally recognized Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde and Confederated Tribes of the Siletz of Oregon. The peak you see from numerous vantage points around Corvallis is Mary’s Peak, which the Kalapuya called tcha Timanwi, or ‘place of spiritual power’, and is the highest peak in the Oregon Coast Range (4,097 feet).

Key Concepts Across Both languages

Core Libraries

  • Spatial data structures across languages and applications is primarily organized through OSgeo and OGC) and a few core libraries underpin spatial libraries in programming languages and in software applications(R, Python, QGIS, ArcPro)!

These libraries include:

  • PROJ –> Spatial projections, transformations

  • GEOS –> Geometry operations (measures, relations)

  • GDAL –> Raster and feature abstraction and processing (read, write)

  • NetCDF –> Multidimensional (XYZT) data abstraction (read, write)

Web Services

More and more data is available as web services, and the data is stored in a remote server in JSON, XML, HTML format which is accessible through API’s.

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format which is easy for machines to generate and parse; easy for humans to write and read.

Sample JSON format : { “data”: “Click Here”, “size”: 36, “style”: “bold”, “name”: “text1”, }

API - An Application Programming Interface (API) takes a structured request from an application and returns structured results from the host application. With a Rest API you’re getting a representation of the requested data stored in a server. A Rest API also is what we call ‘stateless’, which means a server doesn’t store any data between requests from clients.

Rest APIs access data through uniform resource identifiers (URIs), which are essentially a string of characters that identify a specific resource. The type of URI used by a Rest API is a uniform resource locator (URL).

HTTP clients are used for accessing the API. HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) enables communication between the client and server using HTTP methods. If we want to access or manipulate resources a Rest API uses specific request verbs we need to become familiar with:

  • GET: used to acquire data from a database

  • POST: used to add data to a database

  • PUT: update the data in a database

  • DELETE: delete data in a database

Although web services facilitate accessing various datasets, we have to be wary of their limitations. Creating and maintaining a web service is a technically challenging and involved task, and it becomes even more complicated when the service becomes public. For public web services, number of users and load of their request is not predictable. Thus, public web services often have limitations and quotas on the number of requests. Considering that there are workarounds for these limitations, some users, wittingly or unwittingly, can cause a web service to slowdown or even shut down. So, we should expect planned or unplanned downtimes when using web services. Planned downtimes are usually announced by the service provider that can be for maintenance purposes or making some changes to the service. Keeping up with these changes is also another aspect that we need to take into account when working with web service.

Additionally, sending a request and retrieving a response from a web service (a web service call) has an inherent overhead and is much slower than accessing a local file. Thus, web services might not be suitable for “large” requests, and it might be more efficient to download the dataset and store it locally. How “large” is large, depends on the capacity of a web service and the complexity of the request. For example, the NLDI web service has an endpoint that can navigate the NHD network up or downstream of a point of interest up to a given distance. This call is computationally expensive thus making many such requests can impact the performance of the web service. For such cases, it is more efficient to download the NHDPlus dataset and perform the navigation locally. For example, NHDPlusTools in R and PyNHD in Python provide tools to navigate the NHDPlus dataset locally.

By in large, web data access will fall into three broad categories.

  1. APIs,
  2. Object Stores, and
  3. File Servers.


When working with an API, you are interacting with a remote computer that may or may not be prepared to cope with many concurrent requests. The computer may have less compute power than your laptop and it may be connected to an inexpensive storage device that can only provide a few MB/s of throughput. When working with APIs, you should always:

  1. start small and check latency per request.
  2. scale up request size and check response time scaling.
  3. increase parallelism slowly and check response performance.

The code below demonstrates this using requests to a geospatial web service.

point <- sf::st_sfc(sf::st_point(c(-76.61612, 39.23875)), crs = 4326)
# just baseline request time
start_comid <- nhdplusTools::discover_nhdplus_id(point)
upstream_comid <- dataRetrieval::findNLDI(start_comid, nav = "UT", distance_km = 999)
comids <- as.integer(upstream_comid$UT_flowlines$nhdplus_comid)
sf::sf_use_s2(FALSE) # hides warnings
# first, just check per request timing.
# if we had a lot to run, simple match will tell us how long to expect.
                                         nhdplus_data = "download", 
                                         status = FALSE))
# Now try scaling up.
                                         nhdplus_data = "download", 
                                         status = FALSE))
# scale up further and observe timing
                                         nhdplus_data = "download", 
                                         status = FALSE))
# we can experiment with parallelism
future::plan(future::multisession, workers = 2)
# run in two chunks and two workers
system.time(future.apply::future_lapply(list(comids[1:200], comids[201:400]), function(x) {
                               nhdplus_data = "download", 
                               status = FALSE))
}, future.seed = TRUE))
# run individually with 2 workers
system.time(future.apply::future_lapply(comids[1:200], function(x) {
                               nhdplus_data = "download", 
                               status = FALSE))
}, future.seed = TRUE))
future::plan(future::multisession, workers = 8)
# run individually with 8 workers
# notice that this is faster but not 4x taster
system.time(future.apply::future_lapply(comids[1:200], function(x) {
                               nhdplus_data = "download", 
                               status = FALSE))
}, future.seed = TRUE))

Object Stores and File Servers

Object stores are different than APIs in that they are designed to handle parallelism. If downloading many files from an object store, doing so in parallel can increase total through put assuming you have overall bandwidth to spare. A file server, if not backed by an object store will typically not support parallelism as files are not necessarily stored on a file system that is designed with parallel access in mind. It’s always a good idea to do some testing at small scale if you have long running processes that work over the internet to make sure you are using a pattern that makes sense with the baseline performance characteristics of the server.

Geospatial data representation fundamentals: simple features and geospatial grids

  • *Vector data are comprised of points, lines, and polygons that represent discrete spatial entities, such as a river, watershed, or stream gauge.

  • Raster data divides spaces into rectilinear cells (pixels) to represent spatially continuous phenomena, such as elevation or the weather. The cell size (or resolution) defines the fidelity of the data.

For Vector data Simple Features (officially Simple Feature Access) is both an OGC and International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standard that specifies how (mostly) two-dimensional geometries can represent and describe objects in the real world. Simple features includes:

  • a class hierarchy
  • a set of operations
  • binary and text encodings

It describes how such objects can be stored in and retrieved from databases, and which geometrical operations should be defined for them.

It outlines how the spatial elements of POINTS (XY locations with a specific coordinate reference system) extend to LINES, POLYGONS and GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(s).

The “simple” adjective also refers to the fact that the line or polygon geometries are represented by sequences of points connected with straight lines that do not self-intersect.

Simple and valid geometries and ring direction

This breakdown of simple features follows for the most part this section in Spatial Data Science For linestrings to be considered simple they must not self-intersect:

Linking to GEOS 3.11.1, GDAL 3.6.2, PROJ 9.1.1; sf_use_s2() is TRUE
(ls <- st_linestring(rbind(c(0,0), c(1,1), c(2,2), c(0,2), c(1,1), c(2,0))))
LINESTRING (0 0, 1 1, 2 2, 0 2, 1 1, 2 0)


For polygons several other conditions have to be met to be simple:

  • polygon rings are closed (the last point equals the first)
  • polygon holes (inner rings) are inside their exterior ring
  • polygon inner rings maximally touch the exterior ring in single points, not over a line
  • a polygon ring does not repeat its own path
  • in a multi-polygon, an external ring maximally touches another exterior ring in single points, not over a line

z and m coordinates As well as having the necessary X and Y coordinates, single point (vertex) simple features can have:

  • a Z coordinate, denoting altitude, and/or
  • an M value, denoting some “measure”

Text and binary encodings A key part of the standard feature encoding is text and binary encodings. The well-known text (WKT) encoding we have shown above gives us a human-readable description of the geometry. The well-known binary (WKB) encoding is machine-readable, lossless, and faster to work with than text encoding. WKB is used for all interactions with GDAL and GEOS.

Operations on geometries We can break down operations on geometries for vector features in the following way:

  • predicates: a logical asserting a certain property is TRUE
  • measures: a quantity (a numeric value, possibly with measurement unit)
  • transformations: newly generated geometries

We can look at these operations by what they operate on, whether the are single geometries, pairs, or sets of geometries:

  • unary when it’s a single geometry
  • binary when it’s pairs of geometries
  • n-ary when it’s sets of geometries

Unary predicates work to describe a property of a geometry.

A list of unary predicates:

predicate meaning
is Tests if geometry belongs to a particular class
is_simple Tests whether geometry is simple
is_valid Test whether geometry is valid
is_empty Tests if geometry is empty

A list of binary predicates is:

predicate meaning inverse of
contains None of the points of A are outside B within
contains_properly A contains B and B has no points in common with the boundary of A
covers No points of B lie in the exterior of A covered_by
covered_by Inverse of covers
crosses A and B have some but not all interior points in common
disjoint A and B have no points in common intersects
equals A and B are topologically equal: node order or number of nodes may differ; identical to A contains B and A within B
equals_exact A and B are geometrically equal, and have identical node order
intersects A and B are not disjoint disjoint
is_within_distance A is closer to B than a given distance
within None of the points of B are outside A contains
touches A and B have at least one boundary point in common, but no interior points
overlaps A and B have some points in common; the dimension of these is identical to that of A and B
relate Given a mask pattern, return whether A and B adhere to this pattern

See the Geometries chapter of Spatial Data Science for a full treatment that also covers **unary and binary measures* as well as unary, binary and n-ary transformers

Raster data model

You can read the GDAL raster data model and OpenGIS Grid Coverages specification but with a raster data model (a cell-based tesselation) you can read / write and operate on raster data in numerous formats using gdal:

Drainage basins and catchments - mainstems and flowpaths

When writing software for hydrologic data, concrete conceptual and logical definitions for the spatial features our software works with are critical to enabling interoperability. Along these lines, some key definitions to consider:

  • Catchment: A physiographic unit with zero or one inlets and one outlet. A catchment is represented by one or more partial realizations; flowpath, divide, and networks of flowpaths and divides.
  • Nexus: Conceptual outlet for water contained by a catchment. The hydro nexus concept represents the place where a catchment interacts with another catchment.
  • Flowpath: A flowpath is a linear geometry that represents the connection between a catchment’s inlet and its outlet. All flowpaths have a local drainage area and may be aggregates of flowlines.
  • Flowline: A flowline is a linear geometry that represents a segment of a flowing body of water. Some flowlines have no local drainage area and are never aggregate features.
  • Drainage Basin: A catchment with zero inlets and one (internal or external) outlet.
  • Mainstem: The flowpath of a drainage basin.

In the following, we create a representation of catchment divides and flowpaths with the hydrologic locations that represent their nexuses.

Note: both the divide and flowpath are said to be realizations of the overall catchment that they represent. In other words, the divide and flowpath are both part of the representation of a catchment.

source(system.file("extdata/new_hope_data.R", package = "nhdplusTools"))

catchment <- sf::st_geometry(new_hope_catchment)
flowpath <- sf::st_geometry(dplyr::filter(new_hope_flowline, COMID %in% new_hope_catchment$FEATUREID))
nexus <- sf::st_geometry(nhdplusTools::get_node(flowpath, "end"))

plot_window <- sf::st_as_sfc(sf::st_bbox(dplyr::filter(new_hope_catchment, FEATUREID %in% c(8891178, 8895564))))

par(mar = c(0,0,0,0))
plot(plot_window, col = NA, border = NA)
plot(catchment, col = NA, border = "grey25", add = TRUE)
plot(flowpath, col = "dodgerblue3", add = TRUE)
plot(nexus, col = "springgreen", add = TRUE, pch = 20)

In this example, we create a drainage basin boundary (divide), mainstem flowpath of the drainage basin, and the flowlines that make up the hydrographic network of the drainage basin.

Fun Fact: the word “watershed” has come to refer to the land encompassed by a drainage divide but this usage is not correct. A watershed is “a dividing ridge between drainage areas” which is in line with the non hydrologic use of the word: a crucial dividing point, line, or factor.

basin <- sf::st_geometry(sf::st_union(new_hope_catchment, by_feature = FALSE))
flowline <- sf::st_geometry(new_hope_flowline)
mainstem <- sf::st_geometry(new_hope_flowline[new_hope_flowline$LevelPathI == min(new_hope_flowline$LevelPathI),])

par(mar = c(0,0,0,0))
plot(basin, lwd = 2) 
plot(flowline, col = "dodgerblue", add = TRUE)
plot(mainstem, col = "blue", lwd = 2, add = TRUE)

Demonstration of Key Concepts in Each Language

  • drainage basins and catchments - mainstems and flowpaths
  • geospatial data representation fundamentals, simple features and geospatial grids

Examples in R

For more detiled treatment see material for US EPA R User Group 2021 workshop

sf: simple features

In R, the sf package provides “support for simple features, a standardized way to encode spatial vector data…. [and] Binds to ‘GDAL’ for reading and writing data, to ‘GEOS’ for geometrical operations, and to ‘PROJ’ for projection conversions and datum transformations.

When using R, you’ are’re using an interface to the core community standards, software, and practices (this isn’t exclusive to R). TO highlight this we can install (do this once) and attach sf to view the external dependencies versions of the libraries linked to sf.

# install.packages("sf")

          GEOS           GDAL         proj.4 GDAL_with_GEOS     USE_PROJ_H 
      "3.11.1"        "3.6.2"        "9.1.1"         "true"         "true" 

The bindings to these lower-level C libraries, and, the larger sf ecosystem in R can be seen below:

In the sf implementation in the R ecosystem stores simple feature geometries (sfg) as part of a larger data.frame using a simple feature geometry list-column (sfg). The collection of attribute and spatial information define a simple feature that can be operated on in both table (SQL) and spatial (GEOS, etc) contexts. Not only does this allow us to make the most use of the growing spatial community but also of the growing data science community (see ggplot, dplyr, data.table, dbplyr, arrow, etc.)

In practice, an sf object in R looks like the following:

We can break this down following examples presented in the recently published Spatial Data Science by Edzar Pebesma and Rober Bivand. The most common simple feature geometries used to represent a single feature are:

type description
POINT single point geometry
MULTIPOINT set of points
LINESTRING single linestring (two or more points connected by straight lines)
MULTILINESTRING set of linestrings
POLYGON exterior ring with zero or more inner rings, denoting holes
MULTIPOLYGON set of polygons
GEOMETRYCOLLECTION set of the geometries above
library(sf) |> suppressPackageStartupMessages()
par(mfrow = c(2,4))
par(mar = c(1,1,1.2,1))

# 1
p <- st_point(0:1)
plot(p, pch = 16)
box(col = 'grey')

# 2
mp <- st_multipoint(rbind(c(1,1), c(2, 2), c(4, 1), c(2, 3), c(1,4)))
plot(mp, pch = 16)
box(col = 'grey')

# 3
ls <- st_linestring(rbind(c(1,1), c(5,5), c(5, 6), c(4, 6), c(3, 4), c(2, 3)))
plot(ls, lwd = 2)
box(col = 'grey')

# 4
mls <- st_multilinestring(list(
  rbind(c(1,1), c(5,5), c(5, 6), c(4, 6), c(3, 4), c(2, 3)),
  rbind(c(3,0), c(4,1), c(2,1))))
plot(mls, lwd = 2)
box(col = 'grey')

# 5 polygon
po <- st_polygon(list(rbind(c(2,1), c(3,1), c(5,2), c(6,3), c(5,3), c(4,4), c(3,4), c(1,3), c(2,1)),
    rbind(c(2,2), c(3,3), c(4,3), c(4,2), c(2,2))))
plot(po, border = 'black', col = '#ff8888', lwd = 2)
box(col = 'grey')

# 6 multipolygon
mpo <- st_multipolygon(list(
    list(rbind(c(2,1), c(3,1), c(5,2), c(6,3), c(5,3), c(4,4), c(3,4), c(1,3), c(2,1)),
        rbind(c(2,2), c(3,3), c(4,3), c(4,2), c(2,2))),
    list(rbind(c(3,7), c(4,7), c(5,8), c(3,9), c(2,8), c(3,7)))))
plot(mpo, border = 'black', col = '#ff8888', lwd = 2)
box(col = 'grey')

# 7 geometrycollection
gc <- st_geometrycollection(list(po, ls + c(0,5), st_point(c(2,5)), st_point(c(5,4))))
plot(gc, border = 'black', col = '#ff6666', pch = 16, lwd = 2)
box(col = 'grey')

POINT (0 1)
MULTIPOINT ((1 1), (2 2), (4 1), (2 3), (1 4))
LINESTRING (1 1, 5 5, 5 6, 4 6, 3 4, 2 3)
MULTILINESTRING ((1 1, 5 5, 5 6, 4 6, 3 4, 2 3), (3 0, 4 1, 2 1))
POLYGON ((2 1, 3 1, 5 2, 6 3, 5 3, 4 4, 3 4, 1 3, 2 1), (2 2, 3 3, 4 3, 4 2, 2 2))
MULTIPOLYGON (((2 1, 3 1, 5 2, 6 3, 5 3, 4 4, 3 4, 1 3, 2 1), (2 2, 3 3, 4 3, 4 2, 2 2)), ((3 7, 4 7, 5 8, 3 9, 2 8, 3 7)))
GEOMETRYCOLLECTION (POLYGON ((2 1, 3 1, 5 2, 6 3, 5 3, 4 4, 3 4, 1 3, 2 1), (2 2, 3 3, 4 3, 4 2, 2 2)), LINESTRING (1 6, 5 10, 5 11, 4 11, 3 9, 2 8), POINT (2 5), POINT (5 4))

This extends the idea of “tidy” data in that each row represents one observation, which has one geometric representation of the real world feature it describes.

An example of basic use:

# Define file path
filename <- system.file("shape/nc.shp", package="sf")

# read in file
(nc <- read_sf(filename))
Simple feature collection with 100 features and 14 fields
Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: -84.32385 ymin: 33.88199 xmax: -75.45698 ymax: 36.58965
Geodetic CRS:  NAD27
# A tibble: 100 × 15
   <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl> <chr> <chr>  <dbl>    <int> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>
 1 0.114      1.44  1825    1825 Ashe  37009  37009        5  1091     1      10
 2 0.061      1.23  1827    1827 Alle… 37005  37005        3   487     0      10
 3 0.143      1.63  1828    1828 Surry 37171  37171       86  3188     5     208
 4 0.07       2.97  1831    1831 Curr… 37053  37053       27   508     1     123
 5 0.153      2.21  1832    1832 Nort… 37131  37131       66  1421     9    1066
 6 0.097      1.67  1833    1833 Hert… 37091  37091       46  1452     7     954
 7 0.062      1.55  1834    1834 Camd… 37029  37029       15   286     0     115
 8 0.091      1.28  1835    1835 Gates 37073  37073       37   420     0     254
 9 0.118      1.42  1836    1836 Warr… 37185  37185       93   968     4     748
10 0.124      1.43  1837    1837 Stok… 37169  37169       85  1612     1     160
# ℹ 90 more rows
# ℹ 4 more variables: BIR79 <dbl>, SID79 <dbl>, NWBIR79 <dbl>,
#   geometry <MULTIPOLYGON [°]>
# Map

# Spatial measures!
Units: [m^2]
[1] 1137107793  610916077 1423145355  694378925 1520366979  967504822
# Spatial operations!
  st_union(nc) |> plot()
  st_centroid(nc)$geometry |> plot(col = "red", add = TRUE)
Warning: st_centroid assumes attributes are constant over geometries

# data science operations

Attaching package: 'dplyr'
The following objects are masked from 'package:terra':

    intersect, union
The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':

    filter, lag
The following objects are masked from 'package:base':

    intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
 plot(slice_max(nc, AREA, n = 10)$geometry, 
      col = "red", add = TRUE)
 plot(slice_max(nc, AREA, n =5)$geometry, 
      col = "yellow", add = TRUE)
 plot(slice_max(nc, AREA, n = 1)$geometry, 
      col = "green", add = TRUE)

Measure (GEOS Measures)

Measures are the questions we ask about the dimension of a geometry, once a coordinate reference system has been established and we can compute: - How long is a line or polygon perimeter? (unit) - What is the area of a polygon? *(unit^2) - How far are two objects from one another? (unit)

  • Measures come from the GEOS library
  • Measures are calculated in the units of the projection

We’ll demonstrate with a toy dataset of USGS gages in a data package from a previous workshop:

# remotes::install_github("mhweber/awra2020spatial")
gages <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "Gages_flowdata.csv", package = "awra2020spatial")) |> 
Rows: 2,771
Columns: 4
$ SOURCE_FEA <int> 14361500, 14344500, 10378500, 14341500, 14343000, 13092500,…
$ STATE      <chr> "OR", "OR", "OR", "OR", "OR", "ID", "OR", "OR", "OR", "OR",…
$ LAT_SITE   <dbl> 42.43040, 42.42763, 42.42488, 42.40819, 42.40263, 42.39648,…
$ LON_SITE   <dbl> -123.3178, -122.6011, -119.9233, -122.6011, -122.5373, -114…

Using st_as_sf in sf we can easily make a data frame with coordinates into a simple features data frame

gages <- gages |> 
  sf::st_as_sf(coords = c("LON_SITE", "LAT_SITE"), crs = 4269)
Rows: 2,771
Columns: 3
$ SOURCE_FEA <int> 14361500, 14344500, 10378500, 14341500, 14343000, 13092500,…
$ STATE      <chr> "OR", "OR", "OR", "OR", "OR", "ID", "OR", "OR", "OR", "OR",…
$ geometry   <POINT [°]> POINT (-123.3178 42.4304), POINT (-122.6011 42.42763)…

What is the distance from the first stream gage to the second stream gage?

sf::st_distance(gages[1,], gages[2,])
Units: [m]
[1,] 58822.95

We can generate toy area by buffering a point (to make a polygon) and find area and perimeter. We need to project into a planar CRS to get perimeter so we will project to an Albers projection using an epsg code:

poly <- sf::st_buffer(gages[1,],200)
127234.3 [m^2]
poly <- sf::st_transform(poly, 5070)
1713.517 [m]

terra for raster data

We’ll look at using terra for working with raster data in R - stars is another library for working with raster data and spatiotemporal arrays (raster and vector data cubes) but for the sake of time we won’t demonstrate stars in this workshop.

terra builds on the older raster package and provides methods for low-level data manipulation as well as high-level global, local, zonal, and focal computations. The predict and interpolate methods facilitate the use of regression type (interpolation, machine learning) models for spatial prediction, including with satellite remote sensing data. Processing of very large files is supported.

Like sf, terra links to GDAL, and the version and drivers can be viewed using package support functions:

# install.packages(terra)

[1] "3.6.2"
DT::datatable(gdal(drivers = TRUE))

We can get raster data the National Map family of APIs and in particular 3DEP Elevation data and work with it using terra or stars. We’ll use Mike Johnson’s AOI package to get a county polygon to use as a template to pass to terrainr for our area of interest

# remotes::install_github("mikejohnson51/AOI")
The legacy packages maptools, rgdal, and rgeos, underpinning this package
will retire shortly. Please refer to R-spatial evolution reports on for details.
This package is now running under evolution status 0 

AOI::aoi_get(list("Corvallis, OR", 10, 10)) |> mapview()
# aoi <- AOI::aoi_get(state = "OR", county = "Benton")
aoi <- AOI::aoi_get(list("Corvallis, OR", 10, 10))
output_tiles <- terrainr::get_tiles(aoi,
                          services = c("elevation", "ortho"),
                          resolution = 30 # pixel side length in meters

terra::plotRGB(terra::rast(output_tiles[["ortho"]][[1]]),scale = 1)

We can also use the [elevatr] package by Jeff Hollister for accessing elevation data through web services and clip out elevation to a watershed basin we access through nhdplusTools and the NLDI.

Note that get_elev_raster from elevatr will generate a set of warnings, particularly regarding retirement of rgdal - the package will need to be updated to conform with retirement of rgdal, rgeos and maptools.

# We're passing an identifier for the stream reach (and catchment) that we know is the downstream-most segment on the Calapooia River using the COMID below
start_comid = 23763529
nldi_feature <- list(featureSource = "comid", featureID = start_comid)
basin <- nhdplusTools::get_nldi_basin(nldi_feature = nldi_feature)

x <- get_elev_raster(basin, z = 12)
# x is returned as a raster object rather than a terra spatraster, so we need to convert to spatraster
mapview::mapview(basin) + mapview(x)
Warning in rasterCheckSize(x, maxpixels = maxpixels): maximum number of pixels for Raster* viewing is 5e+05 ; 
the supplied Raster* has 19843980 
 ... decreasing Raster* resolution to 5e+05 pixels
 to view full resolution set 'maxpixels =  19843980 '

We can also crop the elevation raster to our basin using terra - note that mapview expects raster objects rather than terra SpatRasters so we need to convert between terr and raster.

Loading required package: sp

Attaching package: 'raster'
The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr':

x <- terra::mask(terra::rast(x), basin)
x <- raster::raster(x)
mapview::mapview(basin, alpha.regions = 0.02, color='blue', lwd=2) + mapview(x)
Warning in rasterCheckSize(x, maxpixels = maxpixels): maximum number of pixels for Raster* viewing is 5e+05 ; 
the supplied Raster* has 19843980 
 ... decreasing Raster* resolution to 5e+05 pixels
 to view full resolution set 'maxpixels =  19843980 '

httr and jsonlite

In R, httr and jsonlite packages are used to consume the API’s that provide data in json format.

httr httr provides us with an HTTP client to access the API with GET/POST methods, passing query parameters, and verifying the response with regard to the data format.

jsonlite This R package is used to convert the received json format to readable R object or data frame. jsonlite can also be used to convert R objects or a data frame to a json format data type.

Along with these two packages, rlist in R can be used to perform additional manipulation on the received json response. list.stack and are two important methods exposed by rlist that can be used to get parsed json data into a tibble.

To learn about these (and other) packages, type ?httr, ?jsonlite and ?rlist in the console of Rstudio to view the documentation.

Here we see an example using a JSON API from the world bank that uses a GET request below - we can see a couple ways of passing request parameters - first we’ll embed the query directly in the URL for the request itself:


jsonResponse <- httr::GET("")

We can also generate the query by passing it in a separate list we create and adding as a query parameter in the GET request

jsonResponse <- httr::GET("",query=query)

The jsonlite package can be used to parse our response which we indicated above to return as json. Why does the attempt below return an error?

df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(jsonResponse)

HINT: what type of object is jsonResponse above?

[1] "list"

We can also get information about the response using httr:

[1] "application/json"

We have a list - let’s take a look to figure out to pull out what we want into a data frame:

 [1] "url"         "status_code" "headers"     "all_headers" "cookies"    
 [6] "content"     "date"        "times"       "request"     "handle"     

It seems like content is what we want, how do we pull out?

df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(jsonResponse$content)

Still doesn’t work - we need to do some further parsing of this response using content in httr which we can then pass to jsonlite and the fromJSON function to get data into a data frame

jsonResponseParsed <- httr::content(jsonResponse, as="parsed")
[1] TRUE
[1] "page"     "pages"    "per_page" "total"   
[1] TRUE
 [1] "id"          "iso2Code"    "name"        "region"      "adminregion"
 [6] "incomeLevel" "lendingType" "capitalCity" "longitude"   "latitude"   
# now we're getting somewhere...
 [1] "id"          "iso2Code"    "name"        "region"      "adminregion"
 [6] "incomeLevel" "lendingType" "capitalCity" "longitude"   "latitude"   

We convert the parsed json response list to data table using lapply and rbindlist:

df <- lapply(jsonResponseParsed[[2]], 
typeof(df) # still a list - one more step
[1] "list"
dt <- rbindlist(df, fill = TRUE)

Some APIs like GitHub are easier to pull directly into a dataframe using fromJSON

myGitHubRepos <- fromJSON("")

# It returns 79 variables about my repos - we can use select to just get the ones we want to see
myGitHubRepos <- myGitHubRepos |> 
  dplyr::select(name, stargazers_count, watchers_count, language, has_issues, forks_count)
                 name stargazers_count watchers_count         language
1 AccumulationScripts                0              0           Python
2          ArrayTools                0              0           Python
3     awra2020spatial                3              3                R
4 AWRA2022GeoWorkshop                6              6 Jupyter Notebook
5 AWRA_2020_R_Spatial                4              4             HTML
6 AWRA_GIS_R_Workshop                2              2       JavaScript
  has_issues forks_count
1       TRUE           0
2      FALSE           0
3       TRUE           0
4       TRUE           5
5       TRUE           2
6       TRUE           3

Examples in Python (separate notebook in binder)

Data access summary

This just builds on examples for Working with Geospatial Hydrologic Data Using Web Services (R) for IOW Webinar


AOI is NOT on CRAN but provides interfaces for geocoding and retrieving spatial boundaries (e.g state, county, and country). When working with web-based, subsetting services, the ability to quickly define common features is really convenient.

We’ll see through these examples that the concept of AOI is key to requesting subsets of data. Further well see that a reproducible way of generating these is a quic kway to make the sytanx of disparate packages more aligned.

# remotes::install_github("mikejohnson51/AOI")

# state
aoi_get(state = "OR") |> mapview()
# county
aoi_get(state = "OR", county = "Benton") |> mapview()
# country
aoi_get(country = "Ukraine") |> mapview()
# geocoding
geocode("LaSells Stewart Center Corvallis", pt = TRUE) |> mapview()


We’ll hear a lot about Dave’s package nhdplusTools - it’s primarily a R package for working with the NHD and the NHD data model. The package covers 5 primary use topics that include:

  1. data access
  2. data discovery and subsetting (via web services)
  3. Indexing and Network Navigation
  4. Network Navigation
  5. Network Attributes

Given the focus here on geospatial data via web services, we will look at functions supporting use case 2.

# install.packages('nhdplusTools')

grep("get_", ls("package:nhdplusTools"), value = TRUE)
 [1] "get_boundaries"                "get_catchment_characteristics"
 [3] "get_characteristics_metadata"  "get_DD"                       
 [5] "get_DM"                        "get_elev_along_path"          
 [7] "get_flowline_index"            "get_gagesII"                  
 [9] "get_hr_data"                   "get_huc"                      
[11] "get_huc12"                     "get_huc8"                     
[13] "get_hydro_location"            "get_levelpaths"               
[15] "get_nhdarea"                   "get_nhdplus"                  
[17] "get_nhdplushr"                 "get_nldi_basin"               
[19] "get_nldi_characteristics"      "get_nldi_feature"             
[21] "get_nldi_index"                "get_node"                     
[23] "get_nwis"                      "get_partial_length"           
[25] "get_path_lengths"              "get_path_members"             
[27] "get_pathlength"                "get_pfaf"                     
[29] "get_raindrop_trace"            "get_sorted"                   
[31] "get_split_catchment"           "get_streamlevel"              
[33] "get_streamorder"               "get_terminal"                 
[35] "get_tocomid"                   "get_UM"                       
[37] "get_UT"                        "get_vaa"                      
[39] "get_vaa_names"                 "get_vaa_path"                 
[41] "get_waterbodies"               "get_waterbody_index"          
[43] "get_wb_outlet"                 "get_xs_point"                 
[45] "get_xs_points"                

Basic Use

Let’s get data for an AOI around Corvalis. We use AOI::aoi_get to get the OpenStreetMap representation of Corvallis, and initialize an empty list to populate:

corvallis     = list()
corvallis$AOI = aoi_get("Corvallis, OR")

Populate our Corvallis list with various elements we pull from get_ functions in nhdplusTools:

corvallis$nhdplus      <- get_nhdplus(AOI = corvallis$AOI) 
Spherical geometry (s2) switched off
although coordinates are longitude/latitude, st_intersects assumes that they
are planar
Spherical geometry (s2) switched on
corvallis$waterbodies  <- get_waterbodies(AOI = corvallis$AOI) 
Spherical geometry (s2) switched off
although coordinates are longitude/latitude, st_intersects assumes that they
are planar
Spherical geometry (s2) switched on
corvallis$gages        <- get_nwis(AOI = corvallis$AOI) 
corvallis$huc12        <- get_huc12(AOI = corvallis$AOI) 
Warning in get_huc12(AOI = corvallis$AOI): this function is deprecated -- use
get_huc(..., type = "huc12") instead
Spherical geometry (s2) switched off
although coordinates are longitude/latitude, st_intersects assumes that they
are planar
Spherical geometry (s2) switched on
# How many features per entry?
sapply(corvallis, nrow)
        AOI     nhdplus waterbodies       gages       huc12 
          1          45           9           2           6 

In both the NHDPlus data model, and the emerging international OGC standard for representing surface water features HY_features it’s recognized that hydrologic entities can be “realized” in a number of ways.

For example the holistic notion of a ‘catchment’ can be realized as a ‘divide’, ‘flowpath’, ‘outlet’, or other representation. The nhdplusTools::get_nhdplus functions support getting 3 realizations of the NHD features that are consistent with the NHDPlus Data model (outlet, flowline, catchment, and all).

corvallis <- nhdplusTools::get_nhdplus(aoi_get("Corvallis, OR"), realization = "all")


The USGS supported dataRetrieval package provides retrieval functions for USGS and EPA hydrologic and water quality data. Recently a Network Linked Data Index (NLDI) client was also added to the package.

All sorts of dataRetrieval resources: Home page Tutorial for National Water Quality Monditoring Conference - Part 1 Tutorial for National Water Quality Monditoring Conference - Part 2

Basic Use: Get streamflow Data

What were the two gages we picked up geolocating Corvallis?


# Supply gauge ids from Corvallis example
# Parameter codes can be found with (`dataRetrieval::parameterCdFile`)
# "00060" is stream flow

# we need to bring gages back to corvallis after our last operation
corvallis$AOI = AOI::aoi_get("Corvallis, OR")
corvallis$gages  <- get_nwis(AOI = corvallis$AOI)
flows = readNWISdv(siteNumbers = corvallis$gages$site_no, parameterCd = "00060") |> 

ggplot(data = flows) + 
  geom_line(aes(x = Date, y = Flow)) + 

water quality

We can also get water quality information - see the NWQMC DataRetrieval Tutorial Part 1 for all the details

readWQPdata(statecode = "OR",
            countycode = "Benton",
            characteristicName = "Phosphorus",
            sampleMedia = "Water",
            dataProfile = "resultPhysChem") 
    OrganizationIdentifier           OrganizationFormalName ActivityIdentifier
1                  USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99100409
2                  USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99100409
3                  USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99301407
4                  USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99301254
5                  USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99301254
6                  USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99300804
7                  USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99400519
8                  USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99400519
9                  USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99400287
10                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99400287
11                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99400165
12                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99400165
13                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.01200407
14                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.01200391
15                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99400143
16                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99400143
17                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99400160
18                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99400160
19                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99400514
20                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99400514
21                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99400513
22                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99400513
23                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99400161
24                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99400161
25                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99400517
26                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99400517
27                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99400349
28                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99400349
29                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99400508
30                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99400508
31                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99400524
32                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99400524
33                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99400516
34                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99400516
35                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99400509
36                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99400509
37                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99600036
38                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99600044
39                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.00700845
40                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.00700845
41                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.00900533
42                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.01200391
43                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.01200390
44                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.01200390
45                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99800161
46                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99800161
47                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.01300012
48                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.01300013
49                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.01300013
50                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.01200904
51                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99800156
52                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99800156
53                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99800158
54                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99800164
55                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99800164
56                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.00500232
57                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.00500219
58                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.01500831
59                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99800166
60                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99800166
61                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.00400391
62                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.00400405
63                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.00400406
64                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.00400630
65                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99800158
66                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.01200407
67                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.00400408
68                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.00500220
69                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.00500231
70                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.01501006
71                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.00500245
72                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.00500230
73                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99800159
74                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99800159
75                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.00600311
76                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.00600312
77                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.00600328
78                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.00600315
79                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.00400407
80                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.01500817
81                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.01501103
82                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.01500650
83                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.01500450
84                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.01500921
85                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.01501012
86                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.01300012
87                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.00400465
88                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.01501647
89                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.01500390
90                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.01500733
91                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.01200904
92                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.00600325
93                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.00600329
94                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.01500931
95                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.00400404
96                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.01500601
97                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.01500521
98                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99800120
99                 USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99900018
100                USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99500034
101                USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99500034
102                USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99900022
103                USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99800091
104                USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99900018
105                USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99800089
106                USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99800091
107                USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99800120
108                USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99800116
109                USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99800103
110                USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99800103
111                USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99800101
112                USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99900026
113                USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99800089
114                USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99800101
115                USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99900029
116                USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99900029
117                USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99800109
118                USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99800109
119                USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99800112
120                USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99800112
121                USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99900020
122                USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99900020
123                USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.01200171
124                USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.01200131
125                USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.01200131
126                USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99800092
127                USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99800092
128                USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99800087
129                USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99800097
130                USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99800097
131                USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99800086
132                USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99800100
133                USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99800100
134                USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99800116
135                USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.01200171
136                USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99800093
137                USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99800154
138                USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99800154
139                USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99900022
140                USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99800087
141                USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99800117
142                USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99800117
143                USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99800096
144                USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99800096
145                USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99800086
146                USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99800102
147                USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99800102
148                USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99800093
149                USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99900024
150                USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99900024
151                USGS-OR USGS Oregon Water Science Center nwisor.01.99900026
                          ActivityTypeCode ActivityMediaName
1                           Sample-Routine             Water
2                           Sample-Routine             Water
3                           Sample-Routine             Water
4                           Sample-Routine             Water
5                           Sample-Routine             Water
6                           Sample-Routine             Water
7                           Sample-Routine             Water
8                           Sample-Routine             Water
9                           Sample-Routine             Water
10                          Sample-Routine             Water
11                          Sample-Routine             Water
12                          Sample-Routine             Water
13                          Sample-Routine             Water
14                          Sample-Routine             Water
15  Quality Control Sample-Field Replicate             Water
16  Quality Control Sample-Field Replicate             Water
17                          Sample-Routine             Water
18                          Sample-Routine             Water
19                          Sample-Routine             Water
20                          Sample-Routine             Water
21                          Sample-Routine             Water
22                          Sample-Routine             Water
23                          Sample-Routine             Water
24                          Sample-Routine             Water
25                          Sample-Routine             Water
26                          Sample-Routine             Water
27                          Sample-Routine             Water
28                          Sample-Routine             Water
29                          Sample-Routine             Water
30                          Sample-Routine             Water
31                          Sample-Routine             Water
32                          Sample-Routine             Water
33                          Not determined             Water
34                          Not determined             Water
35                          Sample-Routine             Water
36                          Sample-Routine             Water
37      Quality Control Sample-Field Spike             Water
38      Quality Control Sample-Field Spike             Water
39                          Sample-Routine             Water
40                          Sample-Routine             Water
41                          Sample-Routine             Water
42                          Sample-Routine             Water
43                          Sample-Routine             Water
44                          Sample-Routine             Water
45                          Sample-Routine             Water
46                          Sample-Routine             Water
47                          Sample-Routine             Water
48                          Sample-Routine             Water
49                          Sample-Routine             Water
50                          Sample-Routine             Water
51                          Sample-Routine             Water
52                          Sample-Routine             Water
53                          Sample-Routine             Water
54                          Sample-Routine             Water
55                          Sample-Routine             Water
56                          Sample-Routine             Water
57                          Sample-Routine             Water
58                          Sample-Routine             Water
59                          Sample-Routine             Water
60                          Sample-Routine             Water
61                          Sample-Routine             Water
62                          Sample-Routine             Water
63                          Sample-Routine             Water
64                          Sample-Routine             Water
65                          Sample-Routine             Water
66                          Sample-Routine             Water
67                          Sample-Routine             Water
68                          Sample-Routine             Water
69                          Sample-Routine             Water
70                          Sample-Routine             Water
71                          Sample-Routine             Water
72                          Sample-Routine             Water
73                          Sample-Routine             Water
74                          Sample-Routine             Water
75                          Sample-Routine             Water
76                          Sample-Routine             Water
77                          Sample-Routine             Water
78                          Sample-Routine             Water
79                          Sample-Routine             Water
80                          Sample-Routine             Water
81                          Sample-Routine             Water
82                          Sample-Routine             Water
83  Quality Control Sample-Field Replicate             Water
84                          Sample-Routine             Water
85                          Sample-Routine             Water
86                          Sample-Routine             Water
87                          Sample-Routine             Water
88                          Sample-Routine             Water
89                          Sample-Routine             Water
90                          Sample-Routine             Water
91                          Sample-Routine             Water
92                          Sample-Routine             Water
93                          Sample-Routine             Water
94                          Sample-Routine             Water
95                          Sample-Routine             Water
96                          Sample-Routine             Water
97                          Sample-Routine             Water
98                          Sample-Routine             Water
99                          Sample-Routine             Water
100                         Sample-Routine             Water
101                         Sample-Routine             Water
102                         Sample-Routine             Water
103                         Sample-Routine             Water
104                         Sample-Routine             Water
105                         Sample-Routine             Water
106                         Sample-Routine             Water
107                         Sample-Routine             Water
108                         Sample-Routine             Water
109                         Sample-Routine             Water
110                         Sample-Routine             Water
111                         Sample-Routine             Water
112                         Sample-Routine             Water
113                         Sample-Routine             Water
114                         Sample-Routine             Water
115                         Sample-Routine             Water
116                         Sample-Routine             Water
117                         Sample-Routine             Water
118                         Sample-Routine             Water
119                         Sample-Routine             Water
120                         Sample-Routine             Water
121                         Sample-Routine             Water
122                         Sample-Routine             Water
123                         Sample-Routine             Water
124                         Sample-Routine             Water
125                         Sample-Routine             Water
126 Quality Control Sample-Field Replicate             Water
127 Quality Control Sample-Field Replicate             Water
128                         Sample-Routine             Water
129                         Sample-Routine             Water
130                         Sample-Routine             Water
131                         Sample-Routine             Water
132                         Sample-Routine             Water
133                         Sample-Routine             Water
134                         Sample-Routine             Water
135                         Sample-Routine             Water
136                         Sample-Routine             Water
137                         Sample-Routine             Water
138                         Sample-Routine             Water
139                         Sample-Routine             Water
140                         Sample-Routine             Water
141                         Sample-Routine             Water
142                         Sample-Routine             Water
143                         Sample-Routine             Water
144                         Sample-Routine             Water
145                         Sample-Routine             Water
146                         Sample-Routine             Water
147                         Sample-Routine             Water
148                         Sample-Routine             Water
149                         Sample-Routine             Water
150                         Sample-Routine             Water
151                         Sample-Routine             Water
    ActivityMediaSubdivisionName ActivityStartDate ActivityStartTime.Time
1                  Surface Water        1991-08-19               16:11:00
2                  Surface Water        1991-08-19               16:11:00
3                    Groundwater        1993-07-27               13:00:00
4                  Surface Water        1993-08-24               16:15:00
5                  Surface Water        1993-08-24               16:15:00
6                    Groundwater        1993-07-21               17:00:00
7                  Surface Water        1994-08-24               17:00:00
8                  Surface Water        1994-08-24               17:00:00
9                  Surface Water        1994-07-19               16:10:00
10                 Surface Water        1994-07-19               16:10:00
11                 Surface Water        1994-05-20               10:40:00
12                 Surface Water        1994-05-20               10:40:00
13                 Surface Water        2012-07-18               10:00:00
14                 Surface Water        2012-05-17               10:00:00
15                 Surface Water        1994-05-04               12:10:00
16                 Surface Water        1994-05-04               12:10:00
17                 Surface Water        1994-05-19               09:50:00
18                 Surface Water        1994-05-19               09:50:00
19                 Surface Water        1994-08-25               17:40:00
20                 Surface Water        1994-08-25               17:40:00
21                 Surface Water        1994-08-24               13:40:00
22                 Surface Water        1994-08-24               13:40:00
23                 Surface Water        1994-05-18               13:50:00
24                 Surface Water        1994-05-18               13:50:00
25                 Surface Water        1994-08-24               18:20:00
26                 Surface Water        1994-08-24               18:20:00
27                 Surface Water        1994-08-01               11:30:00
28                 Surface Water        1994-08-01               11:30:00
29                 Surface Water        1994-08-25               09:00:00
30                 Surface Water        1994-08-25               09:00:00
31                 Surface Water        1994-08-24               15:30:00
32                 Surface Water        1994-08-24               15:30:00
33                 Surface Water        1994-08-24               18:30:00
34                 Surface Water        1994-08-24               18:30:00
35                 Surface Water        1994-08-25               15:30:00
36                 Surface Water        1994-08-25               15:30:00
37                 Surface Water        1996-04-18               16:00:00
38                 Surface Water        1996-04-18               11:00:00
39                 Surface Water        2007-06-27               16:15:00
40                 Surface Water        2007-06-27               16:15:00
41                 Surface Water        2009-09-09               15:50:00
42                 Surface Water        2012-05-17               10:00:00
43                 Surface Water        2012-06-12               14:00:00
44                 Surface Water        2012-06-12               14:00:00
45                 Surface Water        1998-04-22               10:45:00
46                 Surface Water        1998-04-22               10:45:00
47                 Surface Water        2012-10-09               11:00:00
48                 Surface Water        2012-10-09               16:00:00
49                 Surface Water        2012-10-09               16:00:00
50                 Surface Water        2012-09-14               11:00:00
51                 Surface Water        1998-04-22               16:28:00
52                 Surface Water        1998-04-22               16:28:00
53                 Surface Water        1998-04-22               14:20:00
54                 Surface Water        1998-04-22               15:08:00
55                 Surface Water        1998-04-22               15:08:00
56                 Surface Water        2005-05-11               14:37:00
57                 Surface Water        2005-05-05               13:09:00
58                 Surface Water        2015-05-27               15:50:00
59                 Surface Water        1998-04-22               12:27:00
60                 Surface Water        1998-04-22               12:27:00
61                 Surface Water        2004-05-11               11:20:00
62                 Surface Water        2004-05-07               13:12:00
63                 Surface Water        2004-05-07               11:00:00
64                 Surface Water        2004-08-19               12:10:00
65                 Surface Water        1998-04-22               14:20:00
66                 Surface Water        2012-07-18               10:00:00
67                 Surface Water        2004-05-07               12:55:00
68                 Surface Water        2005-05-04               13:52:00
69                 Surface Water        2005-05-17               15:00:00
70                 Surface Water        2015-06-10               14:20:00
71                 Surface Water        2005-06-01               11:39:00
72                 Surface Water        2005-05-16               13:00:00
73                 Surface Water        1998-04-22               10:26:00
74                 Surface Water        1998-04-22               10:26:00
75                 Surface Water        2006-04-27               16:12:00
76                 Surface Water        2006-04-26               15:30:00
77                 Surface Water        2006-05-30               12:41:00
78                 Surface Water        2006-05-03               16:24:00
79                 Surface Water        2004-05-07               14:40:00
80                 Surface Water        2015-05-27               13:50:00
81                 Surface Water        2015-06-17               12:30:00
82                 Surface Water        2015-05-13               17:40:00
83                 Surface Water        2015-04-22               17:20:00
84                 Surface Water        2015-06-03               13:00:00
85                 Surface Water        2015-06-10               12:00:00
86                 Surface Water        2012-10-09               11:00:00
87                 Surface Water        2004-06-01               12:54:00
88                 Surface Water        2015-06-17               14:20:00
89                 Surface Water        2015-04-15               16:50:00
90                 Surface Water        2015-05-20               15:40:00
91                 Surface Water        2012-09-14               11:00:00
92                 Surface Water        2006-05-18               15:19:00
93                 Surface Water        2006-05-31               16:10:00
94                 Surface Water        2015-06-03               10:20:00
95                 Surface Water        2004-05-07               13:50:00
96                 Surface Water        2015-05-06               16:40:00
97                 Surface Water        2015-04-29               15:20:00
98                 Surface Water        1998-03-24               10:40:00
99                 Surface Water        1998-11-09               14:28:00
100                Surface Water        1994-11-01               17:20:00
101                Surface Water        1994-11-01               17:20:00
102                Surface Water        1998-11-09               10:08:00
103                Surface Water        1998-02-11               12:55:00
104                Surface Water        1998-11-09               14:28:00
105                Surface Water        1998-02-11               14:00:00
106                Surface Water        1998-02-11               12:55:00
107                Surface Water        1998-03-24               10:40:00
108                Surface Water        1998-03-24               15:15:00
109                Surface Water        1998-03-04               13:02:00
110                Surface Water        1998-03-04               13:02:00
111                Surface Water        1998-03-04               17:15:00
112                Surface Water        1998-11-09               16:20:00
113                Surface Water        1998-02-11               14:00:00
114                Surface Water        1998-03-04               17:15:00
115                Surface Water        1998-11-09               12:30:00
116                Surface Water        1998-11-09               12:30:00
117                Surface Water        1998-03-24               09:07:00
118                Surface Water        1998-03-24               09:07:00
119                Surface Water        1998-03-24               09:00:00
120                Surface Water        1998-03-24               09:00:00
121                Surface Water        1998-11-09               13:44:00
122                Surface Water        1998-11-09               13:44:00
123                Surface Water        2011-12-29               13:00:00
124                Surface Water        2011-12-29               13:00:00
125                Surface Water        2011-12-29               13:00:00
126                Surface Water        1998-02-10               16:00:00
127                Surface Water        1998-02-10               16:00:00
128                Surface Water        1998-02-10               10:15:00
129                Surface Water        1998-03-04               14:17:00
130                Surface Water        1998-03-04               14:17:00
131                Surface Water        1998-02-11               11:00:00
132                Surface Water        1998-03-04               16:15:00
133                Surface Water        1998-03-04               16:15:00
134                Surface Water        1998-03-24               15:15:00
135                Surface Water        2011-12-29               13:00:00
136                Surface Water        1998-03-04               10:02:00
137                Surface Water        1998-03-24               14:22:00
138                Surface Water        1998-03-24               14:22:00
139                Surface Water        1998-11-09               10:08:00
140                Surface Water        1998-02-10               10:15:00
141                Surface Water        1998-03-24               12:03:00
142                Surface Water        1998-03-24               12:03:00
143                Surface Water        1998-03-04               18:12:00
144                Surface Water        1998-03-04               18:12:00
145                Surface Water        1998-02-11               11:00:00
146                Surface Water        1998-02-10               12:15:00
147                Surface Water        1998-02-10               12:15:00
148                Surface Water        1998-03-04               10:02:00
149                Surface Water        1998-11-09               15:26:00
150                Surface Water        1998-11-09               15:26:00
151                Surface Water        1998-11-09               16:20:00
    ActivityStartTime.TimeZoneCode ActivityEndDate ActivityEndTime.Time
1                              PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
2                              PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
3                              PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
4                              PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
5                              PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
6                              PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
7                              PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
8                              PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
9                              PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
10                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
11                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
12                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
13                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
14                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
15                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
16                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
17                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
18                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
19                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
20                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
21                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
22                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
23                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
24                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
25                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
26                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
27                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
28                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
29                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
30                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
31                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
32                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
33                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
34                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
35                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
36                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
37                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
38                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
39                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
40                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
41                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
42                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
43                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
44                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
45                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
46                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
47                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
48                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
49                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
50                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
51                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
52                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
53                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
54                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
55                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
56                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
57                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
58                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
59                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
60                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
61                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
62                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
63                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
64                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
65                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
66                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
67                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
68                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
69                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
70                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
71                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
72                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
73                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
74                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
75                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
76                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
77                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
78                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
79                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
80                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
81                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
82                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
83                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
84                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
85                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
86                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
87                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
88                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
89                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
90                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
91                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
92                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
93                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
94                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
95                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
96                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
97                             PDT            <NA>                 <NA>
98                             PST            <NA>                 <NA>
99                             PST            <NA>                 <NA>
100                            PST            <NA>                 <NA>
101                            PST            <NA>                 <NA>
102                            PST            <NA>                 <NA>
103                            PST            <NA>                 <NA>
104                            PST            <NA>                 <NA>
105                            PST            <NA>                 <NA>
106                            PST            <NA>                 <NA>
107                            PST            <NA>                 <NA>
108                            PST            <NA>                 <NA>
109                            PST            <NA>                 <NA>
110                            PST            <NA>                 <NA>
111                            PST            <NA>                 <NA>
112                            PST            <NA>                 <NA>
113                            PST            <NA>                 <NA>
114                            PST            <NA>                 <NA>
115                            PST            <NA>                 <NA>
116                            PST            <NA>                 <NA>
117                            PST            <NA>                 <NA>
118                            PST            <NA>                 <NA>
119                            PST            <NA>                 <NA>
120                            PST            <NA>                 <NA>
121                            PST            <NA>                 <NA>
122                            PST            <NA>                 <NA>
123                            PST            <NA>                 <NA>
124                            PST            <NA>                 <NA>
125                            PST            <NA>                 <NA>
126                            PST            <NA>                 <NA>
127                            PST            <NA>                 <NA>
128                            PST            <NA>                 <NA>
129                            PST            <NA>                 <NA>
130                            PST            <NA>                 <NA>
131                            PST            <NA>                 <NA>
132                            PST            <NA>                 <NA>
133                            PST            <NA>                 <NA>
134                            PST            <NA>                 <NA>
135                            PST            <NA>                 <NA>
136                            PST            <NA>                 <NA>
137                            PST            <NA>                 <NA>
138                            PST            <NA>                 <NA>
139                            PST            <NA>                 <NA>
140                            PST            <NA>                 <NA>
141                            PST            <NA>                 <NA>
142                            PST            <NA>                 <NA>
143                            PST            <NA>                 <NA>
144                            PST            <NA>                 <NA>
145                            PST            <NA>                 <NA>
146                            PST            <NA>                 <NA>
147                            PST            <NA>                 <NA>
148                            PST            <NA>                 <NA>
149                            PST            <NA>                 <NA>
150                            PST            <NA>                 <NA>
151                            PST            <NA>                 <NA>
    ActivityEndTime.TimeZoneCode ActivityRelativeDepthName
1                           <NA>                      <NA>
2                           <NA>                      <NA>
3                           <NA>                      <NA>
4                           <NA>                      <NA>
5                           <NA>                      <NA>
6                           <NA>                      <NA>
7                           <NA>                      <NA>
8                           <NA>                      <NA>
9                           <NA>                      <NA>
10                          <NA>                      <NA>
11                          <NA>                      <NA>
12                          <NA>                      <NA>
13                          <NA>                      <NA>
14                          <NA>                      <NA>
15                          <NA>                      <NA>
16                          <NA>                      <NA>
17                          <NA>                      <NA>
18                          <NA>                      <NA>
19                          <NA>                      <NA>
20                          <NA>                      <NA>
21                          <NA>                      <NA>
22                          <NA>                      <NA>
23                          <NA>                      <NA>
24                          <NA>                      <NA>
25                          <NA>                      <NA>
26                          <NA>                      <NA>
27                          <NA>                      <NA>
28                          <NA>                      <NA>
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30                          <NA>                      <NA>
31                          <NA>                      <NA>
32                          <NA>                      <NA>
33                          <NA>                      <NA>
34                          <NA>                      <NA>
35                          <NA>                      <NA>
36                          <NA>                      <NA>
37                          <NA>                      <NA>
38                          <NA>                      <NA>
39                          <NA>                      <NA>
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41                          <NA>                      <NA>
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49                          <NA>                      <NA>
50                          <NA>                      <NA>
51                          <NA>                      <NA>
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3   National Water Quality Assessment Program (NAWQA)        <NA>
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6   National Water Quality Assessment Program (NAWQA)        <NA>
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9   National Water Quality Assessment Program (NAWQA)        <NA>
10  National Water Quality Assessment Program (NAWQA)        <NA>
11  National Water Quality Assessment Program (NAWQA)        <NA>
12  National Water Quality Assessment Program (NAWQA)        <NA>
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15  National Water Quality Assessment Program (NAWQA)        <NA>
16  National Water Quality Assessment Program (NAWQA)        <NA>
17  National Water Quality Assessment Program (NAWQA)        <NA>
18  National Water Quality Assessment Program (NAWQA)        <NA>
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23  National Water Quality Assessment Program (NAWQA)        <NA>
24  National Water Quality Assessment Program (NAWQA)        <NA>
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27  National Water Quality Assessment Program (NAWQA)        <NA>
28  National Water Quality Assessment Program (NAWQA)        <NA>
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58  National Water Quality Assessment Program (NAWQA)        <NA>
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61  National Water Quality Assessment Program (NAWQA)        <NA>
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64  National Water Quality Assessment Program (NAWQA)        <NA>
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70  National Water Quality Assessment Program (NAWQA)        <NA>
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80  National Water Quality Assessment Program (NAWQA)        <NA>
81  National Water Quality Assessment Program (NAWQA)        <NA>
82  National Water Quality Assessment Program (NAWQA)        <NA>
83  National Water Quality Assessment Program (NAWQA)        <NA>
84  National Water Quality Assessment Program (NAWQA)        <NA>
85  National Water Quality Assessment Program (NAWQA)        <NA>
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88  National Water Quality Assessment Program (NAWQA)        <NA>
89  National Water Quality Assessment Program (NAWQA)        <NA>
90  National Water Quality Assessment Program (NAWQA)        <NA>
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94  National Water Quality Assessment Program (NAWQA)        <NA>
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96  National Water Quality Assessment Program (NAWQA)        <NA>
97  National Water Quality Assessment Program (NAWQA)        <NA>
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100 National Water Quality Assessment Program (NAWQA)        <NA>
101 National Water Quality Assessment Program (NAWQA)        <NA>
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130                                              <NA>        <NA>
131                                              <NA>        <NA>
132                                              <NA>        <NA>
133                                              <NA>        <NA>
134                                              <NA>        <NA>
135                                              <NA>        <NA>
136                                              <NA>        <NA>
137                                              <NA>        <NA>
138                                              <NA>        <NA>
139                                              <NA>        <NA>
140                                              <NA>        <NA>
141                                              <NA>        <NA>
142                                              <NA>        <NA>
143                                              <NA>        <NA>
144                                              <NA>        <NA>
145                                              <NA>        <NA>
146                                              <NA>        <NA>
147                                              <NA>        <NA>
148                                              <NA>        <NA>
149                                              <NA>        <NA>
150                                              <NA>        <NA>
151                                              <NA>        <NA>
1   U.S. Geological Survey-Water Resources Discipline
2   U.S. Geological Survey-Water Resources Discipline
3   U.S. Geological Survey-Water Resources Discipline
4   U.S. Geological Survey-Water Resources Discipline
5   U.S. Geological Survey-Water Resources Discipline
6   U.S. Geological Survey-Water Resources Discipline
7                                                <NA>
8                                                <NA>
9   U.S. Geological Survey-Water Resources Discipline
10  U.S. Geological Survey-Water Resources Discipline
11  U.S. Geological Survey-Water Resources Discipline
12  U.S. Geological Survey-Water Resources Discipline
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147 U.S. Geological Survey-Water Resources Discipline
148 U.S. Geological Survey-Water Resources Discipline
149 U.S. Geological Survey-Water Resources Discipline
150 U.S. Geological Survey-Water Resources Discipline
151 U.S. Geological Survey-Water Resources Discipline
    MonitoringLocationIdentifier MonitoringLocationName
1                  USGS-14171500                   <NA>
2                  USGS-14171500                   <NA>
3           USGS-444222123102701                   <NA>
4           USGS-443207123145500                   <NA>
5           USGS-443207123145500                   <NA>
6           USGS-442833123162401                   <NA>
7           USGS-442445123135800                   <NA>
8           USGS-442445123135800                   <NA>
9           USGS-442223123153703                   <NA>
10          USGS-442223123153703                   <NA>
11          USGS-441745123141603                   <NA>
12          USGS-441745123141603                   <NA>
13          USGS-442406123192700                   <NA>
14          USGS-442447123194200                   <NA>
15          USGS-442223123153703                   <NA>
16          USGS-442223123153703                   <NA>
17          USGS-442223123153703                   <NA>
18          USGS-442223123153703                   <NA>
19          USGS-443515123110100                   <NA>
20          USGS-443515123110100                   <NA>
21          USGS-442219123140600                   <NA>
22          USGS-442219123140600                   <NA>
23          USGS-443321123155201                   <NA>
24          USGS-443321123155201                   <NA>
25          USGS-442444123135800                   <NA>
26          USGS-442444123135800                   <NA>
27          USGS-444002123163603                   <NA>
28          USGS-444002123163603                   <NA>
29          USGS-442713123123500                   <NA>
30          USGS-442713123123500                   <NA>
31          USGS-442325123133600                   <NA>
32          USGS-442325123133600                   <NA>
33          USGS-442519123132000                   <NA>
34          USGS-442519123132000                   <NA>
35          USGS-443354123151500                   <NA>
36          USGS-443354123151500                   <NA>
37          USGS-441842123174200                   <NA>
38          USGS-443423123152800                   <NA>
39          USGS-442455123201800                   <NA>
40          USGS-442455123201800                   <NA>
41          USGS-442523123185400                   <NA>
42          USGS-442447123194200                   <NA>
43          USGS-442406123192700                   <NA>
44          USGS-442406123192700                   <NA>
45          USGS-442322123180700                   <NA>
46          USGS-442322123180700                   <NA>
47          USGS-442406123192700                   <NA>
48          USGS-442447123194200                   <NA>
49          USGS-442447123194200                   <NA>
50          USGS-442447123194200                   <NA>
51          USGS-442531123184700                   <NA>
52          USGS-442531123184700                   <NA>
53          USGS-442444123213600                   <NA>
54          USGS-442530123200100                   <NA>
55          USGS-442530123200100                   <NA>
56          USGS-442447123194200                   <NA>
57          USGS-442503123194000                   <NA>
58          USGS-443423123153700                   <NA>
59          USGS-442408123192500                   <NA>
60          USGS-442408123192500                   <NA>
61          USGS-443326123165200                   <NA>
62          USGS-442503123194000                   <NA>
63          USGS-442427123185900                   <NA>
64          USGS-443326123165200                   <NA>
65          USGS-442444123213600                   <NA>
66          USGS-442406123192700                   <NA>
67          USGS-442447123194200                   <NA>
68          USGS-442519123192100                   <NA>
69          USGS-442406123192700                   <NA>
70          USGS-443423123153700                   <NA>
71          USGS-442427123185900                   <NA>
72          USGS-442351123181700                   <NA>
73          USGS-442350123204300                   <NA>
74          USGS-442350123204300                   <NA>
75          USGS-442447123194200                   <NA>
76          USGS-442503123194000                   <NA>
77          USGS-442427123185900                   <NA>
78          USGS-442519123192100                   <NA>
79          USGS-442351123181700                   <NA>
80          USGS-443243123265400                   <NA>
81          USGS-443243123265400                   <NA>
82          USGS-443423123153700                   <NA>
83          USGS-443423123153700                   <NA>
84          USGS-443243123265400                   <NA>
85          USGS-443243123265400                   <NA>
86          USGS-442406123192700                   <NA>
87          USGS-442406123192700                   <NA>
88          USGS-443423123153700                   <NA>
89          USGS-443423123153700                   <NA>
90          USGS-443423123153700                   <NA>
91          USGS-442447123194200                   <NA>
92          USGS-442351123181700                   <NA>
93          USGS-442406123192700                   <NA>
94          USGS-443423123153700                   <NA>
95          USGS-442519123192100                   <NA>
96          USGS-443423123153700                   <NA>
97          USGS-443423123153700                   <NA>
98          USGS-442530123200100                   <NA>
99          USGS-442530123200100                   <NA>
100         USGS-442223123153703                   <NA>
101         USGS-442223123153703                   <NA>
102         USGS-442531123184700                   <NA>
103         USGS-442531123184700                   <NA>
104         USGS-442530123200100                   <NA>
105         USGS-442408123192500                   <NA>
106         USGS-442531123184700                   <NA>
107         USGS-442530123200100                   <NA>
108         USGS-442322123180700                   <NA>
109         USGS-442350123204300                   <NA>
110         USGS-442350123204300                   <NA>
111         USGS-442531123184700                   <NA>
112         USGS-442350123204300                   <NA>
113         USGS-442408123192500                   <NA>
114         USGS-442531123184700                   <NA>
115         USGS-442322123180700                   <NA>
116         USGS-442322123180700                   <NA>
117         USGS-442444123213600                   <NA>
118         USGS-442444123213600                   <NA>
119         USGS-442350123204300                   <NA>
120         USGS-442350123204300                   <NA>
121         USGS-442444123213600                   <NA>
122         USGS-442444123213600                   <NA>
123         USGS-442406123192700                   <NA>
124         USGS-442447123194200                   <NA>
125         USGS-442447123194200                   <NA>
126         USGS-442322123180700                   <NA>
127         USGS-442322123180700                   <NA>
128         USGS-442530123200100                   <NA>
129         USGS-442408123192500                   <NA>
130         USGS-442408123192500                   <NA>
131         USGS-442444123213600                   <NA>
132         USGS-442322123180700                   <NA>
133         USGS-442322123180700                   <NA>
134         USGS-442322123180700                   <NA>
135         USGS-442406123192700                   <NA>
136         USGS-442444123213600                   <NA>
137         USGS-442531123184700                   <NA>
138         USGS-442531123184700                   <NA>
139         USGS-442531123184700                   <NA>
140         USGS-442530123200100                   <NA>
141         USGS-442408123192500                   <NA>
142         USGS-442408123192500                   <NA>
143         USGS-442530123200100                   <NA>
144         USGS-442530123200100                   <NA>
145         USGS-442444123213600                   <NA>
146         USGS-442350123204300                   <NA>
147         USGS-442350123204300                   <NA>
148         USGS-442444123213600                   <NA>
149         USGS-442408123192500                   <NA>
150         USGS-442408123192500                   <NA>
151         USGS-442350123204300                   <NA>
1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  <NA>
2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  <NA>
3                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  <NA>
4                                                                                                                                                                                 A-2420273 Default ASR Comment  50MLS FILTERED FOR SOC
5                                                                                                                                                                                 A-2420273 Default ASR Comment  50MLS FILTERED FOR SOC
6                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  <NA>
7                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  <NA>
8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  <NA>
9                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  <NA>
10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
11                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
13                                                                                                                                                                             L-2050114 low volume FCC,  paa    Received July 21, 2012
14                                                              L-1640042 X = No time on bottles   X = Please do not send your empty acid vials in the cooler - dispose of them on your end..  corrected ASR year to 2012, paa, 6/15/12
15                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
17                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
18                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
19                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
20                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
21                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
22                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
23                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
24                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
25                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
26                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
27                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
28                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
29                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
30                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
31                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
32                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
33                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
34                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
35                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
36                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
37                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
38                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
39                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
40                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
41                                                                                                                                                                                                                            MM-18698A
42                                                              L-1640042 X = No time on bottles   X = Please do not send your empty acid vials in the cooler - dispose of them on your end..  corrected ASR year to 2012, paa, 6/15/12
43                                                                                                                                                               L-1700101 X = Date on bottles reads 6/6/2012    Received June 16, 2012
44                                                                                                                                                               L-1700101 X = Date on bottles reads 6/6/2012    Received June 16, 2012
45                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
46                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
47                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
48                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
49                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
50                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
51                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
52                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
53                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
54                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
55                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
56                                                                                                                                                   A-1360034 Water collected coincidental with trappingL-1360034 Received May 13,2005
57                                                                                                                                  A-1300095 Water collected  coincidental with trapsL-1300095 X= Day, Month & Time taken from samples
58                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
59                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
60                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
61  A-1340157 Vol.  filtered TPCN= 200.4 mL (sample A),Vol. Filtered TPCN= 209.3 mL (sample B)L-1340157 Cooler recvd late (11:30 am 5/13/04) according to DOI contract with FedEX. File claim with for late delivery charges.
62                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
63                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
64                                                                                                                                A-2360210 volume filtered for tpcn= 228.9 ml (sample a) volume filtered for tpcn= 232.2 ml (sample b)
65                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
66                                                                                                                                                                             L-2050114 low volume FCC,  paa    Received July 21, 2012
67                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
68                                                                                                                                                                                   A-1300094 Water collected  coincidental with traps
69                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
70                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
71                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
72                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
73                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
74                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
75                                                                                                                                            A-1210008 Composite sample collected at trap locations. L-1210008 Received April 29, 2006
76                                                                                                                                             A-1210009 Composite sample collected at trap locations. L-1210009 Received April 29,2006
77                                                                                                                                                                              A-1530121 Composite sample collected at trap locations.
78                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
79                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
80                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
81                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
82                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
83                                                                                                                                                                                                       L-1190018 FED EX LATE DELIVERY
84                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
85                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
86                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
87                                                                                                                                                                                           L-1550194 x=improper sample container= wca
88                                                                                                                                                                                                                            MM-41807B
89                                                                                                                                                    L-1120013 FED EX LATE DELIVERY. Updated Time from 1640 per J. Morace. JPC 7/18/18
90                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
91                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
92                                                                                                                                                A-1420004 Composite sample collected at map locations. L-1420004 Received May 20,2006
93                                                                                                                                                                              A-1530122 Composite sample collected at trap locations.
94                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
95                                                                                                                                                                                                A-1320032 heavy cow use, cows present
96                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
97                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
98                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
99                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 <NA>
100                                                                                                                                                                                                                                <NA>
101                                                                                                                                                                                                                                <NA>
102                                                                                                                                                                                                                                <NA>
103                                                                                                                                                                                                                                <NA>
104                                                                                                                                                                                                                                <NA>
105                                                                                                                                                                                                                                <NA>
106                                                                                                                                                                                                                                <NA>
107                                                                                                                                                                                                                                <NA>
108                                                                                                                                                                                                                                <NA>
109                                                                                                                                                                                                                                <NA>
110                                                                                                                                                                                                                                <NA>
111                                                                                                                                                                                                                                <NA>
112                                                                                                                                                                                                                                <NA>
113                                                                                                                                                                                                                                <NA>
114                                                                                                                                                                                                                                <NA>
115                                                                                                                                                                                                                                <NA>
116                                                                                                                                                                                                                                <NA>
117                                                                                                                                                                                                                                <NA>
118                                                                                                                                                                                                                                <NA>
119                                                                                                                                                                                                                                <NA>
120                                                                                                                                                                                                                                <NA>
121                                                                                                                                                                                                                                <NA>
122                                                                                                                                                                                                                                <NA>
123                                                                                                        L-0090036 CHY recvd warm with routine smpls, ok log per Tara, paa, 1/9/12 Frozen containers received warm at 5.8   Degrees C
124                                                                           L-0090035 CHY recvd warm with routine smpls, ok log per Tara, paa, 1/9/12   Received December 30, 2011 Frozen containers received warm at 5.8   Degrees C
125                                                                           L-0090035 CHY recvd warm with routine smpls, ok log per Tara, paa, 1/9/12   Received December 30, 2011 Frozen containers received warm at 5.8   Degrees C
126                                                                                                                                                                                                                                <NA>
127                                                                                                                                                                                                                                <NA>
128                                                                                                                                                                                                                                <NA>
129                                                                                                                                                                                                                                <NA>
130                                                                                                                                                                                                                                <NA>
131                                                                                                                                                                                                                                <NA>
132                                                                                                                                                                                                                                <NA>
133                                                                                                                                                                                                                                <NA>
134                                                                                                                                                                                                                                <NA>
135                                                                                                        L-0090036 CHY recvd warm with routine smpls, ok log per Tara, paa, 1/9/12 Frozen containers received warm at 5.8   Degrees C
136                                                                                                                                                                                                                                <NA>
137                                                                                                                                                                                                                                <NA>
138                                                                                                                                                                                                                                <NA>
139                                                                                                                                                                                                                                <NA>
140                                                                                                                                                                                                                                <NA>
141                                                                                                                                                                                                                                <NA>
142                                                                                                                                                                                                                                <NA>
143                                                                                                                                                                                                                                <NA>
144                                                                                                                                                                                                                                <NA>
145                                                                                                                                                                                                                                <NA>
146                                                                                                                                                                                                                                <NA>
147                                                                                                                                                                                                                                <NA>
148                                                                                                                                                                                                                                <NA>
149                                                                                                                                                                                                                                <NA>
150                                                                                                                                                                                                                                <NA>
151                                                                                                                                                                                                                                <NA>
    SampleAquifer  HydrologicCondition HydrologicEvent
1            <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
2            <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
3            <NA>       Not determined  Routine sample
4            <NA>    Stable, low stage  Routine sample
5            <NA>    Stable, low stage  Routine sample
6            <NA>       Not determined  Routine sample
7            <NA>       Not determined  Routine sample
8            <NA>       Not determined  Routine sample
9            <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
10           <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
11           <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
12           <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
13           <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
14           <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
15           <NA>   Stable, high stage  Routine sample
16           <NA>   Stable, high stage  Routine sample
17           <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
18           <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
19           <NA>       Not determined  Routine sample
20           <NA>       Not determined  Routine sample
21           <NA>       Not determined  Routine sample
22           <NA>       Not determined  Routine sample
23           <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
24           <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
25           <NA>       Not determined  Routine sample
26           <NA>       Not determined  Routine sample
27           <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
28           <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
29           <NA>       Not determined  Routine sample
30           <NA>       Not determined  Routine sample
31           <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
32           <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
33           <NA>       Not determined  Routine sample
34           <NA>       Not determined  Routine sample
35           <NA>       Not determined  Routine sample
36           <NA>       Not determined  Routine sample
37           <NA>   Stable, high stage           Storm
38           <NA>   Stable, high stage           Storm
39           <NA>       Not determined  Routine sample
40           <NA>       Not determined  Routine sample
41           <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
42           <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
43           <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
44           <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
45           <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
46           <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
47           <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
48           <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
49           <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
50           <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
51           <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
52           <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
53           <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
54           <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
55           <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
56           <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
57           <NA>       Not determined  Routine sample
58           <NA>    Stable, low stage  Routine sample
59           <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
60           <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
61           <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
62           <NA>       Not determined  Routine sample
63           <NA>       Not determined  Routine sample
64           <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
65           <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
66           <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
67           <NA>       Not determined  Routine sample
68           <NA>       Not determined  Routine sample
69           <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
70           <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
71           <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
72           <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
73           <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
74           <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
75           <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
76           <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
77           <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
78           <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
79           <NA>       Not determined  Routine sample
80           <NA>       Not determined  Routine sample
81           <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
82           <NA>    Stable, low stage  Routine sample
83           <NA>       Not determined  Routine sample
84           <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
85           <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
86           <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
87           <NA>       Not determined  Routine sample
88           <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
89           <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
90           <NA>       Not determined  Routine sample
91           <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
92           <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
93           <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
94           <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
95           <NA>       Not determined  Routine sample
96           <NA>    Stable, low stage  Routine sample
97           <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
98           <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
99           <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
100          <NA>         Rising stage           Storm
101          <NA>         Rising stage           Storm
102          <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
103          <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
104          <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
105          <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
106          <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
107          <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
108          <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
109          <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
110          <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
111          <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
112          <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
113          <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
114          <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
115          <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
116          <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
117          <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
118          <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
119          <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
120          <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
121          <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
122          <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
123          <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
124          <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
125          <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
126          <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
127          <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
128          <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
129          <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
130          <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
131          <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
132          <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
133          <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
134          <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
135          <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
136          <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
137          <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
138          <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
139          <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
140          <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
141          <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
142          <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
143          <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
144          <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
145          <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
146          <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
147          <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
148          <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
149          <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
150          <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
151          <NA> Stable, normal stage  Routine sample
    ActivityLocation.LatitudeMeasure ActivityLocation.LongitudeMeasure
1                               <NA>                              <NA>
2                               <NA>                              <NA>
3                               <NA>                              <NA>
4                               <NA>                              <NA>
5                               <NA>                              <NA>
6                               <NA>                              <NA>
7                               <NA>                              <NA>
8                               <NA>                              <NA>
9                               <NA>                              <NA>
10                              <NA>                              <NA>
11                              <NA>                              <NA>
12                              <NA>                              <NA>
13                              <NA>                              <NA>
14                              <NA>                              <NA>
15                              <NA>                              <NA>
16                              <NA>                              <NA>
17                              <NA>                              <NA>
18                              <NA>                              <NA>
19                              <NA>                              <NA>
20                              <NA>                              <NA>
21                              <NA>                              <NA>
22                              <NA>                              <NA>
23                              <NA>                              <NA>
24                              <NA>                              <NA>
25                              <NA>                              <NA>
26                              <NA>                              <NA>
27                              <NA>                              <NA>
28                              <NA>                              <NA>
29                              <NA>                              <NA>
30                              <NA>                              <NA>
31                              <NA>                              <NA>
32                              <NA>                              <NA>
33                              <NA>                              <NA>
34                              <NA>                              <NA>
35                              <NA>                              <NA>
36                              <NA>                              <NA>
37                              <NA>                              <NA>
38                              <NA>                              <NA>
39                              <NA>                              <NA>
40                              <NA>                              <NA>
41                              <NA>                              <NA>
42                              <NA>                              <NA>
43                              <NA>                              <NA>
44                              <NA>                              <NA>
45                              <NA>                              <NA>
46                              <NA>                              <NA>
47                              <NA>                              <NA>
48                              <NA>                              <NA>
49                              <NA>                              <NA>
50                              <NA>                              <NA>
51                              <NA>                              <NA>
52                              <NA>                              <NA>
53                              <NA>                              <NA>
54                              <NA>                              <NA>
55                              <NA>                              <NA>
56                              <NA>                              <NA>
57                              <NA>                              <NA>
58                              <NA>                              <NA>
59                              <NA>                              <NA>
60                              <NA>                              <NA>
61                              <NA>                              <NA>
62                              <NA>                              <NA>
63                              <NA>                              <NA>
64                              <NA>                              <NA>
65                              <NA>                              <NA>
66                              <NA>                              <NA>
67                              <NA>                              <NA>
68                              <NA>                              <NA>
69                              <NA>                              <NA>
70                              <NA>                              <NA>
71                              <NA>                              <NA>
72                              <NA>                              <NA>
73                              <NA>                              <NA>
74                              <NA>                              <NA>
75                              <NA>                              <NA>
76                              <NA>                              <NA>
77                              <NA>                              <NA>
78                              <NA>                              <NA>
79                              <NA>                              <NA>
80                              <NA>                              <NA>
81                              <NA>                              <NA>
82                              <NA>                              <NA>
83                              <NA>                              <NA>
84                              <NA>                              <NA>
85                              <NA>                              <NA>
86                              <NA>                              <NA>
87                              <NA>                              <NA>
88                              <NA>                              <NA>
89                              <NA>                              <NA>
90                              <NA>                              <NA>
91                              <NA>                              <NA>
92                              <NA>                              <NA>
93                              <NA>                              <NA>
94                              <NA>                              <NA>
95                              <NA>                              <NA>
96                              <NA>                              <NA>
97                              <NA>                              <NA>
98                              <NA>                              <NA>
99                              <NA>                              <NA>
100                             <NA>                              <NA>
101                             <NA>                              <NA>
102                             <NA>                              <NA>
103                             <NA>                              <NA>
104                             <NA>                              <NA>
105                             <NA>                              <NA>
106                             <NA>                              <NA>
107                             <NA>                              <NA>
108                             <NA>                              <NA>
109                             <NA>                              <NA>
110                             <NA>                              <NA>
111                             <NA>                              <NA>
112                             <NA>                              <NA>
113                             <NA>                              <NA>
114                             <NA>                              <NA>
115                             <NA>                              <NA>
116                             <NA>                              <NA>
117                             <NA>                              <NA>
118                             <NA>                              <NA>
119                             <NA>                              <NA>
120                             <NA>                              <NA>
121                             <NA>                              <NA>
122                             <NA>                              <NA>
123                             <NA>                              <NA>
124                             <NA>                              <NA>
125                             <NA>                              <NA>
126                             <NA>                              <NA>
127                             <NA>                              <NA>
128                             <NA>                              <NA>
129                             <NA>                              <NA>
130                             <NA>                              <NA>
131                             <NA>                              <NA>
132                             <NA>                              <NA>
133                             <NA>                              <NA>
134                             <NA>                              <NA>
135                             <NA>                              <NA>
136                             <NA>                              <NA>
137                             <NA>                              <NA>
138                             <NA>                              <NA>
139                             <NA>                              <NA>
140                             <NA>                              <NA>
141                             <NA>                              <NA>
142                             <NA>                              <NA>
143                             <NA>                              <NA>
144                             <NA>                              <NA>
145                             <NA>                              <NA>
146                             <NA>                              <NA>
147                             <NA>                              <NA>
148                             <NA>                              <NA>
149                             <NA>                              <NA>
150                             <NA>                              <NA>
151                             <NA>                              <NA>
1                                      USGS
2                                      USGS
3                                      USGS
4                                      USGS
5                                      USGS
6                                      USGS
7                                      USGS
8                                      USGS
9                                      USGS
10                                     USGS
11                                     USGS
12                                     USGS
13                                     USGS
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15                                     USGS
16                                     USGS
17                                     USGS
18                                     USGS
19                                     USGS
20                                     USGS
21                                     USGS
22                                     USGS
23                                     USGS
24                                     USGS
25                                     USGS
26                                     USGS
27                                     USGS
28                                     USGS
29                                     USGS
30                                     USGS
31                                     USGS
32                                     USGS
33                                     USGS
34                                     USGS
35                                     USGS
36                                     USGS
37                                     USGS
38                                     USGS
39                                     USGS
40                                     USGS
41                                     USGS
42                                     USGS
43                                     USGS
44                                     USGS
45                                     USGS
46                                     USGS
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48                                     USGS
49                                     USGS
50                                     USGS
51                                     USGS
52                                     USGS
53                                     USGS
54                                     USGS
55                                     USGS
56                                     USGS
57                                     USGS
58                                       70
59                                     USGS
60                                     USGS
61                                     USGS
62                                     USGS
63                                     USGS
64                                     USGS
65                                     USGS
66                                     USGS
67                                     USGS
68                                     USGS
69                                     USGS
70                                       70
71                                     USGS
72                                     USGS
73                                     USGS
74                                     USGS
75                                     USGS
76                                     USGS
77                                     USGS
78                                     USGS
79                                     USGS
80                                       40
81                                       70
82                                       70
83                                       70
84                                       40
85                                       70
86                                     USGS
87                                     USGS
88                                       70
89                                       70
90                                       70
91                                     USGS
92                                     USGS
93                                     USGS
94                                       70
95                                     USGS
96                                       70
97                                       70
98                                     USGS
99                                     USGS
100                                    USGS
101                                    USGS
102                                    USGS
103                                    USGS
104                                    USGS
105                                    USGS
106                                    USGS
107                                    USGS
108                                    USGS
109                                    USGS
110                                    USGS
111                                    USGS
112                                    USGS
113                                    USGS
114                                    USGS
115                                    USGS
116                                    USGS
117                                    USGS
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120                                    USGS
121                                    USGS
122                                    USGS
123                                    USGS
124                                    USGS
125                                    USGS
126                                    USGS
127                                    USGS
128                                    USGS
129                                    USGS
130                                    USGS
131                                    USGS
132                                    USGS
133                                    USGS
134                                    USGS
135                                    USGS
136                                    USGS
137                                    USGS
138                                    USGS
139                                    USGS
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142                                    USGS
143                                    USGS
144                                    USGS
145                                    USGS
146                                    USGS
147                                    USGS
148                                    USGS
149                                    USGS
150                                    USGS
151                                    USGS
1                                             USGS
2                                             USGS
3                                             USGS
4                                             USGS
5                                             USGS
6                                             USGS
7                                             USGS
8                                             USGS
9                                             USGS
10                                            USGS
11                                            USGS
12                                            USGS
13                                            USGS
14                                            USGS
15                                            USGS
16                                            USGS
17                                            USGS
18                                            USGS
19                                            USGS
20                                            USGS
21                                            USGS
22                                            USGS
23                                            USGS
24                                            USGS
25                                            USGS
26                                            USGS
27                                            USGS
28                                            USGS
29                                            USGS
30                                            USGS
31                                            USGS
32                                            USGS
33                                            USGS
34                                            USGS
35                                            USGS
36                                            USGS
37                                            USGS
38                                            USGS
39                                            USGS
40                                            USGS
41                                            USGS
42                                            USGS
43                                            USGS
44                                            USGS
45                                            USGS
46                                            USGS
47                                            USGS
48                                            USGS
49                                            USGS
50                                            USGS
51                                            USGS
52                                            USGS
53                                            USGS
54                                            USGS
55                                            USGS
56                                            USGS
57                                            USGS
58                       USGS parameter code 82398
59                                            USGS
60                                            USGS
61                                            USGS
62                                            USGS
63                                            USGS
64                                            USGS
65                                            USGS
66                                            USGS
67                                            USGS
68                                            USGS
69                                            USGS
70                       USGS parameter code 82398
71                                            USGS
72                                            USGS
73                                            USGS
74                                            USGS
75                                            USGS
76                                            USGS
77                                            USGS
78                                            USGS
79                                            USGS
80                       USGS parameter code 82398
81                       USGS parameter code 82398
82                       USGS parameter code 82398
83                       USGS parameter code 82398
84                       USGS parameter code 82398
85                       USGS parameter code 82398
86                                            USGS
87                                            USGS
88                       USGS parameter code 82398
89                       USGS parameter code 82398
90                       USGS parameter code 82398
91                                            USGS
92                                            USGS
93                                            USGS
94                       USGS parameter code 82398
95                                            USGS
96                       USGS parameter code 82398
97                       USGS parameter code 82398
98                                            USGS
99                                            USGS
100                                           USGS
101                                           USGS
102                                           USGS
103                                           USGS
104                                           USGS
105                                           USGS
106                                           USGS
107                                           USGS
108                                           USGS
109                                           USGS
110                                           USGS
111                                           USGS
112                                           USGS
113                                           USGS
114                                           USGS
115                                           USGS
116                                           USGS
117                                           USGS
118                                           USGS
119                                           USGS
120                                           USGS
121                                           USGS
122                                           USGS
123                                           USGS
124                                           USGS
125                                           USGS
126                                           USGS
127                                           USGS
128                                           USGS
129                                           USGS
130                                           USGS
131                                           USGS
132                                           USGS
133                                           USGS
134                                           USGS
135                                           USGS
136                                           USGS
137                                           USGS
138                                           USGS
139                                           USGS
140                                           USGS
141                                           USGS
142                                           USGS
143                                           USGS
144                                           USGS
145                                           USGS
146                                           USGS
147                                           USGS
148                                           USGS
149                                           USGS
150                                           USGS
151                                           USGS
1                                USGS
2                                USGS
3                                USGS
4                                USGS
5                                USGS
6                                USGS
7                                USGS
8                                USGS
9                                USGS
10                               USGS
11                               USGS
12                               USGS
13                               USGS
14                               USGS
15                               USGS
16                               USGS
17                               USGS
18                               USGS
19                               USGS
20                               USGS
21                               USGS
22                               USGS
23                               USGS
24                               USGS
25                               USGS
26                               USGS
27                               USGS
28                               USGS
29                               USGS
30                               USGS
31                               USGS
32                               USGS
33                               USGS
34                               USGS
35                               USGS
36                               USGS
37                               USGS
38                               USGS
39                               USGS
40                               USGS
41                               USGS
42                               USGS
43                               USGS
44                               USGS
45                               USGS
46                               USGS
47                               USGS
48                               USGS
49                               USGS
50                               USGS
51                               USGS
52                               USGS
53                               USGS
54                               USGS
55                               USGS
56                               USGS
57                               USGS
58                 Grab sample  (dip)
59                               USGS
60                               USGS
61                               USGS
62                               USGS
63                               USGS
64                               USGS
65                               USGS
66                               USGS
67                               USGS
68                               USGS
69                               USGS
70                 Grab sample  (dip)
71                               USGS
72                               USGS
73                               USGS
74                               USGS
75                               USGS
76                               USGS
77                               USGS
78                               USGS
79                               USGS
80                 Multiple verticals
81                 Grab sample  (dip)
82                 Grab sample  (dip)
83                 Grab sample  (dip)
84                 Multiple verticals
85                 Grab sample  (dip)
86                               USGS
87                               USGS
88                 Grab sample  (dip)
89                 Grab sample  (dip)
90                 Grab sample  (dip)
91                               USGS
92                               USGS
93                               USGS
94                 Grab sample  (dip)
95                               USGS
96                 Grab sample  (dip)
97                 Grab sample  (dip)
98                               USGS
99                               USGS
100                              USGS
101                              USGS
102                              USGS
103                              USGS
104                              USGS
105                              USGS
106                              USGS
107                              USGS
108                              USGS
109                              USGS
110                              USGS
111                              USGS
112                              USGS
113                              USGS
114                              USGS
115                              USGS
116                              USGS
117                              USGS
118                              USGS
119                              USGS
120                              USGS
121                              USGS
122                              USGS
123                              USGS
124                              USGS
125                              USGS
126                              USGS
127                              USGS
128                              USGS
129                              USGS
130                              USGS
131                              USGS
132                              USGS
133                              USGS
134                              USGS
135                              USGS
136                              USGS
137                              USGS
138                              USGS
139                              USGS
140                              USGS
141                              USGS
142                              USGS
143                              USGS
144                              USGS
145                              USGS
146                              USGS
147                              USGS
148                              USGS
149                              USGS
150                              USGS
151                              USGS
1                                           <NA>
2                                           <NA>
3                                           <NA>
4                                           <NA>
5                                           <NA>
6                                           <NA>
7                                           <NA>
8                                           <NA>
9                                           <NA>
10                                          <NA>
11                                          <NA>
12                                          <NA>
13                                          <NA>
14                                          <NA>
15                                          <NA>
16                                          <NA>
17                                          <NA>
18                                          <NA>
19                                          <NA>
20                                          <NA>
21                                          <NA>
22                                          <NA>
23                                          <NA>
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25                                          <NA>
26                                          <NA>
27                                          <NA>
28                                          <NA>
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30                                          <NA>
31                                          <NA>
32                                          <NA>
33                                          <NA>
34                                          <NA>
35                                          <NA>
36                                          <NA>
37                                          <NA>
38                                          <NA>
39                                          <NA>
40                                          <NA>
41                                          <NA>
42                                          <NA>
43                                          <NA>
44                                          <NA>
45                                          <NA>
46                                          <NA>
47                                          <NA>
48                                          <NA>
49                                          <NA>
50                                          <NA>
51                                          <NA>
52                                          <NA>
53                                          <NA>
54                                          <NA>
55                                          <NA>
56                                          <NA>
57                                          <NA>
58                                          <NA>
59                                          <NA>
60                                          <NA>
61                                          <NA>
62                                          <NA>
63                                          <NA>
64                                          <NA>
65                                          <NA>
66                                          <NA>
67                                          <NA>
68                                          <NA>
69                                          <NA>
70                                          <NA>
71                                          <NA>
72                                          <NA>
73                                          <NA>
74                                          <NA>
75                                          <NA>
76                                          <NA>
77                                          <NA>
78                                          <NA>
79                                          <NA>
80                                          <NA>
81                                          <NA>
82                                          <NA>
83                                          <NA>
84                                          <NA>
85                                          <NA>
86                                          <NA>
87                                          <NA>
88                                          <NA>
89                                          <NA>
90                                          <NA>
91                                          <NA>
92                                          <NA>
93                                          <NA>
94                                          <NA>
95                                          <NA>
96                                          <NA>
97                                          <NA>
98                                          <NA>
99                                          <NA>
100                                         <NA>
101                                         <NA>
102                                         <NA>
103                                         <NA>
104                                         <NA>
105                                         <NA>
106                                         <NA>
107                                         <NA>
108                                         <NA>
109                                         <NA>
110                                         <NA>
111                                         <NA>
112                                         <NA>
113                                         <NA>
114                                         <NA>
115                                         <NA>
116                                         <NA>
117                                         <NA>
118                                         <NA>
119                                         <NA>
120                                         <NA>
121                                         <NA>
122                                         <NA>
123                                         <NA>
124                                         <NA>
125                                         <NA>
126                                         <NA>
127                                         <NA>
128                                         <NA>
129                                         <NA>
130                                         <NA>
131                                         <NA>
132                                         <NA>
133                                         <NA>
134                                         <NA>
135                                         <NA>
136                                         <NA>
137                                         <NA>
138                                         <NA>
139                                         <NA>
140                                         <NA>
141                                         <NA>
142                                         <NA>
143                                         <NA>
144                                         <NA>
145                                         <NA>
146                                         <NA>
147                                         <NA>
148                                         <NA>
149                                         <NA>
150                                         <NA>
151                                         <NA>
          SampleCollectionEquipmentName ResultIdentifier
1                               Unknown    NWIS-30088805
2                               Unknown    NWIS-30088806
3                               Unknown    NWIS-30182074
4                               Unknown    NWIS-30180150
5                               Unknown    NWIS-30180151
6                               Unknown    NWIS-30161894
7                               Unknown    NWIS-30218801
8                               Unknown    NWIS-30218802
9                               Unknown    NWIS-30208413
10                              Unknown    NWIS-30208414
11                              Unknown    NWIS-30199411
12                              Unknown    NWIS-30199412
13                              Unknown    NWIS-90572759
14                              Unknown    NWIS-90491232
15                              Unknown    NWIS-30196947
16                              Unknown    NWIS-30196948
17                              Unknown    NWIS-30198658
18                              Unknown    NWIS-30198659
19                              Unknown    NWIS-30218730
20                              Unknown    NWIS-30218731
21                              Unknown    NWIS-30218708
22                              Unknown    NWIS-30218709
23                              Unknown    NWIS-30198804
24                              Unknown    NWIS-30198805
25                              Unknown    NWIS-30218774
26                              Unknown    NWIS-30218775
27                              Unknown    NWIS-30212043
28                              Unknown    NWIS-30212044
29                              Unknown    NWIS-30218637
30                              Unknown    NWIS-30218638
31                              Unknown    NWIS-30218844
32                              Unknown    NWIS-30218845
33                              Unknown    NWIS-30218752
34                              Unknown    NWIS-30218753
35                              Unknown    NWIS-30218659
36                              Unknown    NWIS-30218660
37                              Unknown    NWIS-30254539
38                              Unknown    NWIS-30255276
39                              Unknown    NWIS-78544663
40                              Unknown    NWIS-78544664
41                              Unknown    NWIS-82113325
42                              Unknown    NWIS-90491233
43                              Unknown    NWIS-90491216
44                              Unknown    NWIS-90491217
45                              Unknown    NWIS-30297640
46                              Unknown    NWIS-30297641
47                              Unknown    NWIS-92971142
48                              Unknown    NWIS-92971159
49                              Unknown    NWIS-92971160
50                              Unknown    NWIS-92807731
51                              Unknown    NWIS-30297396
52                              Unknown    NWIS-30297397
53                              Unknown    NWIS-30297510
54                              Unknown    NWIS-30297848
55                              Unknown    NWIS-30297849
56                              Unknown    NWIS-29529639
57                              Unknown    NWIS-29528583
58                          Grab sample   NWIS-101049306
59                              Unknown    NWIS-30297961
60                              Unknown    NWIS-30297962
61                              Unknown    NWIS-29500735
62                              Unknown    NWIS-29501837
63                              Unknown    NWIS-29501854
64                              Unknown    NWIS-29510965
65                              Unknown    NWIS-30297509
66                              Unknown    NWIS-90572758
67                              Unknown    NWIS-29501940
68                              Unknown    NWIS-29528597
69                              Unknown    NWIS-29529625
70                          Grab sample   NWIS-101281953
71                              Unknown    NWIS-29530569
72                              Unknown    NWIS-29529611
73                              Unknown    NWIS-30297527
74                              Unknown    NWIS-30297528
75                              Unknown    NWIS-29547156
76                              Unknown    NWIS-29547170
77                              Unknown    NWIS-29547613
78                              Unknown    NWIS-29547435
79                              Unknown    NWIS-29501870
80  US DH-81 with Teflon cap and nozzle   NWIS-101047767
81                          Grab sample   NWIS-101366392
82                          Grab sample   NWIS-100781114
83                          Grab sample   NWIS-100602645
84  US DH-81 with Teflon cap and nozzle   NWIS-101133108
85                          Grab sample   NWIS-101282560
86                              Unknown    NWIS-92971141
87                              Unknown    NWIS-29504580
88                          Grab sample   NWIS-103941622
89                          Grab sample   NWIS-100546273
90                          Grab sample   NWIS-100923443
91                              Unknown    NWIS-92807732
92                              Unknown    NWIS-29547575
93                              Unknown    NWIS-29547627
94                          Grab sample   NWIS-101134313
95                              Unknown    NWIS-29501821
96                          Grab sample   NWIS-100740224
97                          Grab sample   NWIS-100665956
98                              Unknown    NWIS-30293801
99                              Unknown    NWIS-30309221
100                             Unknown    NWIS-30230362
101                             Unknown    NWIS-30230363
102                             Unknown    NWIS-30309449
103                             Unknown    NWIS-30291950
104                             Unknown    NWIS-30309222
105                             Unknown    NWIS-30291837
106                             Unknown    NWIS-30291949
107                             Unknown    NWIS-30293800
108                             Unknown    NWIS-30293574
109                             Unknown    NWIS-30292664
110                             Unknown    NWIS-30292665
111                             Unknown    NWIS-30292534
112                             Unknown    NWIS-30309676
113                             Unknown    NWIS-30291836
114                             Unknown    NWIS-30292533
115                             Unknown    NWIS-30309883
116                             Unknown    NWIS-30309884
117                             Unknown    NWIS-30293157
118                             Unknown    NWIS-30293158
119                             Unknown    NWIS-30293365
120                             Unknown    NWIS-30293366
121                             Unknown    NWIS-30309336
122                             Unknown    NWIS-30309337
123                             Unknown    NWIS-89512617
124                             Unknown    NWIS-89505015
125                             Unknown    NWIS-89505016
126                             Unknown    NWIS-30291967
127                             Unknown    NWIS-30291968
128                             Unknown    NWIS-30291630
129                             Unknown    NWIS-30292306
130                             Unknown    NWIS-30292307
131                             Unknown    NWIS-30291611
132                             Unknown    NWIS-30292515
133                             Unknown    NWIS-30292516
134                             Unknown    NWIS-30293573
135                             Unknown    NWIS-89512616
136                             Unknown    NWIS-30292081
137                             Unknown    NWIS-30297282
138                             Unknown    NWIS-30297283
139                             Unknown    NWIS-30309450
140                             Unknown    NWIS-30291629
141                             Unknown    NWIS-30293591
142                             Unknown    NWIS-30293592
143                             Unknown    NWIS-30292288
144                             Unknown    NWIS-30292289
145                             Unknown    NWIS-30291612
146                             Unknown    NWIS-30292552
147                             Unknown    NWIS-30292553
148                             Unknown    NWIS-30292080
149                             Unknown    NWIS-30309562
150                             Unknown    NWIS-30309563
151                             Unknown    NWIS-30309675
    ResultDetectionConditionText MethodSpeciationName CharacteristicName
1                           <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
2                           <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
3                           <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
4                           <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
5                           <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
6                           <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
7                           <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
8                           <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
9                           <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
10                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
11                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
12                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
13                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
14                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
15                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
16                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
17                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
18                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
19                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
20                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
21                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
22                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
23                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
24                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
25                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
26                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
27                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
28                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
29                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
30                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
31                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
32                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
33                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
34                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
35                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
36                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
37                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
38                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
39                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
40                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
41                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
42                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
43                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
44                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
45                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
46                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
47                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
48                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
49                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
50                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
51                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
52                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
53                  Not Detected                 <NA>         Phosphorus
54                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
55                  Not Detected                 <NA>         Phosphorus
56                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
57                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
58                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
59                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
60                  Not Detected                 <NA>         Phosphorus
61                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
62                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
63                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
64                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
65                  Not Detected                 <NA>         Phosphorus
66                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
67                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
68                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
69                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
70                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
71                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
72                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
73                  Not Detected                 <NA>         Phosphorus
74                  Not Detected                 <NA>         Phosphorus
75                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
76                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
77                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
78                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
79                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
80                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
81                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
82                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
83                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
84                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
85                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
86                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
87                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
88                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
89                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
90                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
91                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
92                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
93                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
94                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
95                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
96                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
97                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
98                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
99                          <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
100                         <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
101                         <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
102                         <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
103                         <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
104                 Not Detected                 <NA>         Phosphorus
105                 Not Detected                 <NA>         Phosphorus
106                         <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
107                         <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
108                         <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
109                         <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
110                 Not Detected                 <NA>         Phosphorus
111                         <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
112                 Not Detected                 <NA>         Phosphorus
113                         <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
114                         <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
115                         <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
116                         <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
117                         <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
118                         <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
119                         <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
120                 Not Detected                 <NA>         Phosphorus
121                 Not Detected                 <NA>         Phosphorus
122                 Not Detected                 <NA>         Phosphorus
123                         <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
124                         <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
125                         <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
126                         <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
127                         <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
128                         <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
129                         <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
130                 Not Detected                 <NA>         Phosphorus
131                         <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
132                         <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
133                         <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
134                         <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
135                         <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
136                 Not Detected                 <NA>         Phosphorus
137                         <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
138                         <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
139                         <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
140                         <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
141                         <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
142                         <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
143                         <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
144                 Not Detected                 <NA>         Phosphorus
145                         <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
146                         <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
147                 Not Detected                 <NA>         Phosphorus
148                         <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
149                         <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
150                 Not Detected                 <NA>         Phosphorus
151                         <NA>                 <NA>         Phosphorus
    ResultSampleFractionText ResultMeasureValue ResultMeasure.MeasureUnitCode
1                      Total              0.130                     mg/l as P
2                  Dissolved              0.050                     mg/l as P
3                  Dissolved              0.780                     mg/l as P
4                      Total              0.110                     mg/l as P
5                  Dissolved              0.090                     mg/l as P
6                  Dissolved              0.320                     mg/l as P
7                      Total              0.041                     mg/l as P
8                  Dissolved              0.026                     mg/l as P
9                      Total              0.060                     mg/l as P
10                 Dissolved              0.020                     mg/l as P
11                     Total              0.140                     mg/l as P
12                 Dissolved              0.080                     mg/l as P
13                 Dissolved              0.011                     mg/l as P
14                     Total              0.039                     mg/l as P
15                     Total              0.020                     mg/l as P
16                 Dissolved              0.020                     mg/l as P
17                     Total              0.030                     mg/l as P
18                 Dissolved              0.020                     mg/l as P
19                     Total              0.053                     mg/l as P
20                 Dissolved              0.038                     mg/l as P
21                     Total              0.031                     mg/l as P
22                 Dissolved              0.016                     mg/l as P
23                     Total              0.020                     mg/l as P
24                 Dissolved              0.020                     mg/l as P
25                     Total              0.051                     mg/l as P
26                 Dissolved              0.050                     mg/l as P
27                     Total              0.040                     mg/l as P
28                 Dissolved              0.020                     mg/l as P
29                     Total              0.033                     mg/l as P
30                 Dissolved              0.023                     mg/l as P
31                     Total              0.027                     mg/l as P
32                 Dissolved              0.018                     mg/l as P
33                     Total              0.039                     mg/l as P
34                 Dissolved              0.028                     mg/l as P
35                     Total              0.036                     mg/l as P
36                 Dissolved              0.022                     mg/l as P
37                     Total              0.030                     mg/l as P
38                     Total              0.030                     mg/l as P
39                     Total              0.132                     mg/l as P
40                 Dissolved              0.094                     mg/l as P
41                     Total              0.580                     mg/l as P
42                 Dissolved              0.022                     mg/l as P
43                     Total              0.058                     mg/l as P
44                 Dissolved              0.030                     mg/l as P
45                     Total              0.090                     mg/l as P
46                 Dissolved              0.040                     mg/l as P
47                 Dissolved              0.019                     mg/l as P
48                     Total              0.028                     mg/l as P
49                 Dissolved              0.016                     mg/l as P
50                     Total              0.043                     mg/l as P
51                     Total              0.130                     mg/l as P
52                 Dissolved              0.040                     mg/l as P
53                 Dissolved                 NA                          <NA>
54                     Total              0.020                     mg/l as P
55                 Dissolved                 NA                          <NA>
56                     Total              0.080                     mg/l as P
57                     Total              0.046                     mg/l as P
58                     Total              0.083                     mg/l as P
59                     Total              0.030                     mg/l as P
60                 Dissolved                 NA                          <NA>
61                     Total              0.038                     mg/l as P
62                     Total              0.036                     mg/l as P
63                     Total              0.390                     mg/l as P
64                     Total              0.075                     mg/l as P
65                     Total                 NA                          <NA>
66                     Total              0.035                     mg/l as P
67                     Total              0.032                     mg/l as P
68                     Total              0.077                     mg/l as P
69                     Total              0.128                     mg/l as P
70                     Total              0.166                     mg/l as P
71                     Total              0.350                     mg/l as P
72                     Total              0.057                     mg/l as P
73                     Total                 NA                          <NA>
74                 Dissolved                 NA                          <NA>
75                     Total              0.075                     mg/l as P
76                     Total              0.037                     mg/l as P
77                     Total              0.450                     mg/l as P
78                     Total              0.060                     mg/l as P
79                     Total              0.090                     mg/l as P
80                     Total              0.032                     mg/l as P
81                     Total              0.033                     mg/l as P
82                     Total              0.080                     mg/l as P
83                     Total              0.056                     mg/l as P
84                     Total              0.032                     mg/l as P
85                     Total              0.037                     mg/l as P
86                     Total              0.064                     mg/l as P
87                     Total              0.111                     mg/l as P
88                     Total              0.113                     mg/l as P
89                     Total              0.040                     mg/l as P
90                     Total              0.078                     mg/l as P
91                 Dissolved              0.016                     mg/l as P
92                     Total              0.050                     mg/l as P
93                     Total              0.054                     mg/l as P
94                     Total              0.082                     mg/l as P
95                     Total              0.043                     mg/l as P
96                     Total              0.062                     mg/l as P
97                     Total              0.058                     mg/l as P
98                 Dissolved              0.060                     mg/l as P
99                     Total              0.040                     mg/l as P
100                    Total              0.110                     mg/l as P
101                Dissolved              0.040                     mg/l as P
102                    Total              0.070                     mg/l as P
103                Dissolved              0.050                     mg/l as P
104                Dissolved                 NA                          <NA>
105                Dissolved                 NA                          <NA>
106                    Total              0.120                     mg/l as P
107                    Total              0.060                     mg/l as P
108                Dissolved              0.060                     mg/l as P
109                    Total              0.020                     mg/l as P
110                Dissolved                 NA                          <NA>
111                Dissolved              0.060                     mg/l as P
112                Dissolved                 NA                          <NA>
113                    Total              0.030                     mg/l as P
114                    Total              0.120                     mg/l as P
115                    Total              0.060                     mg/l as P
116                Dissolved              0.040                     mg/l as P
117                    Total              0.020                     mg/l as P
118                Dissolved              0.010                     mg/l as P
119                    Total              0.030                     mg/l as P
120                Dissolved                 NA                          <NA>
121                    Total                 NA                          <NA>
122                Dissolved                 NA                          <NA>
123                Dissolved              0.024                     mg/l as P
124                    Total              0.168                     mg/l as P
125                Dissolved              0.037                     mg/l as P
126                    Total              0.110                     mg/l as P
127                Dissolved              0.030                     mg/l as P
128                Dissolved              0.020                     mg/l as P
129                    Total              0.020                     mg/l as P
130                Dissolved                 NA                          <NA>
131                    Total              0.020                     mg/l as P
132                    Total              0.090                     mg/l as P
133                Dissolved              0.040                     mg/l as P
134                    Total              0.130                     mg/l as P
135                    Total              0.135                     mg/l as P
136                Dissolved                 NA                          <NA>
137                    Total              0.130                     mg/l as P
138                Dissolved              0.050                     mg/l as P
139                Dissolved              0.050                     mg/l as P
140                    Total              0.110                     mg/l as P
141                    Total              0.030                     mg/l as P
142                Dissolved              0.010                     mg/l as P
143                    Total              0.070                     mg/l as P
144                Dissolved                 NA                          <NA>
145                Dissolved              0.020                     mg/l as P
146                    Total              0.020                     mg/l as P
147                Dissolved                 NA                          <NA>
148                    Total              0.020                     mg/l as P
149                    Total              0.050                     mg/l as P
150                Dissolved                 NA                          <NA>
151                    Total              0.030                     mg/l as P
    MeasureQualifierCode ResultStatusIdentifier StatisticalBaseCode
1                   <NA>             Historical                <NA>
2                   <NA>             Historical                <NA>
3                   <NA>             Historical                <NA>
4                   <NA>             Historical                <NA>
5                   <NA>             Historical                <NA>
6                   <NA>             Historical                <NA>
7                   <NA>             Historical                <NA>
8                   <NA>             Historical                <NA>
9                   <NA>             Historical                <NA>
10                  <NA>             Historical                <NA>
11                  <NA>             Historical                <NA>
12                  <NA>             Historical                <NA>
13                  <NA>               Accepted                <NA>
14                  <NA>               Accepted                <NA>
15                  <NA>             Historical                <NA>
16                  <NA>             Historical                <NA>
17                  <NA>             Historical                <NA>
18                  <NA>             Historical                <NA>
19                  <NA>             Historical                <NA>
20                  <NA>             Historical                <NA>
21                  <NA>             Historical                <NA>
22                  <NA>             Historical                <NA>
23                  <NA>             Historical                <NA>
24                  <NA>             Historical                <NA>
25                  <NA>             Historical                <NA>
26                  <NA>             Historical                <NA>
27                  <NA>             Historical                <NA>
28                  <NA>             Historical                <NA>
29                  <NA>             Historical                <NA>
30                  <NA>             Historical                <NA>
31                  <NA>             Historical                <NA>
32                  <NA>             Historical                <NA>
33                  <NA>             Historical                <NA>
34                  <NA>             Historical                <NA>
35                  <NA>             Historical                <NA>
36                  <NA>             Historical                <NA>
37                  <NA>             Historical                <NA>
38                  <NA>             Historical                <NA>
39                  <NA>               Accepted                <NA>
40                  <NA>               Accepted                <NA>
41                  <NA>               Accepted                <NA>
42                  <NA>               Accepted                <NA>
43                  <NA>               Accepted                <NA>
44                  <NA>               Accepted                <NA>
45                  <NA>             Historical                <NA>
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47                  <NA>               Accepted                <NA>
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56                  <NA>               Accepted                <NA>
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61                  <NA>               Accepted                <NA>
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65                  <NA>             Historical                <NA>
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75                  <NA>               Accepted                <NA>
76                  <NA>               Accepted                <NA>
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93                  <NA>               Accepted                <NA>
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96                  <NA>               Accepted                <NA>
97                  <NA>               Accepted                <NA>
98                  <NA>             Historical                <NA>
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123                 <NA>               Accepted                <NA>
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125                 <NA>               Accepted                <NA>
126                 <NA>             Historical                <NA>
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135                 <NA>               Accepted                <NA>
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150                 <NA>             Historical                <NA>
151                 <NA>             Historical                <NA>
    ResultValueTypeName ResultWeightBasisText ResultTimeBasisText
1                Actual                  <NA>                <NA>
2                Actual                  <NA>                <NA>
3                Actual                  <NA>                <NA>
4                Actual                  <NA>                <NA>
5                Actual                  <NA>                <NA>
6                Actual                  <NA>                <NA>
7                Actual                  <NA>                <NA>
8                Actual                  <NA>                <NA>
9                Actual                  <NA>                <NA>
10               Actual                  <NA>                <NA>
11               Actual                  <NA>                <NA>
12               Actual                  <NA>                <NA>
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98               Actual                  <NA>                <NA>
99            Estimated                  <NA>                <NA>
100              Actual                  <NA>                <NA>
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102              Actual                  <NA>                <NA>
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116           Estimated                  <NA>                <NA>
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148              Actual                  <NA>                <NA>
149              Actual                  <NA>                <NA>
150              Actual                  <NA>                <NA>
151           Estimated                  <NA>                <NA>
    ResultTemperatureBasisText ResultParticleSizeBasisText
1                         <NA>                        <NA>
2                         <NA>                        <NA>
3                         <NA>                        <NA>
4                         <NA>                        <NA>
5                         <NA>                        <NA>
6                         <NA>                        <NA>
7                         <NA>                        <NA>
8                         <NA>                        <NA>
9                         <NA>                        <NA>
10                        <NA>                        <NA>
11                        <NA>                        <NA>
12                        <NA>                        <NA>
13                        <NA>                        <NA>
14                        <NA>                        <NA>
15                        <NA>                        <NA>
16                        <NA>                        <NA>
17                        <NA>                        <NA>
18                        <NA>                        <NA>
19                        <NA>                        <NA>
20                        <NA>                        <NA>
21                        <NA>                        <NA>
22                        <NA>                        <NA>
23                        <NA>                        <NA>
24                        <NA>                        <NA>
25                        <NA>                        <NA>
26                        <NA>                        <NA>
27                        <NA>                        <NA>
28                        <NA>                        <NA>
29                        <NA>                        <NA>
30                        <NA>                        <NA>
31                        <NA>                        <NA>
32                        <NA>                        <NA>
33                        <NA>                        <NA>
34                        <NA>                        <NA>
35                        <NA>                        <NA>
36                        <NA>                        <NA>
37                        <NA>                        <NA>
38                        <NA>                        <NA>
39                        <NA>                        <NA>
40                        <NA>                        <NA>
41                        <NA>                        <NA>
42                        <NA>                        <NA>
43                        <NA>                        <NA>
44                        <NA>                        <NA>
45                        <NA>                        <NA>
46                        <NA>                        <NA>
47                        <NA>                        <NA>
48                        <NA>                        <NA>
49                        <NA>                        <NA>
50                        <NA>                        <NA>
51                        <NA>                        <NA>
52                        <NA>                        <NA>
53                        <NA>                        <NA>
54                        <NA>                        <NA>
55                        <NA>                        <NA>
56                        <NA>                        <NA>
57                        <NA>                        <NA>
58                        <NA>                        <NA>
59                        <NA>                        <NA>
60                        <NA>                        <NA>
61                        <NA>                        <NA>
62                        <NA>                        <NA>
63                        <NA>                        <NA>
64                        <NA>                        <NA>
65                        <NA>                        <NA>
66                        <NA>                        <NA>
67                        <NA>                        <NA>
68                        <NA>                        <NA>
69                        <NA>                        <NA>
70                        <NA>                        <NA>
71                        <NA>                        <NA>
72                        <NA>                        <NA>
73                        <NA>                        <NA>
74                        <NA>                        <NA>
75                        <NA>                        <NA>
76                        <NA>                        <NA>
77                        <NA>                        <NA>
78                        <NA>                        <NA>
79                        <NA>                        <NA>
80                        <NA>                        <NA>
81                        <NA>                        <NA>
82                        <NA>                        <NA>
83                        <NA>                        <NA>
84                        <NA>                        <NA>
85                        <NA>                        <NA>
86                        <NA>                        <NA>
87                        <NA>                        <NA>
88                        <NA>                        <NA>
89                        <NA>                        <NA>
90                        <NA>                        <NA>
91                        <NA>                        <NA>
92                        <NA>                        <NA>
93                        <NA>                        <NA>
94                        <NA>                        <NA>
95                        <NA>                        <NA>
96                        <NA>                        <NA>
97                        <NA>                        <NA>
98                        <NA>                        <NA>
99                        <NA>                        <NA>
100                       <NA>                        <NA>
101                       <NA>                        <NA>
102                       <NA>                        <NA>
103                       <NA>                        <NA>
104                       <NA>                        <NA>
105                       <NA>                        <NA>
106                       <NA>                        <NA>
107                       <NA>                        <NA>
108                       <NA>                        <NA>
109                       <NA>                        <NA>
110                       <NA>                        <NA>
111                       <NA>                        <NA>
112                       <NA>                        <NA>
113                       <NA>                        <NA>
114                       <NA>                        <NA>
115                       <NA>                        <NA>
116                       <NA>                        <NA>
117                       <NA>                        <NA>
118                       <NA>                        <NA>
119                       <NA>                        <NA>
120                       <NA>                        <NA>
121                       <NA>                        <NA>
122                       <NA>                        <NA>
123                       <NA>                        <NA>
124                       <NA>                        <NA>
125                       <NA>                        <NA>
126                       <NA>                        <NA>
127                       <NA>                        <NA>
128                       <NA>                        <NA>
129                       <NA>                        <NA>
130                       <NA>                        <NA>
131                       <NA>                        <NA>
132                       <NA>                        <NA>
133                       <NA>                        <NA>
134                       <NA>                        <NA>
135                       <NA>                        <NA>
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138                       <NA>                        <NA>
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143                       <NA>                        <NA>
144                       <NA>                        <NA>
145                       <NA>                        <NA>
146                       <NA>                        <NA>
147                       <NA>                        <NA>
148                       <NA>                        <NA>
149                       <NA>                        <NA>
150                       <NA>                        <NA>
151                       <NA>                        <NA>
    DataQuality.PrecisionValue DataQuality.BiasValue
1                         <NA>                  <NA>
2                         <NA>                  <NA>
3                         <NA>                  <NA>
4                         <NA>                  <NA>
5                         <NA>                  <NA>
6                         <NA>                  <NA>
7                         <NA>                  <NA>
8                         <NA>                  <NA>
9                         <NA>                  <NA>
10                        <NA>                  <NA>
11                        <NA>                  <NA>
12                        <NA>                  <NA>
13                        <NA>                  <NA>
14                        <NA>                  <NA>
15                        <NA>                  <NA>
16                        <NA>                  <NA>
17                        <NA>                  <NA>
18                        <NA>                  <NA>
19                        <NA>                  <NA>
20                        <NA>                  <NA>
21                        <NA>                  <NA>
22                        <NA>                  <NA>
23                        <NA>                  <NA>
24                        <NA>                  <NA>
25                        <NA>                  <NA>
26                        <NA>                  <NA>
27                        <NA>                  <NA>
28                        <NA>                  <NA>
29                        <NA>                  <NA>
30                        <NA>                  <NA>
31                        <NA>                  <NA>
32                        <NA>                  <NA>
33                        <NA>                  <NA>
34                        <NA>                  <NA>
35                        <NA>                  <NA>
36                        <NA>                  <NA>
37                        <NA>                  <NA>
38                        <NA>                  <NA>
39                        <NA>                  <NA>
40                        <NA>                  <NA>
41                        <NA>                  <NA>
42                        <NA>                  <NA>
43                        <NA>                  <NA>
44                        <NA>                  <NA>
45                        <NA>                  <NA>
46                        <NA>                  <NA>
47                        <NA>                  <NA>
48                        <NA>                  <NA>
49                        <NA>                  <NA>
50                        <NA>                  <NA>
51                        <NA>                  <NA>
52                        <NA>                  <NA>
53                        <NA>                  <NA>
54                        <NA>                  <NA>
55                        <NA>                  <NA>
56                        <NA>                  <NA>
57                        <NA>                  <NA>
58                        <NA>                  <NA>
59                        <NA>                  <NA>
60                        <NA>                  <NA>
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76                        <NA>                  <NA>
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81                        <NA>                  <NA>
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83                        <NA>                  <NA>
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86                        <NA>                  <NA>
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99                        <NA>                  <NA>
100                       <NA>                  <NA>
101                       <NA>                  <NA>
102                       <NA>                  <NA>
103                       <NA>                  <NA>
104                       <NA>                  <NA>
105                       <NA>                  <NA>
106                       <NA>                  <NA>
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108                       <NA>                  <NA>
109                       <NA>                  <NA>
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114                       <NA>                  <NA>
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118                       <NA>                  <NA>
119                       <NA>                  <NA>
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121                       <NA>                  <NA>
122                       <NA>                  <NA>
123                       <NA>                  <NA>
124                       <NA>                  <NA>
125                       <NA>                  <NA>
126                       <NA>                  <NA>
127                       <NA>                  <NA>
128                       <NA>                  <NA>
129                       <NA>                  <NA>
130                       <NA>                  <NA>
131                       <NA>                  <NA>
132                       <NA>                  <NA>
133                       <NA>                  <NA>
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147                       <NA>                  <NA>
148                       <NA>                  <NA>
149                       <NA>                  <NA>
150                       <NA>                  <NA>
151                       <NA>                  <NA>
    DataQuality.ConfidenceIntervalValue DataQuality.UpperConfidenceLimitValue
1                                  <NA>                                  <NA>
2                                  <NA>                                  <NA>
3                                  <NA>                                  <NA>
4                                  <NA>                                  <NA>
5                                  <NA>                                  <NA>
6                                  <NA>                                  <NA>
7                                  <NA>                                  <NA>
8                                  <NA>                                  <NA>
9                                  <NA>                                  <NA>
10                                 <NA>                                  <NA>
11                                 <NA>                                  <NA>
12                                 <NA>                                  <NA>
13                                 <NA>                                  <NA>
14                                 <NA>                                  <NA>
15                                 <NA>                                  <NA>
16                                 <NA>                                  <NA>
17                                 <NA>                                  <NA>
18                                 <NA>                                  <NA>
19                                 <NA>                                  <NA>
20                                 <NA>                                  <NA>
21                                 <NA>                                  <NA>
22                                 <NA>                                  <NA>
23                                 <NA>                                  <NA>
24                                 <NA>                                  <NA>
25                                 <NA>                                  <NA>
26                                 <NA>                                  <NA>
27                                 <NA>                                  <NA>
28                                 <NA>                                  <NA>
29                                 <NA>                                  <NA>
30                                 <NA>                                  <NA>
31                                 <NA>                                  <NA>
32                                 <NA>                                  <NA>
33                                 <NA>                                  <NA>
34                                 <NA>                                  <NA>
35                                 <NA>                                  <NA>
36                                 <NA>                                  <NA>
37                                 <NA>                                  <NA>
38                                 <NA>                                  <NA>
39                                 <NA>                                  <NA>
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41                                 <NA>                                  <NA>
42                                 <NA>                                  <NA>
43                                 <NA>                                  <NA>
44                                 <NA>                                  <NA>
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48                                 <NA>                                  <NA>
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76                                 <NA>                                  <NA>
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86                                 <NA>                                  <NA>
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58                                            Report level code updated Oct., Nov. 2015. Reference: NWQL TM 2015.02 (RLC: LT-MDL => DLDQC)
59                                                                                                                                    <NA>
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62                                                                                                                                    <NA>
63  The parameter 00665 was swapped from labcode 2333 to labcode 1984 because the result from labcode 2333 exceeded the calibration range.
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70                                            Report level code updated Oct., Nov. 2015. Reference: NWQL TM 2015.02 (RLC: LT-MDL => DLDQC)
71  The parameter 00665 was swapped from labcode 2333 to labcode 2759 because the result from labcode 2333 exceeded the calibration range.
72                                                                                                                                    <NA>
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77                                                                       The parameter 00665 was swapped from labcode 2333 to labcode 2759
78                                                                                                                                    <NA>
79                                                                                                                                    <NA>
80                                            Report level code updated Oct., Nov. 2015. Reference: NWQL TM 2015.02 (RLC: LT-MDL => DLDQC)
81                                            Report level code updated Oct., Nov. 2015. Reference: NWQL TM 2015.02 (RLC: LT-MDL => DLDQC)
82                                            Report level code updated Oct., Nov. 2015. Reference: NWQL TM 2015.02 (RLC: LT-MDL => DLDQC)
83                                            Report level code updated Oct., Nov. 2015. Reference: NWQL TM 2015.02 (RLC: LT-MDL => DLDQC)
84                                            Report level code updated Oct., Nov. 2015. Reference: NWQL TM 2015.02 (RLC: LT-MDL => DLDQC)
85                                            Report level code updated Oct., Nov. 2015. Reference: NWQL TM 2015.02 (RLC: LT-MDL => DLDQC)
86                                                                                                                                    <NA>
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88                                            Report level code updated Oct., Nov. 2015. Reference: NWQL TM 2015.02 (RLC: LT-MDL => DLDQC)
89                                                                                                                                    <NA>
90                                            Report level code updated Oct., Nov. 2015. Reference: NWQL TM 2015.02 (RLC: LT-MDL => DLDQC)
91                                                                                                                                    <NA>
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93                                                                                                                                    <NA>
94                                            Report level code updated Oct., Nov. 2015. Reference: NWQL TM 2015.02 (RLC: LT-MDL => DLDQC)
95                                                                                                                                    <NA>
96                                            Report level code updated Oct., Nov. 2015. Reference: NWQL TM 2015.02 (RLC: LT-MDL => DLDQC)
97                                            Report level code updated Oct., Nov. 2015. Reference: NWQL TM 2015.02 (RLC: LT-MDL => DLDQC)
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    USGSPCode ResultDepthHeightMeasure.MeasureValue
1       00665                                    NA
2       00666                                    NA
3       00666                                    NA
4       00665                                    NA
5       00666                                    NA
6       00666                                    NA
7       00665                                    NA
8       00666                                    NA
9       00665                                    NA
10      00666                                    NA
11      00665                                    NA
12      00666                                    NA
13      00666                                    NA
14      00665                                    NA
15      00665                                    NA
16      00666                                    NA
17      00665                                    NA
18      00666                                    NA
19      00665                                    NA
20      00666                                    NA
21      00665                                    NA
22      00666                                    NA
23      00665                                    NA
24      00666                                    NA
25      00665                                    NA
26      00666                                    NA
27      00665                                    NA
28      00666                                    NA
29      00665                                    NA
30      00666                                    NA
31      00665                                    NA
32      00666                                    NA
33      00665                                    NA
34      00666                                    NA
35      00665                                    NA
36      00666                                    NA
37      00665                                    NA
38      00665                                    NA
39      00665                                    NA
40      00666                                    NA
41      00665                                    NA
42      00666                                    NA
43      00665                                    NA
44      00666                                    NA
45      00665                                    NA
46      00666                                    NA
47      00666                                    NA
48      00665                                    NA
49      00666                                    NA
50      00665                                    NA
51      00665                                    NA
52      00666                                    NA
53      00666                                    NA
54      00665                                    NA
55      00666                                    NA
56      00665                                    NA
57      00665                                    NA
58      00665                                    NA
59      00665                                    NA
60      00666                                    NA
61      00665                                    NA
62      00665                                    NA
63      00665                                    NA
64      00665                                    NA
65      00665                                    NA
66      00665                                    NA
67      00665                                    NA
68      00665                                    NA
69      00665                                    NA
70      00665                                    NA
71      00665                                    NA
72      00665                                    NA
73      00665                                    NA
74      00666                                    NA
75      00665                                    NA
76      00665                                    NA
77      00665                                    NA
78      00665                                    NA
79      00665                                    NA
80      00665                                    NA
81      00665                                    NA
82      00665                                    NA
83      00665                                    NA
84      00665                                    NA
85      00665                                    NA
86      00665                                    NA
87      00665                                    NA
88      00665                                    NA
89      00665                                    NA
90      00665                                    NA
91      00666                                    NA
92      00665                                    NA
93      00665                                    NA
94      00665                                    NA
95      00665                                    NA
96      00665                                    NA
97      00665                                    NA
98      00666                                    NA
99      00665                                    NA
100     00665                                    NA
101     00666                                    NA
102     00665                                    NA
103     00666                                    NA
104     00666                                    NA
105     00666                                    NA
106     00665                                    NA
107     00665                                    NA
108     00666                                    NA
109     00665                                    NA
110     00666                                    NA
111     00666                                    NA
112     00666                                    NA
113     00665                                    NA
114     00665                                    NA
115     00665                                    NA
116     00666                                    NA
117     00665                                    NA
118     00666                                    NA
119     00665                                    NA
120     00666                                    NA
121     00665                                    NA
122     00666                                    NA
123     00666                                    NA
124     00665                                    NA
125     00666                                    NA
126     00665                                    NA
127     00666                                    NA
128     00666                                    NA
129     00665                                    NA
130     00666                                    NA
131     00665                                    NA
132     00665                                    NA
133     00666                                    NA
134     00665                                    NA
135     00665                                    NA
136     00666                                    NA
137     00665                                    NA
138     00666                                    NA
139     00666                                    NA
140     00665                                    NA
141     00665                                    NA
142     00666                                    NA
143     00665                                    NA
144     00666                                    NA
145     00666                                    NA
146     00665                                    NA
147     00666                                    NA
148     00665                                    NA
149     00665                                    NA
150     00666                                    NA
151     00665                                    NA
1                                       <NA>
2                                       <NA>
3                                       <NA>
4                                       <NA>
5                                       <NA>
6                                       <NA>
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    ResultDepthAltitudeReferencePointText SubjectTaxonomicName
1                                    <NA>                 <NA>
2                                    <NA>                 <NA>
3                                    <NA>                 <NA>
4                                    <NA>                 <NA>
5                                    <NA>                 <NA>
6                                    <NA>                 <NA>
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114                                  <NA>                 <NA>
115                                  <NA>                 <NA>
116                                  <NA>                 <NA>
117                                  <NA>                 <NA>
118                                  <NA>                 <NA>
119                                  <NA>                 <NA>
120                                  <NA>                 <NA>
121                                  <NA>                 <NA>
122                                  <NA>                 <NA>
123                                  <NA>                 <NA>
124                                  <NA>                 <NA>
125                                  <NA>                 <NA>
126                                  <NA>                 <NA>
127                                  <NA>                 <NA>
128                                  <NA>                 <NA>
129                                  <NA>                 <NA>
130                                  <NA>                 <NA>
131                                  <NA>                 <NA>
132                                  <NA>                 <NA>
133                                  <NA>                 <NA>
134                                  <NA>                 <NA>
135                                  <NA>                 <NA>
136                                  <NA>                 <NA>
137                                  <NA>                 <NA>
138                                  <NA>                 <NA>
139                                  <NA>                 <NA>
140                                  <NA>                 <NA>
141                                  <NA>                 <NA>
142                                  <NA>                 <NA>
143                                  <NA>                 <NA>
144                                  <NA>                 <NA>
145                                  <NA>                 <NA>
146                                  <NA>                 <NA>
147                                  <NA>                 <NA>
148                                  <NA>                 <NA>
149                                  <NA>                 <NA>
150                                  <NA>                 <NA>
151                                  <NA>                 <NA>
    SampleTissueAnatomyName BinaryObjectFileName BinaryObjectFileTypeCode
1                      <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
2                      <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
3                      <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
4                      <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
5                      <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
6                      <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
7                      <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
8                      <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
9                      <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
10                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
11                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
12                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
13                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
14                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
15                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
16                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
17                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
18                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
19                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
20                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
21                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
22                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
23                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
24                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
25                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
26                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
27                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
28                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
29                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
30                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
31                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
32                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
33                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
34                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
35                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
36                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
37                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
38                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
39                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
40                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
41                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
42                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
43                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
44                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
45                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
46                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
47                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
48                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
49                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
50                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
51                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
52                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
53                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
54                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
55                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
56                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
57                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
58                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
59                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
60                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
61                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
62                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
63                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
64                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
65                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
66                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
67                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
68                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
69                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
70                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
71                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
72                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
73                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
74                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
75                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
76                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
77                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
78                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
79                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
80                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
81                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
82                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
83                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
84                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
85                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
86                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
87                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
88                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
89                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
90                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
91                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
92                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
93                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
94                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
95                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
96                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
97                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
98                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
99                     <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
100                    <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
101                    <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
102                    <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
103                    <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
104                    <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
105                    <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
106                    <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
107                    <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
108                    <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
109                    <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
110                    <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
111                    <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
112                    <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
113                    <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
114                    <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
115                    <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
116                    <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
117                    <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
118                    <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
119                    <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
120                    <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
121                    <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
122                    <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
123                    <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
124                    <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
125                    <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
126                    <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
127                    <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
128                    <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
129                    <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
130                    <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
131                    <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
132                    <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
133                    <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
134                    <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
135                    <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
136                    <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
137                    <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
138                    <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
139                    <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
140                    <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
141                    <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
142                    <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
143                    <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
144                    <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
145                    <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
146                    <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
147                    <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
148                    <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
149                    <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
150                    <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
151                    <NA>                 <NA>                     <NA>
    ResultFileUrl ResultAnalyticalMethod.MethodIdentifier
1            <NA>                                   CL084
2            <NA>                                   CL052
3            <NA>                                   CL061
4            <NA>                                   KJ010
5            <NA>                                   CL061
6            <NA>                                   CL061
7            <NA>                                   CL001
8            <NA>                                   CL059
9            <NA>                                   KJ010
10           <NA>                                   CL061
11           <NA>                                   KJ010
12           <NA>                                   CL061
13           <NA>                                   CL020
14           <NA>                                   CL021
15           <NA>                                   KJ010
16           <NA>                                   CL061
17           <NA>                                   KJ010
18           <NA>                                   CL061
19           <NA>                                   CL001
20           <NA>                                   CL059
21           <NA>                                   CL001
22           <NA>                                   CL059
23           <NA>                                   KJ010
24           <NA>                                   CL061
25           <NA>                                   CL001
26           <NA>                                   CL059
27           <NA>                                   KJ010
28           <NA>                                   CL061
29           <NA>                                   CL001
30           <NA>                                   CL059
31           <NA>                                   CL001
32           <NA>                                   CL059
33           <NA>                                   CL001
34           <NA>                                   CL059
35           <NA>                                   CL001
36           <NA>                                   CL059
37           <NA>                                   KJ009
38           <NA>                                   KJ009
39           <NA>                                   CL021
40           <NA>                                   CL020
41           <NA>                                   CL021
42           <NA>                                   CL020
43           <NA>                                   CL021
44           <NA>                                   CL020
45           <NA>                                   KJ009
46           <NA>                                   KJ005
47           <NA>                                   CL020
48           <NA>                                   CL021
49           <NA>                                   CL020
50           <NA>                                   CL021
51           <NA>                                   KJ009
52           <NA>                                   KJ005
53           <NA>                                   KJ005
54           <NA>                                   KJ009
55           <NA>                                   KJ005
56           <NA>                                   CL021
57           <NA>                                   CL021
58           <NA>                                   CL021
59           <NA>                                   KJ009
60           <NA>                                   KJ005
61           <NA>                                   CL021
62           <NA>                                   CL021
63           <NA>                                   KJ009
64           <NA>                                   CL021
65           <NA>                                   KJ009
66           <NA>                                   CL021
67           <NA>                                   CL021
68           <NA>                                   CL021
69           <NA>                                   CL021
70           <NA>                                   CL021
71           <NA>                                   AKP01
72           <NA>                                   CL021
73           <NA>                                   KJ009
74           <NA>                                   KJ005
75           <NA>                                   CL021
76           <NA>                                   CL021
77           <NA>                                   AKP01
78           <NA>                                   CL021
79           <NA>                                   CL021
80           <NA>                                   CL021
81           <NA>                                   CL021
82           <NA>                                   CL021
83           <NA>                                   CL021
84           <NA>                                   CL021
85           <NA>                                   CL021
86           <NA>                                   CL021
87           <NA>                                   CL021
88           <NA>                                   CL021
89           <NA>                                   CL021
90           <NA>                                   CL021
91           <NA>                                   CL020
92           <NA>                                   CL021
93           <NA>                                   CL021
94           <NA>                                   CL021
95           <NA>                                   CL021
96           <NA>                                   CL021
97           <NA>                                   CL021
98           <NA>                                   KJ005
99           <NA>                                   KJ009
100          <NA>                                   KJ009
101          <NA>                                   KJ005
102          <NA>                                   KJ009
103          <NA>                                   KJ005
104          <NA>                                   KJ005
105          <NA>                                   KJ005
106          <NA>                                   KJ009
107          <NA>                                   KJ009
108          <NA>                                   KJ005
109          <NA>                                   KJ009
110          <NA>                                   KJ005
111          <NA>                                   KJ005
112          <NA>                                   KJ005
113          <NA>                                   KJ009
114          <NA>                                   KJ009
115          <NA>                                   KJ009
116          <NA>                                   KJ005
117          <NA>                                   KJ009
118          <NA>                                   KJ005
119          <NA>                                   KJ009
120          <NA>                                   KJ005
121          <NA>                                   KJ009
122          <NA>                                   KJ005
123          <NA>                                   CL020
124          <NA>                                   CL021
125          <NA>                                   CL020
126          <NA>                                   KJ009
127          <NA>                                   KJ005
128          <NA>                                   KJ005
129          <NA>                                   KJ009
130          <NA>                                   KJ005
131          <NA>                                   KJ009
132          <NA>                                   KJ009
133          <NA>                                   KJ005
134          <NA>                                   KJ009
135          <NA>                                   CL021
136          <NA>                                   KJ005
137          <NA>                                   KJ009
138          <NA>                                   KJ005
139          <NA>                                   KJ005
140          <NA>                                   KJ009
141          <NA>                                   KJ009
142          <NA>                                   KJ005
143          <NA>                                   KJ009
144          <NA>                                   KJ005
145          <NA>                                   KJ005
146          <NA>                                   KJ009
147          <NA>                                   KJ005
148          <NA>                                   KJ009
149          <NA>                                   KJ009
150          <NA>                                   KJ005
151          <NA>                                   KJ009
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    ResultAnalyticalMethod.MethodName ResultAnalyticalMethod.MethodUrl
1    Phosphorus, wu, ASF phosphomolyb                             <NA>
2    Phosphorus, wf, auto phosphomoly                             <NA>
3    Phosphorus, wf,microkjeldahl ASF                             <NA>
4     Phosphorus, wu, microKJ ASF, Hg                             <NA>
5    Phosphorus, wf,microkjeldahl ASF                             <NA>
6    Phosphorus, wf,microkjeldahl ASF                             <NA>
7                   ASF, colorimetric                             <NA>
8     Phosphorus, LIS, ASF phosphomol                             <NA>
9     Phosphorus, wu, microKJ ASF, Hg                             <NA>
10   Phosphorus, wf,microkjeldahl ASF                             <NA>
11    Phosphorus, wu, microKJ ASF, Hg                             <NA>
12   Phosphorus, wf,microkjeldahl ASF                             <NA>
13    P, wf, FCC, persulfate CF color                             <NA>
14    P, wu, WCA, persulfate CF color                             <NA>
15    Phosphorus, wu, microKJ ASF, Hg                             <NA>
16   Phosphorus, wf,microkjeldahl ASF                             <NA>
17    Phosphorus, wu, microKJ ASF, Hg                             <NA>
18   Phosphorus, wf,microkjeldahl ASF                             <NA>
19                  ASF, colorimetric                             <NA>
20    Phosphorus, LIS, ASF phosphomol                             <NA>
21                  ASF, colorimetric                             <NA>
22    Phosphorus, LIS, ASF phosphomol                             <NA>
23    Phosphorus, wu, microKJ ASF, Hg                             <NA>
24   Phosphorus, wf,microkjeldahl ASF                             <NA>
25                  ASF, colorimetric                             <NA>
26    Phosphorus, LIS, ASF phosphomol                             <NA>
27    Phosphorus, wu, microKJ ASF, Hg                             <NA>
28   Phosphorus, wf,microkjeldahl ASF                             <NA>
29                  ASF, colorimetric                             <NA>
30    Phosphorus, LIS, ASF phosphomol                             <NA>
31                  ASF, colorimetric                             <NA>
32    Phosphorus, LIS, ASF phosphomol                             <NA>
33                  ASF, colorimetric                             <NA>
34    Phosphorus, LIS, ASF phosphomol                             <NA>
35                  ASF, colorimetric                             <NA>
36    Phosphorus, LIS, ASF phosphomol                             <NA>
37    Phosphorus, wu, microKJ ASF, H+                             <NA>
38    Phosphorus, wu, microKJ ASF, H+                             <NA>
39    P, wu, WCA, persulfate CF color                             <NA>
40    P, wf, FCC, persulfate CF color                             <NA>
41    P, wu, WCA, persulfate CF color                             <NA>
42    P, wf, FCC, persulfate CF color                             <NA>
43    P, wu, WCA, persulfate CF color                             <NA>
44    P, wf, FCC, persulfate CF color                             <NA>
45    Phosphorus, wu, microKJ ASF, H+                             <NA>
46           P, wf, FCC, Kjeldahl, CF                             <NA>
47    P, wf, FCC, persulfate CF color                             <NA>
48    P, wu, WCA, persulfate CF color                             <NA>
49    P, wf, FCC, persulfate CF color                             <NA>
50    P, wu, WCA, persulfate CF color                             <NA>
51    Phosphorus, wu, microKJ ASF, H+                             <NA>
52           P, wf, FCC, Kjeldahl, CF                             <NA>
53           P, wf, FCC, Kjeldahl, CF                             <NA>
54    Phosphorus, wu, microKJ ASF, H+                             <NA>
55           P, wf, FCC, Kjeldahl, CF                             <NA>
56    P, wu, WCA, persulfate CF color                             <NA>
57    P, wu, WCA, persulfate CF color                             <NA>
58    P, wu, WCA, persulfate CF color                             <NA>
59    Phosphorus, wu, microKJ ASF, H+                             <NA>
60           P, wf, FCC, Kjeldahl, CF                             <NA>
61    P, wu, WCA, persulfate CF color                             <NA>
62    P, wu, WCA, persulfate CF color                             <NA>
63    Phosphorus, wu, microKJ ASF, H+                             <NA>
64    P, wu, WCA, persulfate CF color                             <NA>
65    Phosphorus, wu, microKJ ASF, H+                             <NA>
66    P, wu, WCA, persulfate CF color                             <NA>
67    P, wu, WCA, persulfate CF color                             <NA>
68    P, wu, WCA, persulfate CF color                             <NA>
69    P, wu, WCA, persulfate CF color                             <NA>
70    P, wu, WCA, persulfate CF color                             <NA>
71   Nutrients, wu, WCA,persulfate,CF                             <NA>
72    P, wu, WCA, persulfate CF color                             <NA>
73    Phosphorus, wu, microKJ ASF, H+                             <NA>
74           P, wf, FCC, Kjeldahl, CF                             <NA>
75    P, wu, WCA, persulfate CF color                             <NA>
76    P, wu, WCA, persulfate CF color                             <NA>
77   Nutrients, wu, WCA,persulfate,CF                             <NA>
78    P, wu, WCA, persulfate CF color                             <NA>
79    P, wu, WCA, persulfate CF color                             <NA>
80    P, wu, WCA, persulfate CF color                             <NA>
81    P, wu, WCA, persulfate CF color                             <NA>
82    P, wu, WCA, persulfate CF color                             <NA>
83    P, wu, WCA, persulfate CF color                             <NA>
84    P, wu, WCA, persulfate CF color                             <NA>
85    P, wu, WCA, persulfate CF color                             <NA>
86    P, wu, WCA, persulfate CF color                             <NA>
87    P, wu, WCA, persulfate CF color                             <NA>
88    P, wu, WCA, persulfate CF color                             <NA>
89    P, wu, WCA, persulfate CF color                             <NA>
90    P, wu, WCA, persulfate CF color                             <NA>
91    P, wf, FCC, persulfate CF color                             <NA>
92    P, wu, WCA, persulfate CF color                             <NA>
93    P, wu, WCA, persulfate CF color                             <NA>
94    P, wu, WCA, persulfate CF color                             <NA>
95    P, wu, WCA, persulfate CF color                             <NA>
96    P, wu, WCA, persulfate CF color                             <NA>
97    P, wu, WCA, persulfate CF color                             <NA>
98           P, wf, FCC, Kjeldahl, CF                             <NA>
99    Phosphorus, wu, microKJ ASF, H+                             <NA>
100   Phosphorus, wu, microKJ ASF, H+                             <NA>
101          P, wf, FCC, Kjeldahl, CF                             <NA>
102   Phosphorus, wu, microKJ ASF, H+                             <NA>
103          P, wf, FCC, Kjeldahl, CF                             <NA>
104          P, wf, FCC, Kjeldahl, CF                             <NA>
105          P, wf, FCC, Kjeldahl, CF                             <NA>
106   Phosphorus, wu, microKJ ASF, H+                             <NA>
107   Phosphorus, wu, microKJ ASF, H+                             <NA>
108          P, wf, FCC, Kjeldahl, CF                             <NA>
109   Phosphorus, wu, microKJ ASF, H+                             <NA>
110          P, wf, FCC, Kjeldahl, CF                             <NA>
111          P, wf, FCC, Kjeldahl, CF                             <NA>
112          P, wf, FCC, Kjeldahl, CF                             <NA>
113   Phosphorus, wu, microKJ ASF, H+                             <NA>
114   Phosphorus, wu, microKJ ASF, H+                             <NA>
115   Phosphorus, wu, microKJ ASF, H+                             <NA>
116          P, wf, FCC, Kjeldahl, CF                             <NA>
117   Phosphorus, wu, microKJ ASF, H+                             <NA>
118          P, wf, FCC, Kjeldahl, CF                             <NA>
119   Phosphorus, wu, microKJ ASF, H+                             <NA>
120          P, wf, FCC, Kjeldahl, CF                             <NA>
121   Phosphorus, wu, microKJ ASF, H+                             <NA>
122          P, wf, FCC, Kjeldahl, CF                             <NA>
123   P, wf, FCC, persulfate CF color                             <NA>
124   P, wu, WCA, persulfate CF color                             <NA>
125   P, wf, FCC, persulfate CF color                             <NA>
126   Phosphorus, wu, microKJ ASF, H+                             <NA>
127          P, wf, FCC, Kjeldahl, CF                             <NA>
128          P, wf, FCC, Kjeldahl, CF                             <NA>
129   Phosphorus, wu, microKJ ASF, H+                             <NA>
130          P, wf, FCC, Kjeldahl, CF                             <NA>
131   Phosphorus, wu, microKJ ASF, H+                             <NA>
132   Phosphorus, wu, microKJ ASF, H+                             <NA>
133          P, wf, FCC, Kjeldahl, CF                             <NA>
134   Phosphorus, wu, microKJ ASF, H+                             <NA>
135   P, wu, WCA, persulfate CF color                             <NA>
136          P, wf, FCC, Kjeldahl, CF                             <NA>
137   Phosphorus, wu, microKJ ASF, H+                             <NA>
138          P, wf, FCC, Kjeldahl, CF                             <NA>
139          P, wf, FCC, Kjeldahl, CF                             <NA>
140   Phosphorus, wu, microKJ ASF, H+                             <NA>
141   Phosphorus, wu, microKJ ASF, H+                             <NA>
142          P, wf, FCC, Kjeldahl, CF                             <NA>
143   Phosphorus, wu, microKJ ASF, H+                             <NA>
144          P, wf, FCC, Kjeldahl, CF                             <NA>
145          P, wf, FCC, Kjeldahl, CF                             <NA>
146   Phosphorus, wu, microKJ ASF, H+                             <NA>
147          P, wf, FCC, Kjeldahl, CF                             <NA>
148   Phosphorus, wu, microKJ ASF, H+                             <NA>
149   Phosphorus, wu, microKJ ASF, H+                             <NA>
150          P, wf, FCC, Kjeldahl, CF                             <NA>
151   Phosphorus, wu, microKJ ASF, H+                             <NA>
1                     USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 367
2                     USGS TWRI 5-A1/1979, p 453
3                                 USGS OF 92-146
4                                 USGS OF 92-146
5                                 USGS OF 92-146
6                                 USGS OF 92-146
7                                           <NA>
8                          USGS OF 93-125, p 175
9                                 USGS OF 92-146
10                                USGS OF 92-146
11                                USGS OF 92-146
12                                USGS OF 92-146
13                                          <NA>
14                                          <NA>
15                                USGS OF 92-146
16                                USGS OF 92-146
17                                USGS OF 92-146
18                                USGS OF 92-146
19                                          <NA>
20                         USGS OF 93-125, p 175
21                                          <NA>
22                         USGS OF 93-125, p 175
23                                USGS OF 92-146
24                                USGS OF 92-146
25                                          <NA>
26                         USGS OF 93-125, p 175
27                                USGS OF 92-146
28                                USGS OF 92-146
29                                          <NA>
30                         USGS OF 93-125, p 175
31                                          <NA>
32                         USGS OF 93-125, p 175
33                                          <NA>
34                         USGS OF 93-125, p 175
35                                          <NA>
36                         USGS OF 93-125, p 175
37                                USGS OF 92-146
38                                USGS OF 92-146
39                                          <NA>
40                                          <NA>
41                                          <NA>
42                                          <NA>
43                                          <NA>
44                                          <NA>
45                                USGS OF 92-146
46                                USGS OF 92-146
47                                          <NA>
48                                          <NA>
49                                          <NA>
50                                          <NA>
51                                USGS OF 92-146
52                                USGS OF 92-146
53                                USGS OF 92-146
54                                USGS OF 92-146
55                                USGS OF 92-146
56                                          <NA>
57                                          <NA>
58                                          <NA>
59                                USGS OF 92-146
60                                USGS OF 92-146
61                                          <NA>
62                                          <NA>
63                                USGS OF 92-146
64                                          <NA>
65                                USGS OF 92-146
66                                          <NA>
67                                          <NA>
68                                          <NA>
69                                          <NA>
70                                          <NA>
71                              USGS WRI 03-4174
72                                          <NA>
73                                USGS OF 92-146
74                                USGS OF 92-146
75                                          <NA>
76                                          <NA>
77                              USGS WRI 03-4174
78                                          <NA>
79                                          <NA>
80                                          <NA>
81                                          <NA>
82                                          <NA>
83                                          <NA>
84                                          <NA>
85                                          <NA>
86                                          <NA>
87                                          <NA>
88                                          <NA>
89                                          <NA>
90                                          <NA>
91                                          <NA>
92                                          <NA>
93                                          <NA>
94                                          <NA>
95                                          <NA>
96                                          <NA>
97                                          <NA>
98                                USGS OF 92-146
99                                USGS OF 92-146
100                               USGS OF 92-146
101                               USGS OF 92-146
102                               USGS OF 92-146
103                               USGS OF 92-146
104                               USGS OF 92-146
105                               USGS OF 92-146
106                               USGS OF 92-146
107                               USGS OF 92-146
108                               USGS OF 92-146
109                               USGS OF 92-146
110                               USGS OF 92-146
111                               USGS OF 92-146
112                               USGS OF 92-146
113                               USGS OF 92-146
114                               USGS OF 92-146
115                               USGS OF 92-146
116                               USGS OF 92-146
117                               USGS OF 92-146
118                               USGS OF 92-146
119                               USGS OF 92-146
120                               USGS OF 92-146
121                               USGS OF 92-146
122                               USGS OF 92-146
123                                         <NA>
124                                         <NA>
125                                         <NA>
126                               USGS OF 92-146
127                               USGS OF 92-146
128                               USGS OF 92-146
129                               USGS OF 92-146
130                               USGS OF 92-146
131                               USGS OF 92-146
132                               USGS OF 92-146
133                               USGS OF 92-146
134                               USGS OF 92-146
135                                         <NA>
136                               USGS OF 92-146
137                               USGS OF 92-146
138                               USGS OF 92-146
139                               USGS OF 92-146
140                               USGS OF 92-146
141                               USGS OF 92-146
142                               USGS OF 92-146
143                               USGS OF 92-146
144                               USGS OF 92-146
145                               USGS OF 92-146
146                               USGS OF 92-146
147                               USGS OF 92-146
148                               USGS OF 92-146
149                               USGS OF 92-146
150                               USGS OF 92-146
151                               USGS OF 92-146
                                 LaboratoryName AnalysisStartDate
1                                          <NA>              <NA>
2                                          <NA>              <NA>
3                                          <NA>              <NA>
4                                          <NA>              <NA>
5                                          <NA>              <NA>
6                                          <NA>              <NA>
7                                          <NA>              <NA>
8                                          <NA>              <NA>
9                                          <NA>              <NA>
10                                         <NA>              <NA>
11                                         <NA>              <NA>
12                                         <NA>              <NA>
13  USGS-National Water Quality Lab, Denver, CO        2012-08-08
14  USGS-National Water Quality Lab, Denver, CO        2012-06-26
15                                         <NA>              <NA>
16                                         <NA>              <NA>
17                                         <NA>              <NA>
18                                         <NA>              <NA>
19                                         <NA>              <NA>
20                                         <NA>              <NA>
21                                         <NA>              <NA>
22                                         <NA>              <NA>
23                                         <NA>              <NA>
24                                         <NA>              <NA>
25                                         <NA>              <NA>
26                                         <NA>              <NA>
27                                         <NA>              <NA>
28                                         <NA>              <NA>
29                                         <NA>              <NA>
30                                         <NA>              <NA>
31                                         <NA>              <NA>
32                                         <NA>              <NA>
33                                         <NA>              <NA>
34                                         <NA>              <NA>
35                                         <NA>              <NA>
36                                         <NA>              <NA>
37                                         <NA>              <NA>
38                                         <NA>              <NA>
39  USGS-National Water Quality Lab, Denver, CO        2007-07-19
40  USGS-National Water Quality Lab, Denver, CO        2007-07-19
41  USGS-National Water Quality Lab, Denver, CO        2009-10-01
42  USGS-National Water Quality Lab, Denver, CO        2012-06-22
43  USGS-National Water Quality Lab, Denver, CO        2012-06-26
44  USGS-National Water Quality Lab, Denver, CO        2012-06-28
45                                         <NA>              <NA>
46                                         <NA>              <NA>
47  USGS-National Water Quality Lab, Denver, CO        2012-11-01
48  USGS-National Water Quality Lab, Denver, CO        2012-11-01
49  USGS-National Water Quality Lab, Denver, CO        2012-11-01
50  USGS-National Water Quality Lab, Denver, CO        2012-10-03
51                                         <NA>              <NA>
52                                         <NA>              <NA>
53                                         <NA>              <NA>
54                                         <NA>              <NA>
55                                         <NA>              <NA>
56  USGS-National Water Quality Lab, Denver, CO        2005-06-02
57  USGS-National Water Quality Lab, Denver, CO        2005-05-26
58  USGS-National Water Quality Lab, Denver, CO        2015-06-10
59                                         <NA>              <NA>
60                                         <NA>              <NA>
61  USGS-National Water Quality Lab, Denver, CO        2004-05-28
62  USGS-National Water Quality Lab, Denver, CO        2004-05-28
63  USGS-National Water Quality Lab, Denver, CO        2004-06-01
64  USGS-National Water Quality Lab, Denver, CO        2004-09-09
65                                         <NA>              <NA>
66  USGS-National Water Quality Lab, Denver, CO        2012-08-02
67  USGS-National Water Quality Lab, Denver, CO        2004-05-28
68  USGS-National Water Quality Lab, Denver, CO        2005-05-26
69  USGS-National Water Quality Lab, Denver, CO        2005-06-13
70  USGS-National Water Quality Lab, Denver, CO        2015-07-01
71  USGS-National Water Quality Lab, Denver, CO        2005-07-06
72  USGS-National Water Quality Lab, Denver, CO        2005-06-13
73                                         <NA>              <NA>
74                                         <NA>              <NA>
75  USGS-National Water Quality Lab, Denver, CO        2006-05-03
76  USGS-National Water Quality Lab, Denver, CO        2006-05-03
77  USGS-National Water Quality Lab, Denver, CO        2006-06-26
78  USGS-National Water Quality Lab, Denver, CO        2006-05-11
79  USGS-National Water Quality Lab, Denver, CO        2004-05-28
80  USGS-National Water Quality Lab, Denver, CO        2015-06-10
81  USGS-National Water Quality Lab, Denver, CO        2015-07-07
82  USGS-National Water Quality Lab, Denver, CO        2015-05-28
83  USGS-National Water Quality Lab, Denver, CO        2015-05-11
84  USGS-National Water Quality Lab, Denver, CO        2015-06-23
85  USGS-National Water Quality Lab, Denver, CO        2015-07-01
86  USGS-National Water Quality Lab, Denver, CO        2012-11-01
87  USGS-National Water Quality Lab, Denver, CO        2004-06-24
88  USGS-National Water Quality Lab, Denver, CO        2015-07-07
89  USGS-National Water Quality Lab, Denver, CO        2015-04-30
90  USGS-National Water Quality Lab, Denver, CO        2015-06-04
91  USGS-National Water Quality Lab, Denver, CO        2012-10-01
92  USGS-National Water Quality Lab, Denver, CO        2006-05-31
93  USGS-National Water Quality Lab, Denver, CO        2006-06-09
94  USGS-National Water Quality Lab, Denver, CO        2015-06-23
95  USGS-National Water Quality Lab, Denver, CO        2004-05-28
96  USGS-National Water Quality Lab, Denver, CO        2015-05-20
97  USGS-National Water Quality Lab, Denver, CO        2015-05-13
98                                         <NA>              <NA>
99                                         <NA>              <NA>
100                                        <NA>              <NA>
101                                        <NA>              <NA>
102                                        <NA>              <NA>
103                                        <NA>              <NA>
104                                        <NA>              <NA>
105                                        <NA>              <NA>
106                                        <NA>              <NA>
107                                        <NA>              <NA>
108                                        <NA>              <NA>
109                                        <NA>              <NA>
110                                        <NA>              <NA>
111                                        <NA>              <NA>
112                                        <NA>              <NA>
113                                        <NA>              <NA>
114                                        <NA>              <NA>
115                                        <NA>              <NA>
116                                        <NA>              <NA>
117                                        <NA>              <NA>
118                                        <NA>              <NA>
119                                        <NA>              <NA>
120                                        <NA>              <NA>
121                                        <NA>              <NA>
122                                        <NA>              <NA>
123 USGS-National Water Quality Lab, Denver, CO        2012-01-25
124 USGS-National Water Quality Lab, Denver, CO        2012-01-19
125 USGS-National Water Quality Lab, Denver, CO        2012-01-25
126                                        <NA>              <NA>
127                                        <NA>              <NA>
128                                        <NA>              <NA>
129                                        <NA>              <NA>
130                                        <NA>              <NA>
131                                        <NA>              <NA>
132                                        <NA>              <NA>
133                                        <NA>              <NA>
134                                        <NA>              <NA>
135 USGS-National Water Quality Lab, Denver, CO        2012-01-19
136                                        <NA>              <NA>
137                                        <NA>              <NA>
138                                        <NA>              <NA>
139                                        <NA>              <NA>
140                                        <NA>              <NA>
141                                        <NA>              <NA>
142                                        <NA>              <NA>
143                                        <NA>              <NA>
144                                        <NA>              <NA>
145                                        <NA>              <NA>
146                                        <NA>              <NA>
147                                        <NA>              <NA>
148                                        <NA>              <NA>
149                                        <NA>              <NA>
150                                        <NA>              <NA>
151                                        <NA>              <NA>
1                                                                                      <NA>
2                                                                                      <NA>
3                                                                                      <NA>
4                                                                                      <NA>
5                                                                                      <NA>
6                                                                                      <NA>
7                                                                                      <NA>
8                                                                                      <NA>
9                                                                                      <NA>
10                                                                                     <NA>
11                                                                                     <NA>
12                                                                                     <NA>
13                                                                                     <NA>
14                                                                                     <NA>
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16                                                                                     <NA>
17                                                                                     <NA>
18                                                                                     <NA>
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22                                                                                     <NA>
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36                                                                                     <NA>
37                                                                                     <NA>
38                                                                                     <NA>
39                                                                                     <NA>
40                                                                                     <NA>
41                                                                       sample was diluted
42                                                                                     <NA>
43                                                                                     <NA>
44                                                                                     <NA>
45                                                                                     <NA>
46                                                                                     <NA>
47                                                                                     <NA>
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58                                                                                     <NA>
59                                                                                     <NA>
60                                                                                     <NA>
61                                                                                     <NA>
62                                                                                     <NA>
63                       result determined by alternate methodsee result laboratory comment
64                                                                                     <NA>
65                                                                                     <NA>
66                                                                                     <NA>
67                                                                                     <NA>
68                                                                                     <NA>
69                                                                                     <NA>
70                                                                                     <NA>
71  holding time exceededresult determined by alternate methodsee result laboratory comment
72                                                                                     <NA>
73                                                                                     <NA>
74                                                                                     <NA>
75                                                                                     <NA>
76                                                                                     <NA>
77                       result determined by alternate methodsee result laboratory comment
78                                                                                     <NA>
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80                                                                                     <NA>
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149                                                                                    <NA>
150                                                                                    <NA>
151                                                                                    <NA>
    ResultDetectionQuantitationLimitUrl DetectionQuantitationLimitTypeName
1                                  <NA>                               <NA>
2                                  <NA>                               <NA>
3                                  <NA>                               <NA>
4                                  <NA>                               <NA>
5                                  <NA>                               <NA>
6                                  <NA>                               <NA>
7                                  <NA>                               <NA>
8                                  <NA>                               <NA>
9                                  <NA>                               <NA>
10                                 <NA>                               <NA>
11                                 <NA>                               <NA>
12                                 <NA>                               <NA>
13                                 <NA>   Long Term Method Detection Level
14                                 <NA>   Long Term Method Detection Level
15                                 <NA>                               <NA>
16                                 <NA>                               <NA>
17                                 <NA>                               <NA>
18                                 <NA>                               <NA>
19                                 <NA>                               <NA>
20                                 <NA>                               <NA>
21                                 <NA>                               <NA>
22                                 <NA>                               <NA>
23                                 <NA>                               <NA>
24                                 <NA>                               <NA>
25                                 <NA>                               <NA>
26                                 <NA>                               <NA>
27                                 <NA>                               <NA>
28                                 <NA>                               <NA>
29                                 <NA>                               <NA>
30                                 <NA>                               <NA>
31                                 <NA>                               <NA>
32                                 <NA>                               <NA>
33                                 <NA>                               <NA>
34                                 <NA>                               <NA>
35                                 <NA>                               <NA>
36                                 <NA>                               <NA>
37                                 <NA>                               <NA>
38                                 <NA>                               <NA>
39                                 <NA>         Laboratory Reporting Level
40                                 <NA>         Laboratory Reporting Level
41                                 <NA>         Laboratory Reporting Level
42                                 <NA>   Long Term Method Detection Level
43                                 <NA>   Long Term Method Detection Level
44                                 <NA>   Long Term Method Detection Level
45                                 <NA>                               <NA>
46                                 <NA>                               <NA>
47                                 <NA>   Long Term Method Detection Level
48                                 <NA>   Long Term Method Detection Level
49                                 <NA>   Long Term Method Detection Level
50                                 <NA>   Long Term Method Detection Level
51                                 <NA>                               <NA>
52                                 <NA>                               <NA>
53                                 <NA>   Historical Lower Reporting Limit
54                                 <NA>                               <NA>
55                                 <NA>   Historical Lower Reporting Limit
56                                 <NA>         Laboratory Reporting Level
57                                 <NA>         Laboratory Reporting Level
58                                 <NA>          Detection limit by DQCALC
59                                 <NA>                               <NA>
60                                 <NA>   Historical Lower Reporting Limit
61                                 <NA>         Laboratory Reporting Level
62                                 <NA>         Laboratory Reporting Level
63                                 <NA>         Laboratory Reporting Level
64                                 <NA>         Laboratory Reporting Level
65                                 <NA>   Historical Lower Reporting Limit
66                                 <NA>   Long Term Method Detection Level
67                                 <NA>         Laboratory Reporting Level
68                                 <NA>         Laboratory Reporting Level
69                                 <NA>         Laboratory Reporting Level
70                                 <NA>          Detection limit by DQCALC
71                                 <NA>         Laboratory Reporting Level
72                                 <NA>         Laboratory Reporting Level
73                                 <NA>   Historical Lower Reporting Limit
74                                 <NA>   Historical Lower Reporting Limit
75                                 <NA>         Laboratory Reporting Level
76                                 <NA>         Laboratory Reporting Level
77                                 <NA>         Laboratory Reporting Level
78                                 <NA>         Laboratory Reporting Level
79                                 <NA>         Laboratory Reporting Level
80                                 <NA>          Detection limit by DQCALC
81                                 <NA>          Detection limit by DQCALC
82                                 <NA>          Detection limit by DQCALC
83                                 <NA>          Detection limit by DQCALC
84                                 <NA>          Detection limit by DQCALC
85                                 <NA>          Detection limit by DQCALC
86                                 <NA>   Long Term Method Detection Level
87                                 <NA>         Laboratory Reporting Level
88                                 <NA>          Detection limit by DQCALC
89                                 <NA>          Detection limit by DQCALC
90                                 <NA>          Detection limit by DQCALC
91                                 <NA>   Long Term Method Detection Level
92                                 <NA>         Laboratory Reporting Level
93                                 <NA>         Laboratory Reporting Level
94                                 <NA>          Detection limit by DQCALC
95                                 <NA>         Laboratory Reporting Level
96                                 <NA>          Detection limit by DQCALC
97                                 <NA>          Detection limit by DQCALC
98                                 <NA>                               <NA>
99                                 <NA>                               <NA>
100                                <NA>                               <NA>
101                                <NA>                               <NA>
102                                <NA>                               <NA>
103                                <NA>                               <NA>
104                                <NA>   Historical Lower Reporting Limit
105                                <NA>   Historical Lower Reporting Limit
106                                <NA>                               <NA>
107                                <NA>                               <NA>
108                                <NA>                               <NA>
109                                <NA>                               <NA>
110                                <NA>   Historical Lower Reporting Limit
111                                <NA>                               <NA>
112                                <NA>   Historical Lower Reporting Limit
113                                <NA>                               <NA>
114                                <NA>                               <NA>
115                                <NA>                               <NA>
116                                <NA>                               <NA>
117                                <NA>                               <NA>
118                                <NA>                               <NA>
119                                <NA>                               <NA>
120                                <NA>   Historical Lower Reporting Limit
121                                <NA>   Historical Lower Reporting Limit
122                                <NA>   Historical Lower Reporting Limit
123                                <NA>   Long Term Method Detection Level
124                                <NA>   Long Term Method Detection Level
125                                <NA>   Long Term Method Detection Level
126                                <NA>                               <NA>
127                                <NA>                               <NA>
128                                <NA>                               <NA>
129                                <NA>                               <NA>
130                                <NA>   Historical Lower Reporting Limit
131                                <NA>                               <NA>
132                                <NA>                               <NA>
133                                <NA>                               <NA>
134                                <NA>                               <NA>
135                                <NA>   Long Term Method Detection Level
136                                <NA>   Historical Lower Reporting Limit
137                                <NA>                               <NA>
138                                <NA>                               <NA>
139                                <NA>                               <NA>
140                                <NA>                               <NA>
141                                <NA>                               <NA>
142                                <NA>                               <NA>
143                                <NA>                               <NA>
144                                <NA>   Historical Lower Reporting Limit
145                                <NA>                               <NA>
146                                <NA>                               <NA>
147                                <NA>   Historical Lower Reporting Limit
148                                <NA>                               <NA>
149                                <NA>                               <NA>
150                                <NA>   Historical Lower Reporting Limit
151                                <NA>                               <NA>
1                                               NA
2                                               NA
3                                               NA
4                                               NA
5                                               NA
6                                               NA
7                                               NA
8                                               NA
9                                               NA
10                                              NA
11                                              NA
12                                              NA
13                                           0.003
14                                           0.004
15                                              NA
16                                              NA
17                                              NA
18                                              NA
19                                              NA
20                                              NA
21                                              NA
22                                              NA
23                                              NA
24                                              NA
25                                              NA
26                                              NA
27                                              NA
28                                              NA
29                                              NA
30                                              NA
31                                              NA
32                                              NA
33                                              NA
34                                              NA
35                                              NA
36                                              NA
37                                              NA
38                                              NA
39                                           0.008
40                                           0.006
41                                           0.008
42                                           0.003
43                                           0.004
44                                           0.003
45                                              NA
46                                              NA
47                                           0.003
48                                           0.004
49                                           0.003
50                                           0.004
51                                              NA
52                                              NA
53                                           0.010
54                                              NA
55                                           0.010
56                                           0.004
57                                           0.004
58                                           0.004
59                                              NA
60                                           0.010
61                                           0.004
62                                           0.004
63                                           0.040
64                                           0.004
65                                           0.010
66                                           0.004
67                                           0.004
68                                           0.004
69                                           0.004
70                                           0.004
71                                           0.020
72                                           0.004
73                                           0.010
74                                           0.010
75                                           0.004
76                                           0.004
77                                           0.020
78                                           0.004
79                                           0.004
80                                           0.004
81                                           0.004
82                                           0.004
83                                           0.004
84                                           0.004
85                                           0.004
86                                           0.004
87                                           0.004
88                                           0.004
89                                           0.004
90                                           0.004
91                                           0.003
92                                           0.004
93                                           0.004
94                                           0.004
95                                           0.004
96                                           0.004
97                                           0.004
98                                              NA
99                                              NA
100                                             NA
101                                             NA
102                                             NA
103                                             NA
104                                          0.050
105                                          0.010
106                                             NA
107                                             NA
108                                             NA
109                                             NA
110                                          0.010
111                                             NA
112                                          0.050
113                                             NA
114                                             NA
115                                             NA
116                                             NA
117                                             NA
118                                             NA
119                                             NA
120                                          0.010
121                                          0.050
122                                          0.050
123                                          0.003
124                                          0.004
125                                          0.003
126                                             NA
127                                             NA
128                                             NA
129                                             NA
130                                          0.010
131                                             NA
132                                             NA
133                                             NA
134                                             NA
135                                          0.004
136                                          0.010
137                                             NA
138                                             NA
139                                             NA
140                                             NA
141                                             NA
142                                             NA
143                                             NA
144                                          0.010
145                                             NA
146                                             NA
147                                          0.010
148                                             NA
149                                             NA
150                                          0.050
151                                             NA
    DetectionQuantitationLimitMeasure.MeasureUnitCode LabSamplePreparationUrl
1                                                <NA>                    <NA>
2                                                <NA>                    <NA>
3                                                <NA>                    <NA>
4                                                <NA>                    <NA>
5                                                <NA>                    <NA>
6                                                <NA>                    <NA>
7                                                <NA>                    <NA>
8                                                <NA>                    <NA>
9                                                <NA>                    <NA>
10                                               <NA>                    <NA>
11                                               <NA>                    <NA>
12                                               <NA>                    <NA>
13                                          mg/l as P                    <NA>
14                                          mg/l as P                    <NA>
15                                               <NA>                    <NA>
16                                               <NA>                    <NA>
17                                               <NA>                    <NA>
18                                               <NA>                    <NA>
19                                               <NA>                    <NA>
20                                               <NA>                    <NA>
21                                               <NA>                    <NA>
22                                               <NA>                    <NA>
23                                               <NA>                    <NA>
24                                               <NA>                    <NA>
25                                               <NA>                    <NA>
26                                               <NA>                    <NA>
27                                               <NA>                    <NA>
28                                               <NA>                    <NA>
29                                               <NA>                    <NA>
30                                               <NA>                    <NA>
31                                               <NA>                    <NA>
32                                               <NA>                    <NA>
33                                               <NA>                    <NA>
34                                               <NA>                    <NA>
35                                               <NA>                    <NA>
36                                               <NA>                    <NA>
37                                               <NA>                    <NA>
38                                               <NA>                    <NA>
39                                          mg/l as P                    <NA>
40                                          mg/l as P                    <NA>
41                                          mg/l as P                    <NA>
42                                          mg/l as P                    <NA>
43                                          mg/l as P                    <NA>
44                                          mg/l as P                    <NA>
45                                               <NA>                    <NA>
46                                               <NA>                    <NA>
47                                          mg/l as P                    <NA>
48                                          mg/l as P                    <NA>
49                                          mg/l as P                    <NA>
50                                          mg/l as P                    <NA>
51                                               <NA>                    <NA>
52                                               <NA>                    <NA>
53                                          mg/l as P                    <NA>
54                                               <NA>                    <NA>
55                                          mg/l as P                    <NA>
56                                          mg/l as P                    <NA>
57                                          mg/l as P                    <NA>
58                                          mg/l as P                    <NA>
59                                               <NA>                    <NA>
60                                          mg/l as P                    <NA>
61                                          mg/l as P                    <NA>
62                                          mg/l as P                    <NA>
63                                          mg/l as P                    <NA>
64                                          mg/l as P                    <NA>
65                                          mg/l as P                    <NA>
66                                          mg/l as P                    <NA>
67                                          mg/l as P                    <NA>
68                                          mg/l as P                    <NA>
69                                          mg/l as P                    <NA>
70                                          mg/l as P                    <NA>
71                                          mg/l as P                    <NA>
72                                          mg/l as P                    <NA>
73                                          mg/l as P                    <NA>
74                                          mg/l as P                    <NA>
75                                          mg/l as P                    <NA>
76                                          mg/l as P                    <NA>
77                                          mg/l as P                    <NA>
78                                          mg/l as P                    <NA>
79                                          mg/l as P                    <NA>
80                                          mg/l as P                    <NA>
81                                          mg/l as P                    <NA>
82                                          mg/l as P                    <NA>
83                                          mg/l as P                    <NA>
84                                          mg/l as P                    <NA>
85                                          mg/l as P                    <NA>
86                                          mg/l as P                    <NA>
87                                          mg/l as P                    <NA>
88                                          mg/l as P                    <NA>
89                                          mg/l as P                    <NA>
90                                          mg/l as P                    <NA>
91                                          mg/l as P                    <NA>
92                                          mg/l as P                    <NA>
93                                          mg/l as P                    <NA>
94                                          mg/l as P                    <NA>
95                                          mg/l as P                    <NA>
96                                          mg/l as P                    <NA>
97                                          mg/l as P                    <NA>
98                                               <NA>                    <NA>
99                                               <NA>                    <NA>
100                                              <NA>                    <NA>
101                                              <NA>                    <NA>
102                                              <NA>                    <NA>
103                                              <NA>                    <NA>
104                                         mg/l as P                    <NA>
105                                         mg/l as P                    <NA>
106                                              <NA>                    <NA>
107                                              <NA>                    <NA>
108                                              <NA>                    <NA>
109                                              <NA>                    <NA>
110                                         mg/l as P                    <NA>
111                                              <NA>                    <NA>
112                                         mg/l as P                    <NA>
113                                              <NA>                    <NA>
114                                              <NA>                    <NA>
115                                              <NA>                    <NA>
116                                              <NA>                    <NA>
117                                              <NA>                    <NA>
118                                              <NA>                    <NA>
119                                              <NA>                    <NA>
120                                         mg/l as P                    <NA>
121                                         mg/l as P                    <NA>
122                                         mg/l as P                    <NA>
123                                         mg/l as P                    <NA>
124                                         mg/l as P                    <NA>
125                                         mg/l as P                    <NA>
126                                              <NA>                    <NA>
127                                              <NA>                    <NA>
128                                              <NA>                    <NA>
129                                              <NA>                    <NA>
130                                         mg/l as P                    <NA>
131                                              <NA>                    <NA>
132                                              <NA>                    <NA>
133                                              <NA>                    <NA>
134                                              <NA>                    <NA>
135                                         mg/l as P                    <NA>
136                                         mg/l as P                    <NA>
137                                              <NA>                    <NA>
138                                              <NA>                    <NA>
139                                              <NA>                    <NA>
140                                              <NA>                    <NA>
141                                              <NA>                    <NA>
142                                              <NA>                    <NA>
143                                              <NA>                    <NA>
144                                         mg/l as P                    <NA>
145                                              <NA>                    <NA>
146                                              <NA>                    <NA>
147                                         mg/l as P                    <NA>
148                                              <NA>                    <NA>
149                                              <NA>                    <NA>
150                                         mg/l as P                    <NA>
151                                              <NA>                    <NA>
    LastUpdated ProviderName timeZoneStart timeZoneEnd ActivityStartDateTime
1          <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   1991-08-19 23:11:00
2          <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   1991-08-19 23:11:00
3          <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   1993-07-27 20:00:00
4          <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   1993-08-24 23:15:00
5          <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   1993-08-24 23:15:00
6          <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   1993-07-22 00:00:00
7          <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   1994-08-25 00:00:00
8          <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   1994-08-25 00:00:00
9          <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   1994-07-19 23:10:00
10         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   1994-07-19 23:10:00
11         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   1994-05-20 17:40:00
12         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   1994-05-20 17:40:00
13         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   2012-07-18 17:00:00
14         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   2012-05-17 17:00:00
15         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   1994-05-04 19:10:00
16         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   1994-05-04 19:10:00
17         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   1994-05-19 16:50:00
18         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   1994-05-19 16:50:00
19         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   1994-08-26 00:40:00
20         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   1994-08-26 00:40:00
21         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   1994-08-24 20:40:00
22         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   1994-08-24 20:40:00
23         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   1994-05-18 20:50:00
24         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   1994-05-18 20:50:00
25         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   1994-08-25 01:20:00
26         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   1994-08-25 01:20:00
27         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   1994-08-01 18:30:00
28         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   1994-08-01 18:30:00
29         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   1994-08-25 16:00:00
30         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   1994-08-25 16:00:00
31         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   1994-08-24 22:30:00
32         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   1994-08-24 22:30:00
33         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   1994-08-25 01:30:00
34         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   1994-08-25 01:30:00
35         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   1994-08-25 22:30:00
36         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   1994-08-25 22:30:00
37         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   1996-04-18 23:00:00
38         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   1996-04-18 18:00:00
39         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   2007-06-27 23:15:00
40         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   2007-06-27 23:15:00
41         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   2009-09-09 22:50:00
42         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   2012-05-17 17:00:00
43         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   2012-06-12 21:00:00
44         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   2012-06-12 21:00:00
45         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   1998-04-22 17:45:00
46         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   1998-04-22 17:45:00
47         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   2012-10-09 18:00:00
48         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   2012-10-09 23:00:00
49         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   2012-10-09 23:00:00
50         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   2012-09-14 18:00:00
51         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   1998-04-22 23:28:00
52         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   1998-04-22 23:28:00
53         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   1998-04-22 21:20:00
54         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   1998-04-22 22:08:00
55         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   1998-04-22 22:08:00
56         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   2005-05-11 21:37:00
57         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   2005-05-05 20:09:00
58         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   2015-05-27 22:50:00
59         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   1998-04-22 19:27:00
60         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   1998-04-22 19:27:00
61         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   2004-05-11 18:20:00
62         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   2004-05-07 20:12:00
63         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   2004-05-07 18:00:00
64         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   2004-08-19 19:10:00
65         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   1998-04-22 21:20:00
66         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   2012-07-18 17:00:00
67         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   2004-05-07 19:55:00
68         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   2005-05-04 20:52:00
69         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   2005-05-17 22:00:00
70         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   2015-06-10 21:20:00
71         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   2005-06-01 18:39:00
72         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   2005-05-16 20:00:00
73         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   1998-04-22 17:26:00
74         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   1998-04-22 17:26:00
75         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   2006-04-27 23:12:00
76         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   2006-04-26 22:30:00
77         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   2006-05-30 19:41:00
78         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   2006-05-03 23:24:00
79         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   2004-05-07 21:40:00
80         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   2015-05-27 20:50:00
81         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   2015-06-17 19:30:00
82         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   2015-05-14 00:40:00
83         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   2015-04-23 00:20:00
84         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   2015-06-03 20:00:00
85         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   2015-06-10 19:00:00
86         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   2012-10-09 18:00:00
87         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   2004-06-01 19:54:00
88         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   2015-06-17 21:20:00
89         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   2015-04-15 23:50:00
90         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   2015-05-20 22:40:00
91         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   2012-09-14 18:00:00
92         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   2006-05-18 22:19:00
93         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   2006-05-31 23:10:00
94         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   2015-06-03 17:20:00
95         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   2004-05-07 20:50:00
96         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   2015-05-06 23:40:00
97         <NA>         NWIS             7          NA   2015-04-29 22:20:00
98         <NA>         NWIS             8          NA   1998-03-24 18:40:00
99         <NA>         NWIS             8          NA   1998-11-09 22:28:00
100        <NA>         NWIS             8          NA   1994-11-02 01:20:00
101        <NA>         NWIS             8          NA   1994-11-02 01:20:00
102        <NA>         NWIS             8          NA   1998-11-09 18:08:00
103        <NA>         NWIS             8          NA   1998-02-11 20:55:00
104        <NA>         NWIS             8          NA   1998-11-09 22:28:00
105        <NA>         NWIS             8          NA   1998-02-11 22:00:00
106        <NA>         NWIS             8          NA   1998-02-11 20:55:00
107        <NA>         NWIS             8          NA   1998-03-24 18:40:00
108        <NA>         NWIS             8          NA   1998-03-24 23:15:00
109        <NA>         NWIS             8          NA   1998-03-04 21:02:00
110        <NA>         NWIS             8          NA   1998-03-04 21:02:00
111        <NA>         NWIS             8          NA   1998-03-05 01:15:00
112        <NA>         NWIS             8          NA   1998-11-10 00:20:00
113        <NA>         NWIS             8          NA   1998-02-11 22:00:00
114        <NA>         NWIS             8          NA   1998-03-05 01:15:00
115        <NA>         NWIS             8          NA   1998-11-09 20:30:00
116        <NA>         NWIS             8          NA   1998-11-09 20:30:00
117        <NA>         NWIS             8          NA   1998-03-24 17:07:00
118        <NA>         NWIS             8          NA   1998-03-24 17:07:00
119        <NA>         NWIS             8          NA   1998-03-24 17:00:00
120        <NA>         NWIS             8          NA   1998-03-24 17:00:00
121        <NA>         NWIS             8          NA   1998-11-09 21:44:00
122        <NA>         NWIS             8          NA   1998-11-09 21:44:00
123        <NA>         NWIS             8          NA   2011-12-29 21:00:00
124        <NA>         NWIS             8          NA   2011-12-29 21:00:00
125        <NA>         NWIS             8          NA   2011-12-29 21:00:00
126        <NA>         NWIS             8          NA   1998-02-11 00:00:00
127        <NA>         NWIS             8          NA   1998-02-11 00:00:00
128        <NA>         NWIS             8          NA   1998-02-10 18:15:00
129        <NA>         NWIS             8          NA   1998-03-04 22:17:00
130        <NA>         NWIS             8          NA   1998-03-04 22:17:00
131        <NA>         NWIS             8          NA   1998-02-11 19:00:00
132        <NA>         NWIS             8          NA   1998-03-05 00:15:00
133        <NA>         NWIS             8          NA   1998-03-05 00:15:00
134        <NA>         NWIS             8          NA   1998-03-24 23:15:00
135        <NA>         NWIS             8          NA   2011-12-29 21:00:00
136        <NA>         NWIS             8          NA   1998-03-04 18:02:00
137        <NA>         NWIS             8          NA   1998-03-24 22:22:00
138        <NA>         NWIS             8          NA   1998-03-24 22:22:00
139        <NA>         NWIS             8          NA   1998-11-09 18:08:00
140        <NA>         NWIS             8          NA   1998-02-10 18:15:00
141        <NA>         NWIS             8          NA   1998-03-24 20:03:00
142        <NA>         NWIS             8          NA   1998-03-24 20:03:00
143        <NA>         NWIS             8          NA   1998-03-05 02:12:00
144        <NA>         NWIS             8          NA   1998-03-05 02:12:00
145        <NA>         NWIS             8          NA   1998-02-11 19:00:00
146        <NA>         NWIS             8          NA   1998-02-10 20:15:00
147        <NA>         NWIS             8          NA   1998-02-10 20:15:00
148        <NA>         NWIS             8          NA   1998-03-04 18:02:00
149        <NA>         NWIS             8          NA   1998-11-09 23:26:00
150        <NA>         NWIS             8          NA   1998-11-09 23:26:00
151        <NA>         NWIS             8          NA   1998-11-10 00:20:00
1                  <NA>
2                  <NA>
3                  <NA>
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Let’s explore phosphorus data in Benton County

benton_phos <- readWQPsummary(statecode = "OR",
                          sampleMedia = "Water",
                          characteristicName = "Phosphorus")

 [1] "Provider"                           "MonitoringLocationIdentifier"      
 [3] "YearSummarized"                     "CharacteristicType"                
 [5] "CharacteristicName"                 "ActivityCount"                     
 [7] "ResultCount"                        "LastResultSubmittedDate"           
 [9] "OrganizationIdentifier"             "OrganizationFormalName"            
[11] "MonitoringLocationName"             "MonitoringLocationTypeName"        
[13] "ResolvedMonitoringLocationTypeName" "HUCEightDigitCode"                 
[15] "MonitoringLocationUrl"              "CountyName"                        
[17] "StateName"                          "MonitoringLocationLatitude"        
[19] "MonitoringLocationLongitude"       

Apply some dplyr functions to group site information

benton_phos_summary <- benton_phos |> 
  rename(Site = MonitoringLocationIdentifier) |>
  mutate(Lat = as.numeric(MonitoringLocationLatitude),
         Lon = as.numeric(MonitoringLocationLongitude)) |> 
  group_by(Site, Lat, Lon) |> 
  summarise(min_year = min(YearSummarized),
            max_year = max(YearSummarized),
            count = sum(ResultCount)) |> 
  mutate(POR = max_year - min_year) |> 
  arrange(desc(count)) |> 
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'Site', 'Lat'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
# A tibble: 37 × 7
   Site                   Lat   Lon min_year max_year count   POR
   <chr>                <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
 1 USGS-442406123192700  44.4 -123.     2004     2012    11     8
 2 USGS-442447123194200  44.4 -123.     2004     2012    11     8
 3 USGS-443423123153700  44.6 -123.     2015     2015    11     0
 4 USGS-442322123180700  44.4 -123.     1998     1998    10     0
 5 USGS-442350123204300  44.4 -123.     1998     1998    10     0
 6 USGS-442408123192500  44.4 -123.     1998     1998    10     0
 7 USGS-442444123213600  44.4 -123.     1998     1998    10     0
 8 USGS-442530123200100  44.4 -123.     1998     1998    10     0
 9 USGS-442531123184700  44.4 -123.     1998     1998    10     0
10 USGS-442223123153703  44.4 -123.     1994     1994     8     0
# ℹ 27 more rows

View with mapview- first we need to make our results an sf data frame for mapview to use. Easy!

results_sf <- benton_phos_summary  |> 
  sf::st_as_sf(coords = c("Lon", "Lat"), crs = 4269, remove = FALSE)

NLDI client

The hydro Network-Linked Data Index (NLDI) is a system that can index spatial and river network-linked data and navigate the river network to allow discovery of indexed information.

The NLDI service requires the following:

  1. A starting entity (comid, nwis, wqp, location and more).
  • The “more” includes the ever-growing set of resources available in the NLDI service that can be accessed with the get_nldi_sources function.
  1. A direction to navigate along the network
  • UM: upper mainstem
  • UT: upper tributary
  • DM: downstream mainstem
  • DD: downstream divergence
  1. Features to find along the way!
  • Any of the above features (e.g. get_nldi_sources)
  • flowlines
  • basin

Basic use: NLDI

The NLDI client in dataRetrival operates by speficing the origin, the navigation mode, and the features to find. In the following example, we want to navigate along the upstream tributary of COMID 101 (up to 1000 km) and find all flowline features, nwis gages, and the contributing drainage area.

nldi = findNLDI(comid= 23763529, 
             nav= "UT", 
             find= c("flowline", "nwis", 'basin'),
             distance_km = 1000)

sapply(nldi, nrow)
      origin        basin  UT_nwissite UT_flowlines 
           1            1           15          187 


While dataRetrival provides retrieval functions for observed data, there is an increasing amount of simulated data available for use. Once example is the 3 retrospective simulations of the National Water Model. This data certainly falls under the umbrella of “big data” and can be difficult to work with given each hourly file (for up to 42 years!) is stored in separate, cloud based files.

nwmTools provides retrieval functions for these retrospective stream flow data from the NOAA National Water Model reanalysis products:


# remotes::install_github("mikejohnson51/nwmTools")

nwis = readNWISdv(site = gsub("USGS-", "", nldi$UT_nwissite$identifier[8]), 
                  param = "00060") |> 

nwm = readNWMdata(comid = nldi$UT_nwissite$comid[8])


The timestep of the retrospective NWM data is hourly. In many cases, its more desirable to have the time step aggregated to a different temporal resolution. nwmTools provides a family of aggregation functions that allow you to specify the aggregation time period, and the aggregation summary statistic

grep('aggregate_', ls("package:nwmTools"), value = TRUE)
 [1] "aggregate_dowy"   "aggregate_j"      "aggregate_m"      "aggregate_record"
 [5] "aggregate_s"      "aggregate_wy"     "aggregate_wym"    "aggregate_wymd"  
 [9] "aggregate_wys"    "aggregate_y"      "aggregate_yj"     "aggregate_ym"    
[13] "aggregate_ymd"    "aggregate_ys"    
# Core function
nwm_ymd  = aggregate_ymd(nwm, "mean")
# User defined function
seasonal = aggregate_s(nwm, fun = function(x){quantile(x,.75)})
# Multiple functions
month    = aggregate_m(nwm, c('mean', "max"))

a <-ggplot(data = nwis) + 
  geom_line(aes(x = Date, y = Flow * 0.028316846592)) + 
  labs(title = "NWIS Data") 
b <-ggplot(data = nwm_ymd) + 
  geom_line(aes(x = ymd, y = flow_cms_v2.1)) + 
  labs(title = "NWM Daily Average")  
c <-ggplot(data = seasonal) + 
  geom_col(aes(x = season, y = flow_cms_v2.1)) + 
  labs(title = "NWM Seasonal 75%") 
d <-ggplot(data = month) + 
  geom_col(aes(x = as.factor(month), y = max)) +
  geom_col(aes(x = as.factor(month), y = mean), fill = "red") +
  labs(title = "NWM Monthly Mean/Maximum")


One of the biggest challenges with Earth System and spatial research is extracting data. These challenges include not only finding the source data but then downloading, managing, and extracting the partitions critical for a given task.

Services exist to make data more readily available over the web but introduce new challenges of identifying subsets, working across a wide array of standards (e.g. non-standards), all without alleviating the challenge of finding resources.

In light of this, opendap.catalog provides 4 primary services.

Learn more about OPenDAP here

Generalized space (XY) and Time (T) subsets for remote and local NetCDF data with dap()

  • Handles data streaming, projection, and cropping. Soon to come is masking capabilities.
# remotes::install_github("mikejohnson51/opendap.catalog")

AOI = AOI::aoi_get(state = "OR", county = "Benton")

prism <- opendap.catalog::dap(URL = '',
           AOI = AOI,
           varname = 'ppt',
           startDate = "2005-01-01",
           endDate = "2005-01-31")

str(prism, max.level = 1)


A catalog of 14691 web resources (as of 06/2022)

Rows: 14,691
Columns: 15
$ id        <chr> "hawaii_soest_1727_02e2_b48c", "hawaii_soest_1727_02e2_b48c"…
$ grid_id   <chr> "73", "73", "73", "73", "73", "73", "73", "73", "73", "73", …
$ URL       <chr> "…
$ tiled     <chr> "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", …
$ variable  <chr> "nudp", "nusf", "nuvdp", "nuvsf", "nvdp", "nvsf", "sudp", "s…
$ varname   <chr> "nudp", "nusf", "nuvdp", "nuvsf", "nvdp", "nvsf", "sudp", "s…
$ long_name <chr> "number of deep zonal velocity profiles", "number of surface…
$ units     <chr> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, …
$ model     <chr> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, …
$ ensemble  <chr> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, …
$ scenario  <chr> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, …
$ T_name    <chr> "time", "time", "time", "time", "time", "time", "time", "tim…
$ duration  <chr> "2001-01-01/2022-01-01", "2001-01-01/2022-01-01", "2001-01-0…
$ interval  <chr> "365 days", "365 days", "365 days", "365 days", "365 days", …
$ nT        <dbl> 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, …

With 14,160 web resources documented, there are simply too many resources to search through by hand unless you know exactly what you want. This voids the possibility of serendipitous discovery. So, we have added a generally fuzzy search tool to help discover datasets.

Say you want to find what resources there are for daily rainfall? search and search_summary can help:

opendap.catalog::search("daily precipitation") |> 
  opendap.catalog::search_summary() |> 
# (s = opendap.catalog::search('gridmet daily precipitation'))

Pass catalog elements to the generalized toolsets:

Now that you know the precipitation product you want, lets say we want to look at precipitation in Benton County in April 2022:

(s = opendap.catalog::search('gridmet daily precipitation'))

(OR_rain = opendap.catalog::dap(catalog = s, 
             AOI = AOI::aoi_get(state = "OR"), 
             startDate = "2022-04-01",
             endDate   = "2022-09-30"))

  plot(sum(OR_rain[[1]]) * 0.001, 
       main = "Meters of rainfall: Oregon April 2022")

Tiled data streams

One of the key features of dap is the capacity to make requests over tiled resources. Some resources (like MODIS) are tiled in space, and some (like MACA, and LOCA) are tiled in time. Below we see an example of how a single dap call can consolidate a request that covers multiple spatial tiles:

(s = opendap.catalog::search('mod16a2v006 PET'))
dap = dap(
    catalog = s,
    AOI = AOI::aoi_get(state = "OR", county = "Benton"),
    startDate = "2010-01-01",
    endDate   = "2010-01-31"


Zonal analysis

#| eval: false Often out goal when acquiring spatial dat is producing area-based summaries, particularly for watershed analyses.

zonal is a package that wraps the excellent exactextractr package with some added performance and convenience for these types of tasks.

To use zonal, you must supply:

  1. a raster dataset (SpatRaster)
  2. a geometry set to summarize over
  3. a summary function (similar to nwmTools::aggregate_*)
  4. The column with a unique identifier for each polygon object, and whether the summary data should be joined (join = TRUE) to the original summary data.


Often getting spatial data is not the end goal and in many cases producing area based summaries is critical.

zonal is a package that wraps the excellent exactextractr package with some added performance and convenience for these types of tasks. To use zonal, you must supply a raster dataset (SpatRaster), a geometry set to summarize over, and a summary functions (similar to nwmTools::aggregate_*). Lastly, you must provide the column with a unique identifier for each polygon object, and whether the summary data should be joined (join = TRUE) to the original summary data.

# remotes::install_github("NOAA-OWP/zonal")

# Summary options

Basic Use

OR_counties <- AOI::aoi_get(state = "OR", county = "all")
summary_data = execute_zonal(OR_rain, 
                             geom = OR_counties, 
                             fun = "sum", 
                             ID = "fip_code", 
                             join = TRUE)
plot(summary_data[grepl("sum", names(summary_data))], border = NA,
     max.plot = 20)

Web data without a “service”

Often the needed data is not delivered by a service or function. This does not mean we are out of luck, but rather that we have to do a little of the “heavy lifting” ourselves. This final section highlights how to vector and raster data from a URL using the http/https and s3 protocols.

These approaches are advantageous when you don’t want to download data locally for analysis.

Access Raster Data

GDAL provides a number of Virtual File System drivers to read compressed and network data.

Three of the most useful for common spatial data tasks include:

  • vsizip –> file handler that allows reading ZIP archives on-the-fly without decompressing them beforehand.

  • vsicurl –> A generic file system handler exists for online resources that do not require particular signed authentication schemes

  • vsis3 –> specialized into sub-filesystems for commercial cloud storage services (e.g. AWS, also see /vsigs/, /vsiaz/, /vsioss/ or /vsiswift/).

Basic Usgage

Duke store VRT files for the POLARIS soils dataset. terra can generate pointers to these datasets - however data is not extracted until an operation is called on the data. As seen above dap provides simplified access to extract subsets of data for OpenDap and VRT endpoints.

class       : SpatRaster 
dimensions  : 97200, 212400, 1  (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
resolution  : 0.0002777778, 0.0002777778  (x, y)
extent      : -125, -66, 23, 50  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
coord. ref. : lon/lat WGS 84 (EPSG:4326) 
source      : alpha_mean_0_5.vrt 
name        : alpha_mean_0_5 
opendap.catalog::dap('/vsicurl/', AOI = AOI::aoi_get(state = "OR", county = "Benton")) |> 

Transect example

Here is an example where a global elevation dataset can quickly be used in conjunction with the NLDI client to plot the elevation transect of a the Calapooyia River near here:

d = dataRetrieval::findNLDI(loc = geocode("Pioneer Park Brownsville, Oregon", pt = TRUE),
             nav = "UM", 
             find = c("flowlines", "basin")) 

COP30 = opendap.catalog::dap("/vsicurl/", 
            AOI = d$basin)

transect = terra::extract(COP30, terra::vect(sf::st_union(d$UM_flowlines))) |> 
  dplyr::mutate(location = c(n():1))

ggplot2::ggplot(transect, aes(x = location, y = COP30_hh)) +
    geom_line() +
`geom_smooth()` using method = 'gam' and formula = 'y ~ s(x, bs = "cs")'

Access Vector Data

Basic Usgage: TIGER lines Since the base data reader of sf is GDAL the vsi capabilities also apply to vector data! Note that the tigris and tidycensus packages are the recommended way to access US Census data, this is simply by way of example. The added challenge typically is that vector data (especially shapefile data) is generally stored in zip files. This adds an extra layer of complexity when remotely reading these datasets.

In this example we look at the US Census Bureaus FTP server for TIGER road lines. The data is stored by by 5 digit (county) FIP code in zip files. To access this data we need to identify the FIP code of interest and then chain a vsizip with a vsicurl call.

AOI  = AOI::aoi_get(state = "OR", county = "Benton")
file = paste0('tl_2021_',AOI$fip_code, '_roads')
url  = paste0('/vsizip/{/vsicurl/', file, '.zip}/',file,'.shp')

  roads  = sf::read_sf(url)

For those curious about the generalization of this, we can see that any GDAL backed software (here terra) can utilize the same URL:

  roads2 = terra::vect(url)


Use Cases

Hydro Addressing

Finding where along a river system some spatial data lies is a key use case for many modeling and analysis tasks. A full discussion is available in the nhdplusTools indexing and referencing vignette.

We need two inputs. Lines to index to and points that we want addresses for. With these inputs, nhdplusTools (and soon hydroloom) supports generation of hydro addresses with get_flowline_index().

The example below is as simple as possible. get_flowline_index() has a number of other capabilities, such as increased address precision and the ability to return multiple nearby addresses, that can be found in the function documentation.

source(system.file("extdata/new_hope_data.R", package = "nhdplusTools"))

fline <- sf::st_transform(sf::st_cast(new_hope_flowline, "LINESTRING"), 4326)

point <- sf::st_sfc(sf::st_point(c(-78.97, 35.916)),
                    crs = 4326)

(address <- nhdplusTools::get_flowline_index(fline, point))
  id   COMID      REACHCODE REACH_meas       offset
1  1 8894158 03030002000064    58.0596 0.0002283261
plot(sf::st_geometry(fline[fline$COMID %in% address$COMID,]))+
  plot(point, add = TRUE)


A natural next step once we’ve found a hydro address is to search upstream or downstream from the location we found. nhdplusTools and soon hydroloom offer a few upstream / downstream search functions. Here we’ll show a couple from nhdplusTools.

up <- nhdplusTools::get_UT(fline, address$COMID)
um <- nhdplusTools::get_UM(fline, address$COMID)
dn <- nhdplusTools::get_DD(fline, address$COMID)
dm <- nhdplusTools::get_DM(fline, address$COMID)

plot(sf::st_geometry(fline), col = "grey", lwd = 0.5)
plot(sf::st_geometry(fline[fline$COMID %in% c(up, dn),]),
     add = TRUE)
plot(sf::st_geometry(fline[fline$COMID %in% c(um, dm),]),
     col = "blue", lwd = 2, add = TRUE)
plot(point, cex = 2, lwd = 2, add = TRUE)

The ability to navigate up or down a mainstem rather than all connected tributaries and diversions, requires some attributes that identify primary up and downstream paths. Without those paths, navigation is still possible but the “main” path navigation method is not. Below, a new function available in hydroloom, navigate_network_dfs() is shown.

# remotes::install_github("DOI-USGS/nhdplusTools@2cb81da")
#| warning: false
net <- hydroloom::add_toids(sf::st_drop_geometry(fline), 
                            return_dendritic = FALSE)

up <- hydroloom::navigate_network_dfs(net, address$COMID, direction = "up")
dn <- hydroloom::navigate_network_dfs(net, address$COMID, direction = "dn")

plot(sf::st_geometry(fline), col = "grey", lwd = 0.5)
plot(sf::st_geometry(fline[fline$COMID %in% c(unlist(up), unlist(dn)),]),
     add = TRUE)
plot(point, cex = 2, lwd = 2, add = TRUE)

BONUS Use Case

Going forward, linear referencing with the predecessor to the NHD will be to a “mainstem” identifier. A “mainstem id” is a Uniform Resource Identifier that works like a Digital Object Identifier. e.g. is the Calapooia River.

If we know the uri ahead of time, we could look it up like this:

calapooia <- sf::read_sf("")
 [1] "id"                           "name_at_outlet"              
 [3] "outlet_drainagearea_sqkm"     "new_mainstemid"              
 [5] "name_at_outlet_gnis_id"       "head_rf1id"                  
 [7] "head_nhdpv2_comid"            "outlet_rf1id"                
 [9] "fid"                          "outlet_nhdpv2_comid"         
[11] "head_nhdpv1_comid"            "uri"                         
[13] "head_nhdpv2huc12"             "outlet_nhdpv1_comid"         
[15] "featuretype"                  "outlet_nhdpv2huc12"          
[17] "head_2020huc12"               "downstream_mainstem_id"      
[19] "lengthkm"                     "outlet_2020huc12"            
[21] "encompassing_mainstem_basins" "superseded"                  
[23] "geometry"                    

In the future, any data along the Calapooia would just link to that URI and we would know that it is supposed to be linked to that river.

If we don’t know what river our data is on, we can find the URI from a lookup table. The mainstem system is brand new. Over time, mainstem lookup tables will become more ubiquitous. Stay tuned!!

point <- sf::st_sfc(sf::st_point(c(-123.149, 44.565)),
                    crs = 4326)
comid <- nhdplusTools::discover_nhdplus_id(point)
mainstem_lookup <- readr::read_csv("")
Rows: 746277 Columns: 2
── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Delimiter: ","
chr (1): uri
dbl (1): comid

ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
mainstem_lookup$uri[mainstem_lookup$comid == comid]
[1] ""

Catchment Characteristics and Accumulation

nhdplusTools (only in the latest hydroloom branch) and StreamCatTools can be used to retrieve a wide range of catchment characteristics. See the StremCatTools Vignette for further details and examples.

# remotes::install_github("USEPA/StreamCatTools")
cat <- sf::st_transform(new_hope_catchment, 4326)

streamcat_chars <- StreamCatTools::sc_get_params(param='name')

nawqa_chars <- nhdplusTools::get_characteristics_metadata()

[1] "Mean Imperviousness 2016"
nawqa_chars$description[nawqa_chars$ID == "CAT_TWI"]
[1] "Topographic wetness index, ln(a/S); where ln is the natural log, a is the upslope area per unit contour length and S is the slope at that point.  See and Wolock and McCabe, 1995 for more detail"
twi <- nhdplusTools::get_catchment_characteristics("CAT_TWI", cat$FEATUREID)

twi <- dplyr::rename(twi, CAT_TWI = "characteristic_value")

imp <- StreamCatTools::sc_get_data("pctimp2016", 'catchment', cat$FEATUREID)

cat <- dplyr::left_join(cat, imp, by = c("FEATUREID" = "COMID")) 
  # dplyr::left_join(twi, by = c("FEATUREID" = "comid"))

# plot(cat['CAT_TWI'])

With the two catalogs of characteristics above, we have access to nearly any characteristic imaginable and both even offer downstream accumulations of the variables. However, sometimes it is necessary to sample and accumulate data not already available. nhdplusTools supports accumulating drainage area and length and hydroloom, going forward, supports downstream accumulation more generically. Here, we’ll just use one of the examples pulled above to illustrate how this works.

accum_df <- sf::st_drop_geometry(fline) |>
  dplyr::select(COMID, FromNode, ToNode, Divergence, AreaSqKM) |>
  hydroloom::add_toids() |>
  dplyr::left_join(dplyr::select(cat, -AreaSqKM), by = c("COMID" = "FEATUREID")) |>
  sf::st_sf() |>
  dplyr::mutate(area_weighted_PCTIMP2016CAT = 
           ifelse( & AreaSqKM == 0, 
                  yes = 0, no = AreaSqKM * PCTIMP2016CAT))

accum_df <- accum_df |>
  dplyr::mutate(tot_PCTIMP2016CAT = 
           hydroloom::accumulate_downstream(accum_df, "area_weighted_PCTIMP2016CAT") / 
           hydroloom::accumulate_downstream(accum_df, "AreaSqKM"))



R and Python Interoperability

We can usReticulate to inter-operate easily between R and Python within RStudio and share objects between languages

# reticulate::install_miniconda()
# create a new environment conda environment 
# conda_create("r-reticulate")

# install NumPy and SciPy
# conda_install("r-reticulate", "scipy")
# conda_install("r-reticulate", "numpy")
# conda_install("r-reticulate", "pandas")
# indicate that we want to use a specific condaenv
np <- import("numpy")
[1] "1.24.3"

Simple examples from reticulate - calling Python:

Import a module and call a function from Python:

os <- import("os")
 [1] ".git"                            ".gitignore"                     
 [3] ".ipynb_checkpoints"              ".Rhistory"                      
 [5] ".Rproj.user"                     "3dep.ipynb"                     
 [7] "cache"                           "classification.ipynb"           
 [9] "Dam_Impact.html"                 "Dam_Impact.ipynb"               
[11] "Dam_Impact.Rmd"                  "dap.RData"                      
[13] "environment.yml"                 "ICRW8_Geospatial_Workshop.Rproj"
[15] "img"                             "OR_rain.RData"                  
[17] "OSM_Trails.html"                 "OSM_Trails.Rmd"                 
[19] "prism.RData"                     ""                      
[21] "Relative_Elevation_Model.ipynb"  "roads.RData"                    
[23] "Slides.html"                     "Slides.ipynb"                   
[25] "Slides.qmd"                      "Slides.rmarkdown"               
[27] "Slides_files"                    "Untitled.ipynb"                 

Object conversion - When Python objects are returned to R they are converted to R objects by default - but you can deal in native Python types by choosing convert=FALSE in the import function

# import numpy and specify no automatic Python to R conversion
np <- import("numpy", convert = FALSE)

# do some array manipulations with NumPy
a <- np$array(c(1:4))
print (a)
array([1, 2, 3, 4])
sum <- a$cumsum()

# convert to R explicitly at the end
print (py_to_r(a))
[1] 1 2 3 4
[1]  1  3  6 10

Passing Dataframes between Python and R:

pd <- import("pandas")
penguins <- pd$read_csv("")
Rows: 344
Columns: 8
$ `Unnamed: 0`      <dbl> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 1…
$ species           <chr> "Adelie", "Adelie", "Adelie", "Adelie", "Adelie", "A…
$ island            <chr> "Torgersen", "Torgersen", "Torgersen", "Torgersen", …
$ bill_length_mm    <dbl> 39.1, 39.5, 40.3, NaN, 36.7, 39.3, 38.9, 39.2, 34.1,…
$ bill_depth_mm     <dbl> 18.7, 17.4, 18.0, NaN, 19.3, 20.6, 17.8, 19.6, 18.1,…
$ flipper_length_mm <dbl> 181, 186, 195, NaN, 193, 190, 181, 195, 193, 190, 18…
$ body_mass_g       <dbl> 3750, 3800, 3250, NaN, 3450, 3650, 3625, 4675, 3475,…
$ sex               <list> "male", "female", "female", NaN, "female", "male", …

Or like this:

import pandas as pd
penguins =pd.read_csv("")
   Unnamed: 0 species     island  ...  flipper_length_mm  body_mass_g     sex
0           1  Adelie  Torgersen  ...              181.0       3750.0    male
1           2  Adelie  Torgersen  ...              186.0       3800.0  female
2           3  Adelie  Torgersen  ...              195.0       3250.0  female
3           4  Adelie  Torgersen  ...                NaN          NaN     NaN
4           5  Adelie  Torgersen  ...              193.0       3450.0  female

[5 rows x 8 columns]

Call Python from R:

penguins <- py$penguins
Rows: 344
Columns: 8
$ `Unnamed: 0`      <dbl> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 1…
$ species           <chr> "Adelie", "Adelie", "Adelie", "Adelie", "Adelie", "A…
$ island            <chr> "Torgersen", "Torgersen", "Torgersen", "Torgersen", …
$ bill_length_mm    <dbl> 39.1, 39.5, 40.3, NaN, 36.7, 39.3, 38.9, 39.2, 34.1,…
$ bill_depth_mm     <dbl> 18.7, 17.4, 18.0, NaN, 19.3, 20.6, 17.8, 19.6, 18.1,…
$ flipper_length_mm <dbl> 181, 186, 195, NaN, 193, 190, 181, 195, 193, 190, 18…
$ body_mass_g       <dbl> 3750, 3800, 3250, NaN, 3450, 3650, 3625, 4675, 3475,…
$ sex               <list> "male", "female", "female", NaN, "female", "male", …

Call R from Python:

iris <- iris |> 
  dplyr::filter(Petal.Length > 3)
   Sepal.Length  Sepal.Width  Petal.Length  Petal.Width     Species
0           7.0          3.2           4.7          1.4  versicolor
1           6.4          3.2           4.5          1.5  versicolor
2           6.9          3.1           4.9          1.5  versicolor
3           5.5          2.3           4.0          1.3  versicolor
4           6.5          2.8           4.6          1.5  versicolor





  • Datashader: Accurately render even the largest data
  • GeoPandas
  • HyRiver: a suite of Python packages that provides a unified API for retrieving geospatial/temporal data from various web services
  • Python Foundation for Spatial Analysis
  • Python for Geographic Data Analysis
  • gdptools A Python package for grid- or polygon-polygon area-weighted interpolation statistics
  • Intro to Python GIS
  • xarray: An open-source project and Python package that makes working with labeled multi-dimensional arrays simple, efficient, and fun!
  • rioxarray: Rasterio xarray extension.
  • GeoPandas: An open-source project to make working with geospatial data in python easier.
  • OSMnx: A Python package that lets you download and analyze geospatial data from OpenStreetMap.
  • Xarray Spatial: Implements common raster analysis functions using numba and provides an easy-to-install, easy-to-extend codebase for raster analysis.